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[PRP] Hunting Expedition (Elea/Haja/Machafuko) - [Finite]

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Tipsy Senshi

PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 12:00 pm
It was early afternoon when the hunting party set out, ready for a day's work. Hunting party may not have been the most apt of words in this case, however. The party consisted of two lionesses, and their avian companions. Now, normally two lionesses could have no trouble taking down a fair amount of prey. These particular lionesses, on the other hand, made things a bit more complicated.

One was wounded, the product of the earthquake that had only days ago, shook the land. The other was in good physical condition, but chatty enough to drive even the most patient soul insane.

"Look at that tree, Elea!! That's a huge tree, and it was ripped right out of the ground! Roots and all!!"

Yes, this was bound to be one interesting trip.

Elea was taking a more serious approach to the situation, or at least trying to. But with Haja chatting away so carelessly, Elea couldn't help but get distracted just a little. There was a small smile on her face, as if she was indulging the other by at least showing a little interest. "The earthquake must have uprooted it," she replied casually, even though the scene provoked thoughts that clearly weren't casual. The earthquake that had uprooted the tree had also uprooted Elea's life. Her leg was injured, and though everyone reassured her that it would heal and that she would be as great a huntress as she had been before the earthquake, she had her doubts.

Her leg ached with pain... or perhaps it was remembered pain? Elea could not figure it out, but ever since the leg had been injured, it had continuously throbbed with pain. But, it wasn't like she was going to just let anyone know that she was hurting. Elea was strong, a fierce huntress, destined to be head huntress if her leg would heal. So, she put on a brave face around her peers, reassured everyone with a smile that she was well and that she would be back on her feet in no time. Perhaps that was the reason she was sent on this hunting trip.

"But, really, we shouldn't be looking at trees. We should be looking for a meal." Her eyes scanned the horizon, and even now she could see a small herd of some hooved animal scrounging around for food. They would soon move on, though, because this land, so terrorized from the earthquake, had a hard time supplying food for the living. Vultures roamed the sky, preying on the dead or even the dying. It wasn't a pleasant place, and any herd that came here would soon move on.

She glanced up to the sky to see Nadra flying low in the air just above her, and somehow that reassured her that everything was going to be all right.

Haja had been about to remark about another tree, this one split in half, when Elea spoke. Haja felt sobered by her words, and for a moment, was silent. She too gazed up to the sky, where Maboya flew near Nadra. The fish eagle kept an eye out for vultures, making sure none got to close to the small party.

Though Haja's mouth was silent, her brain was not, and her thoughts swirled through her head like a flood of waves pounding at her skull. She too was ill at ease about being in this land. The vultures made her nervous, and if one was really quiet, the land almost sounded as if it was crying. The land would rebuild itself, of course, as life would go on. But for now, an eerie calm was settled over the land. Haja couldn't help but equate it to the eye within a storm. She wondered if something else was going to happen. So, to cover the gloom and the quiet, Haja did what she always had. She filled the silence.

"Ooh! I see some wildebeest over the hill! Do you think we could make it over there in time to catch a few?"

Haja was torn. She wasn't the best hunter while on land, as her thoughts tended to wander. And with Elea's injury, would they be able to catch enough for the group? She refused to comment on her companion's foot, however. If Elea could be silent and carry on, Haja would not stand in her way.

Nadra too was anxiously looking through the skies for vultures, because though she was one, she and her companions were not safe from them. Her kin vultures would leave her unharmed, but there were those that would gladly attack her. Even with a feast upon the land for all scavengers, fights broke out, and the vultures controlling the skies were something to be feared. The white-backed vulture lowered herself a little, being careful not to extend to such a height where she could easily be seen.

"Hmm, I believe we can make it there in time. They might have managed to find a patch of green, so they won't be anxious to leave it..." her voice drifted off, and her brow was creased with concern. "I'm worried, though. The herds will move on, and what will we eat then?" She shook her head, smiling ruefully. "Don't answer that. It shouldn't be answered. Anyways, we should be able to make it there - let's stay behind the hill so they can't see us."

Along with skill and talent, a great huntress had to be smart, and Elea was that. She knew how to stalk prey, she knew to stay downwind and out of sight. She had memorized every hunting formation the pride used, and she knew their advantages and their disadvantages. Of course, her knowledge was all that she had now that her leg was banged up. Deep down Elea even had to admit that the reason they were moving so slow was not because of Haja and her distractions, but because Elea couldn't move much faster. She was glad that Haja had enough sense to not comment on it, or to even bring up the issue of her leg. Elea wanted desperately to not have to think about it.

Haja nodded, a sober expression on her usually cheerful maw. Her eyes, though, glimmered with a fierce dedication and optimism. Yes, the situation was grim, but they would make the best of it! It was her calm in times of strife and her unyielding optimism that tended to endear Haja to those who might find her incessant chatter less than charming.

"Whatever happens, we'll work through it," she said simply. She smiled at Elea and continued on their walk. The herd was still a few miles off. She was itching to chatter, so she spoke quietly, and somewhat tentatively.

So..... What do you think will happen to the pride? Do you think the others are okay? I hope everyone is alright. And what do you think about those rogues? That Msiba seems nice enough, but I'm not too sure about his sister. Ooh, look at that rock!! It's split down the center! A rock!!"

Yes, she was helpless. But at least it helped to take her mind off the earthquake and all the uncertainty. Above, Maboya shook his head and rolled his eyes lightly. He was used to this.

Somehow Haja's optimism was rubbing off on Elea, and she felt her confidence grow. Maybe they could catch something. Of course, Elea shouldn't try to run too far, so Haja would have to herd one of the animals to her jaws. That would be difficult still, though, because Haja couldn't let the herd slip in a different direction, or Elea would never be able to catch one. Also, if Elea's leg screwed up, even at close range it would be hard to latch on to a wildebeest. Even so... it was worth a try, and there was still some hope that they would be able to catch something, and that Elea would finally become a huntress again.

"Yes, we will," she replied, a smile gracing her otherwise solemn face. Hmm, it was really strange how Haja managed to cheer her up, even when Nadra was facing difficulties. But, she was sure the vulture appreciated the help. Elea was a bore when she was moody.

Of course, she couldn't help but give an involuntary twitch at all the questions that were posed to her. "Umm... I think the pride will be all right. We're all very strong. You're right, Msiba does seem very nice, and I certainly don't mind the rogues all that much. Uhh... cool?" It was easy to say that Elea wasn't a skilled conversationalist, and the lioness could swear that she could hear Nadra snickering to herself even from the distance between them.

"But... uhh, we're going to have to break off soon. Our best chances are if you herd a weak animal to me, since I can't run very well." Oh, and how she hated to admit that little bit of weakness. "I should be able to catch it if it comes close enough." She was making it seem likely that they would catch something, though all of the odds were against them. How much of a chance did they stand against a wildebeest? Elea wasn't sure.

Haja nodded as Elea listed off her opinions, nodding at each, her expression one of intent listening. That was another good quality of Haja's. She was a good listener, as she didn't want to miss anything that might be important. Of course, many were careful with their words around the talkative lioness, not wanting every word they say spread around the savanna like a wildfire. If Haja noticed this, she didn't seem to mind.

"I suppose it is beneficial if they help hunt for the group. We certainly have a fair amount of mouths to feed."

Somehow, that train of thought managed to arrive her at the right station, and Haja got back on track.

"Yes, you're right. I'll go around to the other side as quietly as I can, and see if I can herd one in your direction. Hopefully one will have been injured by the quake and will be easy to catch."

Well, she didn't have much in the way of tact, but at least she didn't patronize. If she noticed the blundering irony of her words, she didn't make any sign, but instead got quiet and stealthy, her gaze intent on the small group of wildebeest ahead of them. Above, Maboya snickered softly and flew lower, not wanting to attract the prey's attention to the approaching party.
PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 12:33 pm
"Yes, even with the pride broken up as it is, we do have a lot of members here that need some food. A lot of them are injured, too... It's just difficult to get much done after this disaster." Of course, Elea could easily be counted among one of the injured. Their queen was hurt worse, but even so, Elea wasn't perfectly able. Her leg was hindering her, and as much as she liked to deny it, it was true. There was no way that she could completely hide the limp in her step, but others could attribute that to Elea not wanting to use the leg so much, in case she worsened its condition.

"All right, I'll see you in a bit." She couldn't hide the wince she made when Haja mentioned how much easier it would be to catch an injured wildebeest, because it brought Elea back to the fact that she was injured herself, and was likely more of a hindrance than any help. She knew what to do, but Elea wasn't confident that she could do it. But, she would try... and she would prove that she could hunt, that she would come out of this and be a huntress. She was too determined to let something like an injured leg get in her way, and so when Haja began to enter her hunting mode, Elea followed suit. The lioness lowered herself into the grass, and slowly crept forward, looking for a point where she could see the herd, but not be smelled or seen by the herd.

Nadra glided down from the air, and decided that it was best to stay on the ground. If she stayed still, the wildebeest would not see her, and she doubted they would do anything if she was seen. Vultures surely were common sights nowadays, with so many dead laying around. It was a pity that the vultures were ruling the skies and the dead, because scavenging would be a whole lot easier than chasing something down and catching it.

Haja watched as Elea slunk off to prepare for the chase. She couldn't help feel a burst of admiration at how the younger lioness managed to be graceful despite her injury. It took true strength and courage to be able to push something like that out of your mind.

But now wasn't the time or place to wax poetic. It was time to hunt, and even the spacey Haja could be focused when she needed to. She preferred hunting in the water, truly, as catching fish was not only challenging, but fun. Hunting on land, especially for larger prey, was both dangerous and daunting. She would do her duty to their group, however, and do her best to catch a large meal.

Keeping low to the ground, Haja quietly and slowly slid around to the other side of the small herd. Luck wasn&t much in their favor this time, as the dozen or so wildebeest were all at prime age. There didn't seem to be any injured either, as those hurt by the quake had likely already been picked off. So Haja was met with a skittish, cautious group of young, strong wildebeest. It would be difficult to single one out.

Ah, but there! An opening. One of the bucks had moved a few yards away from the others. Most likely a scout, he paused to graze on the sparse grass. He would be a tough one to catch, but seemed to be the best choice.

Powerful muscles surging, Haja sprang out of the grass and lunged toward the male. The others, having heard and smelled her, quickly retreated out of range. The lone male startled and began to run. Haja bellowed with triumph, as he was running toward where Elea should be hiding. Things looked like they'd be a success!

A loud sound startled Haja suddenly, causing her to trip. Her paws skid on the grass as she looked up and around her for the source of the sound. A nearby rock formation seemed the likely source, a boulder having slid from its niche to slam into the ground.

Haja feverishly scanned the horizon for the male wildebeest, stinging with anger for letting herself be distracted. THERE! Haja's chest heaved as she saw the male had diverted off course. He was still heading toward where Elea hid, but had turned and was running several yards to the right of the intended goal. An uninjured lion would find that distance hard to cover. What chance did an injured one have?

Haja would never be able to catch up now. She took off running and waited to see what would happen.

Through the grass she watched how Haja had singled out a wildebeest that was a little bit away from the herd. That was a good choice, but the creature looked just as strong as the others. It was best to go for the weakest one, because even if this wildebeest was separated from the group, he was strong, and Elea was not at her best. It would be trouble to take him down, but with Haja at her side, she considered their chances passable. She heard more than saw that the chase had begun. Hooves pounded harshly against the ground as the wildebeest ran for safety. Luckily the herd wasn't headed towards Elea, and if Elea lifted her head just slightly, she could see that Haja was on the wildebeest's tail.

Good, it was heading right for her. So far, everything was going according to plan. At least, everything had been going according to plan until Haja suddenly tripped. Elea did not know the cause of Haja's error (she was so focused on the hunt that she didn't hear the sound of the falling boulder - her mind was locked on to the hunt, and nothing could distract it). Softly she cursed to herself, and a few of her choice words would've caused her mother's ears to burn off with shame.

Haja was too far behind the wildebeest now. The creature was making his own decisions, instead of Haja making them for him. He still hadn't seen Elea hidden in the grass, so he continued to run towards her. But he was drifting too far, and Elea would have to make a sprint to be able to catch up to him. She doubted she had the speed required to get to the wildebeest, but they had already put effort into this hunt, and Elea was not going to let that effort become wasted. She forgot completely about her injury as her eyes became trained on the wildebeest, her mind made up to continue with the effort.

She would take it down, because she was the best huntress out there. This wildebeest stood no chance against her! She was young and strong, and she had taken down many beasts his size before. The odds were in his favor, but Elea had beaten the odds more than once, and she would do it again. She crouched lower to the ground, muscles tensing in preparation for the spring that would send her chasing after the wildebeest. The creature came closer and closer... and just as he was passing her, she sprang from her cover.

The lioness started off at a run that seemed to defy her injury. But each leap she took jogged the injured leg, and pain shot up hurtfully through the limb. A permanent grimace marred her face as she chased after the wildebeest. But already it was clear she was slower, and the wildebeest was slipping away from her. She pushed, and pushed, but couldn't close the distance. But, Elea didn't stop trying... because if she did it would mean that she was no longer a huntress. She had to win this time! She couldn't let herself lose!

She was startled out of that mindset as her injured leg suddenly gave out, and she heard and unpleasant cracking noise as she tumbled to the ground. The wildebeest ran off to safety as Elea layed there, panting heavily, trying to keep herself from whimpering from the pain. It had been stupid to push herself, but she had to do it... she couldn't just sit at the sidelines. But now the pain was enough to bring tears to her eyes, and no matter how hard she tried to keep it from her face, it showed. She was hurting, but she would be cursed to admit it.

"Elea!" Nadra glided down to land beside her bonded lioness, and looked down with concern upon her. Deep down she knew the physical pain was much less than the emotional pain that the hunt had caused Elea. She watched in pity as Elea turned her head away from her, stubbornly not allowing anyone to see her pain. The lioness was quick to get back onto her feet, carefully not putting any amount of pressure on her leg.

Nadra wanted to talk about it, but that discussion would be for a time that was more private.

Haja watched with mounting horror as Elea desperately tried to catch the wildebeest. She knew, just knew that the younger lioness was pushing herself past her limits, and there was nothing Haja could do to stop her. Both Maboya and Haja cried out as they watched Elea fall to the ground.

Damn, Damn, DAMN, Haja repeated to herself furiously, tears welling up in her eyes. This was her fault. All her fault! If she hadn't been so easily distracted, the wildebeest would have been in Elea's range. Hell, for that matter, were Haja any sort of huntress at all, she would have taken the male down herself, and let Elea rest, like she should be.

Thoughts swirled through her head like an angry swarm of bees. All she wanted to do was dig a hole in the ground and hide. How could she face her friend now?! But she couldn't just leave her there. So she ran as fast as she could to where Elea stood.

Face flushed with shame, she hung her head.

"I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry!" she choked out, not able to look Elea in the eyes. Maboya landed lightly on her shoulder, talons digging in carefully. The weight helped console her. She didn't deserve it, though.

And yet, she knew Elea would hate the pity and that blubbering on and on would do no good for either of them. So she slowly lifted her gaze to the other lioness's face and slowed her breath.

"Are... are you able to walk?" she managed to croak out somewhat shakily. Her eyes showed all of the shame she felt, but she tried her hardest to keep it from her voice.

Elea was glad that she was able to get to her feet before Haja had arrived on the scene, because she could feel the other's guilt oozing out of her pores, and if Elea had been down, the guilt probably would have been worse. Elea didn't want Haja to be going through that, because it really wasn't her fault. It had all been Elea's decision to hunt, Elea's decision to chase after the wildebeest even though it was out of her range. Haja hadn't forced her into it, and though Haja had made a mistake, the mistake wasn't forcing Elea to take action. Elea forced Elea to take action.

"It's not your fault," she replied in a carefully trained and steady voice. Elea was trying her hardest to keep the pain out of her expression and out of her voice. She had been hiding it since she had been hurt, and she would continue to do so. She forced a brave look onto her face, and turned her head to look at Haja with a reassuring smile. "I'm fine. Don't worry about me. I tripped over a rock. That's all." The lie wasn't clear in her voice, but by how she was subtly shaking... it wasn't a rock that had done her in, but her own weakness caused by her injured leg.

Elea personally hated seeing the shame in Haja's eyes. She hated it that Haja was trying to take all of the blame when she deserved none of it. Elea was fine. She told herself that she was fine, and so she was. The pain in her leg would eventually dull back to its norm, and she could certainly still move around without difficulty. "I can walk," to prove this, she limped her way closer to Haja.

"I suppose I won't be able to... ah... hunt again today. I'm tired." She was going to use every excuse but the fact that her leg hurt. Elea wasn't the type of lioness to put the blame on something. If she failed, it was her fault, and not because she was feeling ill that day, or got a thorn stuck in her paw. There would be no excuses. Besides, she really was tired. That run had taken a lot out of her, and the disgrace of not catching the wildebeest and even falling tired her.

"We should probably begin to head back," Elea said softly. She glanced over her shoulder to see Nadra hopping up to her side. The lioness knew that something was on the bird's mind, but she also knew that Nadra would say nothing while Haja and Maboya were here. Perhaps that was why Elea was sticking so close to the two. The conversation that was on the tip of Nadra's beak was one that Elea wanted to avoid at all cost.

"Let's go," she said softly, and began to limp in the other direction.

Haja could read Elea rather easily at the moment. She knew that no rock had tripped her, but it was the injury, the injury that was now much worse than it had been. Elea clearly wasn't up for discussing it, however. Haja knew that feeling as well as anyone, so she decided not to press. She hated the idea of going back to the group empty handed, but knew Elea felt much worse about it. Besides, Haja wasn't strong enough to take anything large down by herself, and Elea certainly could do no more for now.

Dear Gods, what if she's permanently crippled now?! I'll never be able to look her in the eyes again!

Panic welled up, almost seizing her, when Maboya's sharp talons in her shoulder pulled her back to the ground. There was no use in panicking or worrying. It wouldn't help Elea or the group. It would do nothing but make Haja herself sick. So with a heavy heart and mind, Haja followed Elea, moving slowly, not to match pace with the other lioness, but because she was wrapped up in her own thoughts.

Maboya began to speak, but a slight head shake from Haja stilled his voice. For now there was quiet.


Tipsy Senshi

Light Atago

Lupine Loiterer

PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 3:25 pm
"Machafuko! You're unbelieveable! I just-"

"Oh, shut up Mtalia!" Machafuko yelled back at the very scraggly, unkempt lammergeier. Sometimes he liked his bonded, but there were times that she just-- UGH.

"Machafuko." Mtalia began again in a nagging tone, her already-odd-looking face contorting to make her look even weirder, though the expression was one of anger. "You need to be hunting, you know, so that people like you?" She said more quietly.

Mach gave his body a shake, stirring the bird from her perch. It was very much a love-hate relationship.

"Fine, have it your way," the lammergeier said sarcastically. "When there's no more food, don't come crying to me!" And then there was weight back on his neck, where the mane trailed off, right in-between his shoulder blades. (She did have sharp talons, the mane offered a less jostled ride for her and less pain for him.)

Machafuko had been sitting in the shade, too lazy to plop himself to the ground, but he had been dozing off before Mtalia started her rant. He was supposed to be hunting, sure! But he could come up with a dozen reasons why he shouldn't be the one out here. First, he'd get all hot, second, he was a noisy, poor hunter; he'd only scare away prey! Third, well, he just didn't want to. What better reason?

So for now, the male sat beneath a tree, quite a way away from the rest of the group, half-asleep. Mtalia had decided that, for now, he was a lost cause, and with the sudden quiet, Mach was able to start to sleep. He was directly along the way back to the pride, and little did he know that the two huntresses were coming right his way. Not to mention... he wasn't exactly blending in. It would be impossible not to spot him.
PostPosted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 9:00 am
Elea seemed lost in her own thoughts, and it didn't look as if she would be coming out of them any time soon. Nadra was once again in the air, hovering over Elea as if she were a blanket to protect and keep Elea safe. The vulture's concern ran deep for her bonded, because she had known the injury would be difficult to conquer, and if nothing else, Elea had just worsened it. Nadra had tried to persuade Elea not to hunt, but the lioness had been determined to prove to herself that she could still be a huntress. Nadra couldn't help but let Elea at least try. She knew Elea to be a smart lioness, and knew she would do nothing to hurt herself further. Apparently her assumptions, though, had been wrong. She hadn't realized how deep Elea's need to reassure herself that she was still a huntress ran. She didn't know that it would take over Elea's naturally smart and wise decisions. That need had been too great, and now the injured limb looked worse.

With Elea so lost within her dark, brooding thoughts, it was Nadra who first spotted Machafuko. Elea probably would have walked right passed the other lion, if not for Nadra. The vulture once again landed on the earth, and curiously eyed the lazy lion. What Elea needed right now was a distraction, and Nadra was thinking that Machafuko would be the perfect distraction. The vulture clicked her beak to get Elea's attention, and that was enough to snap the lioness out of whatever place she had gone to.

Elea turned her gaze to Nadra briefly, and then followed Nadra's look to Machafuko. The lioness had nothing against the male, but she had no particular interest in him. Except that... Ah, yes, she did remember right. "Aren't you supposed to be hunting?" Her voice was casual, not particularly cruel, not particularly friendly. It was just there, as if she was still distracted by her own thoughts, and only starting up conversation in order to appease Nadra. The vulture liked to butt in and try to take care of her a little too much. Elea did appreciate Nadra's concern, but she firmly believed that she had the ability to take care of herself. She didn't need to be babied by her bonded bird.


Tipsy Senshi

Basil Brett

PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 10:31 am
Haja too was deeply wound in her thoughts, and as such, nearly walked into Elea when she stopped. What an odd picture the two lionesses must have made. Walking very close to each other, yet they may as well have been miles apart. It was Maboya who aided in avoiding the collision by sinking his talons lightly into Haja's neck. The sudden burst of pain did its job and the lioness stopped quickly and looked up, a startled expression on her face.

She followed Elea's gaze to where Machafuko sat. She sighed to herself. She didn't much like the lion, for he was lazy and not in the least charming. It seemed his brother had had all the luck when they were born, for Msiba was good looking and charming, while his brother was less fortunate.

Her head snapped back to Elea when the lioness spoke, inquiring simply of the lion why he wasn't hunting as he was supposed to. For that matter, Haja wondered the same herself, so stood, eyebrows raised and waited for Machafuko's reply.
PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 11:19 am
Machafuko's eyes popped open at another's voice. He hadn't heard them coming at all! What poor luck, he would've at least attempted to try to look busy had he known they were coming at him. Lazy as he was, Mach knew that he wasn't exactly the most popular of the rogues. Mtalia gave a victorious click at the question while Mach's small brain grappled about for a good excuse. "I have been, but oh, I tried to catch someone. I really did, but they got away. So I tried once more, but then I got so tired that I came for a quick nap in the shade before trying once more." He explained, deciding that that was a pretty good excuse. Truthfully, he had no right to be tired after what the lionesses had just gone through.

Moving off of that subject as quickly as possible... "So, what are you two lovely ladies doing out here?" Mach said as he pushed some mane out of his face, trying to pull off the kind of charm he'd seen his brother do time and time again. Instead of a graceful movement of the head to remove the fur from his face, it turned out to be an overdone shake, that seemed more hyena-like than anything. He rose to his paws, memories of what his sister said suddenly flooding him. If I could find myself a girl, I'd be set for life! No hunting, just lazing. The good life. He only took a few pads forward, not even leaving the shade.

Light Atago

Lupine Loiterer


Tipsy Senshi

PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 11:32 am
Excuses. If there was nothing more irritating it was a lion who had to draw upon excuses in order to explain themselves. Elea likely would have been more satisfied with the answer 'I didn't feel like it', because at least that showed courage to confront one's problems. By making up excuses, Machafuko was proving himelf to be a coward, and cowards were lions that Elea had no respect for. She could feel her temper rising, and unbeknowest to her, Nadra was satisfied. As long as Elea was angry, she wouldn't think about her leg. So, even if this resulted in a minor conflict, it was better than having Elea sulk all day about the possible loss of her leg. "Why is it that I don't believe you? You look rather comfortable where you are, and I do not see any signs of you exerting yourself." Her lip curled into a distasteful snarl. "Don't lie to me," she advised, and she barely noticed when Nadra whacked her back leg with her wing in an attempt to reel in her opinionated bonded lioness.

"We, on the other hand, were actually hunting. Someone has to do the work for you freeloaders." If anything, commenting on her being 'lovely' made her more angry. The last thing she wanted to deal with was a chauvanistic pig. She wanted to return back to the pride and get some advice on how her leg was doing. Elea didn't want to be distracted by a lion who's goal in life seemed to be procreating and doing nothing else besides that.

"Perhaps Haja could take you out on a hunt, Machafuko. That way you could at least attempt to contribute to this pride." She knew that Haja was in fine shape, and that Machafuko was in fine shape as well. They had a better chance of taking down something then they would have if Elea was their partner. Elea wasn't intentionally trying to hoist Machafuko on Haja. What she intentionally was doing was trying to get Machafuko to do something, and also trying to bring back some food for the pride. If she failed, someone else would have to succeed. The pride did need to eat, and Mister Lay-about would have to work to ensure it.
PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 11:44 am
Haja had been about to reply with something along the lines of Elea's sentiments when Elea suggested that Machafuko should go hunting with her. She suppressed a horrified moan. This was like being a cub again, and having to choose sides for a game of 'war'. There was always that one lazy kid no one wanted. Right now, Machafuko was that kid, and Haja really wanted nothing to do with him.

Maboya noticed the tension in her shoulders and hopped over to whisper in her ear.
"Yes, I know you don't like him, but think of the group. Everyone needs to eat. And what about Elea? Think of how difficult it must be for her to pass along responsibility to someone else. She hurt her leg even more because she forced herself to hunt when she was in no shape to. Sitting still and having someone else do the work is probably one of the hardest things for her."

The eagle spoke quietly so only Haja could hear him. Her face betrayed Maboya's sentiments, however. He was right. She shouldn't shirk her duty to the pride just because she didn't like Machafuko. Then it would be she who should be scolded.

"Besides," Maboya continued in her ear.
"Chances are he'll do anything to get out of it."

Haja had to use all her energy to keep herself from snorting with laughter. Instead she shuffled her feet and waited for the lazy lion to reply to her friend's scolding.

Basil Brett

Light Atago

Lupine Loiterer

PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 11:55 am
Well, Machafuko had never (well, alright, maybe sometimes) faced such unpleasantries from another lioness. Always from his bonded, who sat on his back with a most interested look on her face, but not often from a lion. Most were kind enough to just shake their heads and walk away. Alright, Elea- not the one.

Mtalia, however, was giving Elea an encouraging nod from out of Mach's sight. She was always trying to get the slacker to do something, and got whapped for it now and then. Mach was oblivious to this second opinion and simply dipped his ears. He ignored her lying rant, he was a strong believer in the "that's my story and I'm stickin' to it" philosophy, whether or not it was as transparent as a cub's lie. He simply said to Elea, "I'm sorry you see my family that way," great move, in his mind. Take most of the heat off of himself. Mtalia shook her head, having a feeling that she could predict Elea's next courses of action. The lammergeier felt she had a lot in common with the huntress.

His gaze then shifted from one to the other, he waited to speak again until Haja's bonded stopped whispering... whatever she was whispering. "As for a hunt..." Mtalia's face grew expectant, though she knew that he would probably decline. "You two look tired anyway, and do you see anything?" He asked honestly, giving the horizon an actually purposeful scan. There were no preybeasts in sight that he could see. And yes, he was actually looking. Mtalia dug some talons into him, his face showed it, but he felt he'd better be nicer to his partner in front of other pridemembers- Mtalia knew it.

"So why waste the energy when there's nothing around?" Good logic, good logic. At least in his mind.
PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 12:05 pm
"It is not your family that I see in such a way, it is only you." Elea was apparently oblivious to the way Maboya was whispering into Haja's ear. She did actually notice it, but gave it no particular attention. If Haja didn't want Machafuko to hunt with her, then she would outright say so. But, Elea was inwardly hoping that Haja had enough sense of duty to participate in a hunt with Machafuko. The pride did need to eat, and every lion should be putting forth their best efforts in order to insure that it happened. Elea would hunt again if she was capable of doing it, but her leg was too injured, and her body was sore from the chase. She would be of no use, and that was why she was trying to pass the responsibility down to Haja and Machafuko. Now, if only they would actually take the responsibility... if one would stand up and prove themself. But, neither seemed to. Haja seemed... okay with the idea, but Machafuko was outright skirting away from it.

"Stop with the excuses, before I become truly irritated," she said in a low growl. Machafuko was trying her patience, and though she would do nothing to harm him, it didn't mean that she didn't want to. If she could, she would, but she knew not to let her anger get the best of her.

"Actually, Haja and I found a herd of wildebeest not too far off. If you can motivate yourself to get up and walk, you'll find prey. We only did a short hunt, neither Haja or I are that tired. I just can't continue further in my current condition." She lowered her gaze and stared at him levelly. He really was trying her patience, and in the end she would likely just get up and leave. She didn't want to deal with someone who wasn't worth her time.

"Because, Machafuko, it is for the benefit of the pride. We are a team player, and I will not see someone like you sitting on the sidelines and acting like a scavenger, taking what you can and giving nothing in return." Oddly, Nadra had the good sense not to be offended by Elea's comments. Nadra didn't scavenge as often as other vultures - Elea had made certain of that. Besides, the vulture knew that when Elea was angry, it was best not to take anything she said seriously, unless you were the one she was saying it to.


Tipsy Senshi

Basil Brett

PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 12:14 pm
Again, Haja resisted the urge to laugh. It was odd, those times when you were dealing with something serious, but step back to look at it and can't help but laugh. Here were the three lions, Elea completely furious, Haja quiet and contemplative and Machafuko trying to flirt with the two of them. It was just such an odd situation.

Quelling her inner thoughts, Haja gazed stoically at Machafuko.
"She's right, you know. It wouldn't be that far. And even if we weren't able to catch up to that group of wildebeest, the vultures in the sky are pretty good indicators of where the herds are."

It was true. The scavengers had took to the sky and were preying on both the dead and the living. If they were circling, it was practically a beacon toward where they could find some food.

"And, as someone who certainly likes to eat, along with the rest of us, the prospect of food should be welcome. If you and I can't find anything, you can say goodbye to dinner. Even at the cost of having to catch it yourself, you should find it hard to say no to that."

Haja had a lot of common sense. She just seemed not to use it that often. She was serious at the moment, though. When things needed to get done, she'd do it, even if the task was less than pleasant.
PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 3:51 pm
Mtalia looked from lioness to lioness as if she wished she could spend more time with them, but she was quite entertained by the situation her bonded had gotten himself into. Meanwhile, said lion was getting somewhat upset himself. This Elea was turning out to be just as annoying as Mtalia. At least Haja's tone was... not mean. He supposed too much hunting could turn your soul black.

"Fine," he said, raising his lips a little bit at Elea. Not much, it could easily have been an attempt to release more heat from the day, (he did start to pant right after he said it.) "I'll go try to hunt. Besides, I'd much rather have the more pleasant company." After all, going on a hunt meant he could get away from nagging Elea. Heck, the girl was even younger than him! She had no right, not in his book. And for the moment, Haja's logic had convinced him. In a different mood, he would have simply let it reflect off of him, but as it was he was looking for an excuse to get away from Elea. Not his type, and more embarrassing than... Well, than a lot of things.

"Let's go then?" He said, trying his hardest to hold back his reluctance. "Elea, since you're not coming," he said with a hint of genuine concern (he knew who brought home his meals most of the time,) "... you could rest in the shade there, it's very comfortable," he said with a clumsy jerk of the head to where he had been sitting. He padded over to Haja's side, perhaps he could pull off his brother's charm on this girl- he had to have some of it!

Mtalia took the chance to fly off of his back and go over to Elea. She gave a deep bow of the head. She could never get the stubborn male to go for a hunt. She headed back to her bonded and perched on his mane, listening in on the conversation.

"So, terrible weather we're having after that earthquake..." he said with a too-big smile. He had to suddenly erase it to stop drool from oozing between his teeth- he wondered if she'd seen.

Light Atago

Lupine Loiterer


Tipsy Senshi

PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 4:05 pm
She was relieved when Haja joined in on giving good reasons as to why Machafuko had to hunt. She was even more surprised when Machafuko gave in, but she did her best to hide the look from her face. It wouldn't do to let someone she disliked know that they had caught her off guard. "I never claimed to be any sort of pleasant company, so if you were trying to offend me, I'm not really offended." She shrugged her shoulders, "I know Haja is better company than I am." That was why she was foisting Machafuko off on Haja, wasn't it? Well, it wasn't the entire reason, because Elea's sense of duty came before anything else. She just thought they'd have more success hunting together.

"No, I better continue on my way back towards the other pride members. I have to get my leg checked out." Nadra wasn't going to let Elea lay about all day without getting her leg checked over. The vulture was deeply concerned about the limb, and so was Elea. It was best to try and put their fears to rest and go see someone who knew something or other about injuries. It would also be better for her leg if it got checked as soon as possible. The more she used it, and the more it stayed unattended, the worse it would get. Elea didn't want to risk it becoming damaged beyond repair.

Elea was personally surprised when Mtalia came to her and bowed her head, and for some reason she couldn't help but dip her own head in a show of respect. She thought she even saw Nadra do the same. "I will see you two later, then. Good luck with hunting." The lioness turned in the other direction without another word, and went on her way, determined not to look back and see the pain Haja was clearly going to be going through. No one wanted to deal with Machafuko. It was a proven fact.
PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 6:16 pm
Haja forced down the bile that was rising in her throat. Ah, he drools when he smiles. Charming. Very charming. She sighed inwardly and shot a biting look at Maboya, who shrugged and took to the sky. The fish eagle stayed low, to avoid catching the attention of the scavengers, but looked around to see if he could locate the wildebeest herd.

Haja did NOT want to do this. She had the feeling that she'd be forced to do all the work, with what help Maboya and Mtalia could provide. Despite her dislike for Machafuko, the lion was pared to an exceptional bird, it seemed.

Well, duty was duty, and they would not succeed if they didn't try. Besides, the sooner they got over with this, the better. She trotted quickly over to Elea and looked her friend in the eyes.

"Take care on the way back," was all she said, but her voice spoke of concern and fondness for her friend. She wanted Elea to take her time, though she was sure Nadra would watch over the lioness. Elea too, had an exceptional bird companion.

She turned back to Machafuko, and doing her best impression of Elea, looked sharply at him.
"Let's go."

Basil Brett

Light Atago

Lupine Loiterer

PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 7:09 am
Mach kept his pace forward, dreading having to hunt. However... He'd seen no other way out, he had no other choice. A victory for Elea, and one from Mtalia (he'd certainly never hear the end of it,) but definitely a loss for him. "Yeah, let's." he said flatly as they padded back out to the herd, his ears lowered in aggravation the whole way. Today had been a bad day.

[IC] Aka'mleli Lands [IC]

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