Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 8:51 pm
Care of Magical Creatures
Care of Magical Creatures is an elective course offered at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry that can be taken by students in their third year and above. In this class, students learn about a wide variety of magical creatures from the fairly harmless flobberworms to the beautiful Unicorns to the mis-understood thestrals. Students are taught about feeding, maintaining, breeding, and the proper treatment of these various creatures from the hard to handle and very much alive book, "The monsterous book of Monsters"
Teacher: Open
Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 10:51 pm
Ted. Remus. LupinTeddy hummed a happy tune as he headed to the area that his class was held; a large box in his arms. It was fairly quiet in the hallway; since all the classes that were being held today, had recently started. Of course, now and then a student would fly past, trying to get to class even though they were late. Fortunately for him, he didn’t have any classes today, so he would be able to set up his classroom and work schedule. He entered his classroom, and set the box down. Well, that is if you can really call it a classroom, it was very spacious, and had a door to the outside. Hippogriffs couldn’t fit in the classroom, and wouldn’t much like it either; a lot of magical creatures wouldn’t be appropriate cramped in the classroom with numerous bodies. Teddy began taking supplies, textbooks, and other various things out of the box, placing them in there appropriate places as he went. His father was known to be rather organized, at least that’s what he was told; he seems to have picked up on that. Everything had a drawer to go in, or a shelf to go on! Though he knocked into his desk a couple times; this showed his mothers clumsiness. He needed to get used to the layout of his classroom, where everything was, so he wasn’t the one causing accidents. Eventually he collapsed into his chair. That was only the second in at least four boxes, but he would have all day to unpack. He leaned back in his chair, his mind drifting. He, of course, thought of Victoire. He missed his beloved Victoire. It would be a lonely year without her after all. Though he had the other Weasley's, and the Potter's. They would most likey be his students though; connections, emotions if you will, get in the way. He'd have to be fair. Yes, fair.
Beloved Conversationalist
Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 3:27 pm
I have moved the date to Sunday, September 8th Time to wake up after few hours of sleep thanks to late night celebrations! Hopefully this somewhat of a fresh start will get everything back up and running