-Self rp-

Dumu couldn't stand it. No matter how much time that had passed from the day the earth shook, it felt like he was living the same day over and over. It always seemed like the day after the shake. Adults were in a panic, telling the cubs to go out and do their own thing, never telling them anything. He knew it had been a while after it happened, but no matter how much time had passed, he still felt like a little cub. Dumu knew he was getting older but it felt like time had stopped around him. He was sick of it.

He would show them! He would show the adults that he wasn't a cub any more. He would show them that he could take care of himself, that he didn't need the adults to make sure he wouldn't get into trouble. After all he did have his brother and sister to take care of. He had to show them that he could take care of his family while his mother was away. He knew he was growing, and he was going to prove it.

He had the perfect plan. He knew what would make the adults proud. He would go on his own hunting trip. It was brilliant! He knew that the adults wouldn’t appreciate the cub wandering off on his own and not telling anyone, but who cared? This was his time to shine. And he wasn't about to let anyone spoil it for him.

When he felt no one was looking, he quickly stalked off. He wasn't about to tell Peke or Kuruka, he knew that they would just go out and tell on one of the adults. His small paws silently padded across the ground and he was suddenly a fair distance away from the pride.

He hadn't been paying much attention to his surroundings as he ran. As he slowed he used this time to see where he was. He looked up to see the high walls of the valley slowly grow out on either side. He had made it away from the pride to the boarders of the lands. In front of him was a large field encircled by the valley walls. He had never been this far out before and looked over his shoulder, wondering if he would be able to find his way back without getting hurt. He shrugged it off and continued forward, looking around to see if there was anything that he could catch. However, he only saw big game. He knew he was no match for a buffalo or a gazelle. They'd probably have a better chance at crushing him that he would have getting even a tail in his mouth.

There wasn't even a sign of a hare or meerkat. He sighed lightly and looked up to the sky, seeing that it was starting to get dark. For a moment he thought of heading back, but he wasn't one to give up. "I'm doing to do this.." He said to himself, determination in his voice. "I'll stay out her all night if I have to." He said as he looked around. "I should probably find a place to rest. Just a few hours." He said as he looked around.

A smile appeared over his maw as he spotted a small alcove in the side of the cliff wall. "Perfect." He said as he made his way over to the small cave. His eyebrows knitted together when he smelt something odd. He couldn't tell what it was.

As Dumu edged closer to the cave he spotted it's inhabitant. It was only a bird. At first he had thoughts of hunting it. But then remembered what his prides customs were. He had to keep himself from harming the bird or he would get in big trouble with the adults in the pride.

As he approached he saw the bird's wing was limp bleeding, it was then that the bird noticed him and hopped farther into the cave out of fear. Dumu jumped lightly at the birds movement, and smiled at her lightly. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

The small bird shuttered and ushered him in. She hopped over to the entrance and looked up to the sky to still see the vultures still circling overhead. “I hope your not planning on going back out there.” She said as she looked back to Dumu, "The vultures are still around. I doubt they'll give up this soon."

Dumu looked at the bird with wide eyes. "That's how you hurt your wing…" He came to the conclusion. Why else would she be hiding from them now?

She looked up and nodded, "I'm Kwepa." She said as she nodded. Maybe he could help her. After all, he was a lion, and vultures were afraid of them right? “Maybe we could help each other out.” She said as she hopped back over to him. “I’ll let you stay here if you help keep off the vultures.”

Dumu blinked at her proposition, but after a moment figured it would be the best. "I'm Dumu." He said and nodded. "You've got a deal." He said as he tapped his paw with her good wing. For once he was glad he wasn’t on this trip alone. Last thing he needed was to be mauled by vultures.