As some or all of you may have read my Mantra, it is from this anime. This was a shocker to me. And really would like to see if anyone shares my opinion. THIS SHOW SUCKED!!!!......... for 13 episodes LOL! But seriously, the first 13 episodes of the 24 batch was really dull and pedantic. It was just character developments with little plot for 13.... long... and grueling episodes... Then... it was like OMG and I was teary eyed the rest of the series. See I am OCD, when I start something I HAVE TO FINISH IT!!!! So I was sitting there a trudging along DREADING the second half. The story then took off and started telling the individual character struggles that occurred in the background. The play on words and the style of art was... just.... incredible. This is the one anime that really was to the truest extent of a "Diamond in the Rough". My goodness.... Just thinking about it fills my heart with joy from the love and emotion I enjoyed when I watched this. I extend this to all of you and ask you an if, then question. Have you seen it? If so, did you get the same effect from it that I did?

If not... thats fine, tell us about 1 show that touched you like this BUT really was awful in the beginning LOL!