I would like someone to draw Garrett from Breaking Dawn he is described as
“A tall, rangy vampire with eager ruby eyes and long sandy hair he kept tied back with a leather thong - and it was apparent immediately he was an adventurer. I imagined that we could have presented him with any challenge and he would have accepted.” - Breaking Dawn pgs. 610 & 611
I would like if someone could make a picture of him with NO WORDS so I can photoshop it to have the words I want as a graphic... I will give you FULL CREDIT for the drawing since, after all, it IS yours I WON'T STEAL. I will pay as needed in gold. Please consider this offer and PM me if you are interested or post although I may not chect the posts as often. By the way I have never paid for the art of someone else before so I don't know how... even if you are not interested can someone PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE PM me how this works. Thank you SO MUCH if you do!!!