Okay, first off, if you know nothing about the Norse Gods read up on them. Just because this show is based on so much history, I actually feel underminded by the actual innuendos and subtle interludes to the Norse mythology. This show had amazing artwork, amazing voice casts, and the best part, the typical airhead heart-throb LOL! "It's a Mystery!" Though got real old... real fast. Now, if you watch the show, Reina is going to annoy the living hell out of you, by adding "desu" TO EVERY FREAKING PHRASE SHE SAYS!!!! Thank goodness she is only a support character. However, personally the intellectual background reminded me of, honestly... The Boondocks. Now the crude language and racial slur overtones of the show is unique to ONLY The Boondocks however, the actual satire and allusions though have a definite similarity. Loki, as I will call it for short, though, was incredible. The show towards the end was actually really heart warming, and I am not going to go into detail.. I HATE SPOILERS!! Those that are just starting down the path of Otaku really need to sit down and watch this one, strickly for the fact that people actually said that Ruroni Kenshin was a very intellectual show, with Hajime Saito from the third shinsengumi squad was LEGITIMATE!!! Thats right folks, HE WAS REAL! And he really was part of the Rebellion. Anyways, barring that aside, do not let the title fool you. The intellectual design of this show is incredible... and not going to lie... Loki was so adorable!! Either way here are my questions

Do you agree with the fact of the actual history of the Norse Gods to be both accurate AND surprising for an anime show? And why?

Also, do you know of any other shows other than the ones mentioned that have such a true and intellectual overtone as this show? If so... PLEASE for the love of all that is good and pure TELL US!!! I wanna watch it LOL!