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[PRP] Severing Bonds (Hisia and Mchawi) FINISHED

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Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 2:44 am
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"Is it done?" Mchawi barked.

From her tone, Nondo guessed that she wasn't in the best of moods. She looked, fraught. It was the only word he could find in his vocabulary to suit the rigidness of her body and the expression on her face. It didn't bode well, that look. What had happened now? Were things constantly being pitted up against Mchawi and the others? All they wanted was a cub. Just one little cub.

Nondo bobbed his head in confirmation.

"Good..." But she didn't sound happy at the news. "Msiba won't let me down. He's the only lion I can trust to get the job done." She thought of Kitisho and his failed attempts at bringing down the old seer. She thought of Unyevu and his constant disobeying. Anger seared through her as it had before, anger that refused to be quenched. Anger that wouldn't die until Unyevu, himself, was dead. She fancied ending his life by her own claws and fangs, but she wasn't sure that would be possible. A female bringing down a male? She growled. Did a female not bring down prey twice her size? If she hunted him as she would an antelope maybe she could manage it.

But thinking of ways to snuff out Unyevu's life didn't lighten her mood.

There was so much more to think about and the bird's silence was irritating. It meant he knew that she was less then pleased and he was curious as to why. She had to learn to hide her emotions better.

"Whilst you were gone." She began slowly. "I had a vision."

Nondo tried not to groan. Mchawi's visions had never been reliable and they always seemed to show something else going wrong. How much more of this could they take? How many obstacles could they jump before tiredness tripped them and knocked them to the ground? Nondo, looking up at his Mistress and had a feeling that she was losing her patience. They were falling over the edge of a cliff, grabbing at rocks and grass in an attempt to slow their descent.

But they were falling, slowly but surely.

He opened his beak to tell her it was a hopeless effort when Mchawi continued.

"About Hisia." Her eyes darkened. "It's...another disruption to the plan, but a more pleasant one."

A pleasant one? Nondo wasn't sure he understood, but remained silent; crouched on the ground by her front paws.

"She's pregnant." Mchawi continued darkly. "And the cubs I saw looked suspiciously like Msiba."

Nondo's eyes lit with disbelief and shock, but Mchawi waved a dismissive paw at him and stood. She paced back and forth as she normally did when she was thinking deeply about something that irritated her. Then, after a moment, she continued.

"But enough about that. It's not a disruption coming anytime soon. We've got more important matters to attend to. Such as that little brat, Peke." She'd remembered the cub's name since the incident and she couldn't get it out of her head. Why couldn't it have been one of the more weak and pitiful cubs? One of the ones who would be easy to manipulate. If Unyevu was going to be anything to go by, Peke could be more dangerous than useful.

"I think his powers are going to be the same as Unyevu's - once they awaken fully, that is." She continued. "And if that is the case we can shape him as he grows. We can force him into submissive slavery. It also means Unyevu can die." She smiled. "So all in all, this works out rather well. No more pitiful expressions from that beast, no more bringing up the past and dwelling on such little things. I can't believe he hasn't gotten over it yet!" She shook her head. "After all, there are plenty more females to mate with. Though I doubt any would have him now. Not with that big ugly mark on his face." She flexed the claws that had struck Unyevu's face and purred with satisfaction.

"Besides, a little cub is so much easier to beat sense into than a fully grown lion. No mane to protect his head, no strength to defend himself. Yes, he'll come to see who his master is in the end." She nodded. "Once Msiba has him we can go into hiding."

"Into hiding, Mistress?" Nondo dared to question.

"Yes, we'll need to return. When Hisia whelps we will take the children." The lioness continued. "It'll be nice to raise more of the family and Hisia certainly isn't the right type of lioness to bring up Msiba's cubs." Suggesting that, she, in fact, was the best lioness for the job. "She's too meek and mild to raise the cubs of my brother. I'd soon have them in good shape." She smiled and the expression was almost fond. Almost, because there was that dark glint in her vivid green eyes.

Yes, if anything good came of this, it was that she could get to play mother.
PostPosted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 7:55 am
Hisia, however, was stalking about. Her expression was troubled, Ficha's words repeating in her head over and over again. She needed to be careful, around Msiba, his crew - and with the little secret she was keeping away from everyone, she wondered how it would effect the pride.

Then she paused; having heard a voice from a distance. Samahani was behind her, keeping himself low to the ground. Frustrated the bird flew onto Hisia's back, content on staying there no matter how much she minded. Except she was too busy listening to the voice, and took no notice of her bonded. The voice, she realized, was female. And with more dread adding to her features, she realized it was Mchawi's voice.

Why was she so... angry?

Edging closer, she pulled her ear's forward to listen. She had had a vision... Maybe it was a good vision. Then she caught hold of her own name, and the lioness froze on the spot. Pleasant one- Hisia gritted her teeth, feeling her blood rush to her head.

She knew.

She knew.

Oh no, she knew-

Samahani stood, frozen, like Hisia. His red gaze lifted to stare at her, sudden anger lighting in his eyes. She was WHAT? He knew they were in a secret relationship, but cubs? He shook his head furiously, letting out a silent sigh. Hisia glanced over at Samahani with sudden guilt, shifting before she sat herself down.

Continuing her train of thought on the lioness, she felt hot anger pulse through her veins. They were going after Peke? And then killing Unyevu? What did this have to do with any of this? Had they been... Her eyes widened; and she even wondered more. Had Unyevu done anything to anger them? Or, at least, Mchawi, it seemed. Then her name was spoken again, and she shook her head angrily. That couldn't be possible- She wouldn't get away with her cubs- No...

"Mchawi!" She had had enough. Thrusting herself from hiding, she padded out, eyes blazing with anger. Samahani was equally angry, his eyes narrowed into a glare. "What was that?" She curled her lip in a snarl, feeling even more anger pulsate from her very being. Hisia wasn't about to let this winch take her cubs, or hurt another in the pride. Starting to circle the lioness, she knew this was either a fight or just a confrontation.

Except she wasn't aware what was going to happen.

And right on the dot, Samahani flapped his wings, and catapulted himself towards Mchawi, intent on causing her some type of injury, even if it meant his life.

Sasu Cherry


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 8:37 am
Mchawi had to admit she was shocked to see Hisia. But what shocked her more was the anger in her eyes. Hisia had been the most gentle of all of the pride. It was she who had given trust - to Msiba at least - when some had not. It was because of her that they'd been able to get this far, though they would probably have found some other, more confrontational way of dealing with it.

But Mchawi was in no mood for Hisia, nor her stupid bond. She'd had enough of these stupid pride members and she certainly wasn't about to be frightened off by one timid little female.

She rose and Nondo, with a hoarse caw, flapped to perch on her shoulders, leaning forwards so he could peer at the intruders coldly.

Her words dripped with venom.

"What was what, Hisia dear?" She snarled. "I never would have thought you the type to eavesdrop on a private conversation."

Mchawi knew the female had heard too much. She'd probably been there from the start. She'd know about Peke, about Unyevu and she most certainly knew of Mchawi's intent to steal the cubs away. This wasn't some silly little cub she was dealing with.

No, there was no option.

Hisia had to die.

Then Samahani flew at them and Nondo, seemingly just as angrily, leapt to meet the avian mid-air, screeching as he lashed out with talons.

Mchawi paid Nondo little attention. She was glad to have the raven fighting for her, defending her. At least he could keep the other avian entertained whilst she focused on the lioness.

"Oh Hisia, Hisia." She shook her head, tutting. "Dear, sweet little Hisia." She moved to join the circle, snarling fiercely. "You should have done the smart thing and left while you still could. Now, now you've risked the lives of your cubs by picking a fight with me. The Witch of the Interlopers."

She smiled but it was not a friendly smile.

"I do hope Msiba can forgive me. Perhaps he did hold a soft spot for you after all."
PostPosted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 8:57 am
Hisia ignored most of Mchawi's little words. They didn't affect her at all, and with the bringing of her cubs the lioness growled. "Do not bring my cubs into this." She was right, however, and deep down she felt fear mingle in her expression. If she managed to strike her belly the cubs could die. She dug her claws into the ground, frustration starting to spark in her expression.

Ficha was right about the interlopers. They were dangerous, and as much as she would have loved to deny it, what Mchawi had been speaking of was dangerous. What their reasons were for being here was unknown to her; and she wasn't about to find out. Except it had to do with Peke. The cub needed protection, could the other interlopers, even Msiba, be after him now?

Oh, she hoped not.

"Soft spot?" She whispered. Pain unfolded from her mind. Did he really care about her, or was his love like a trap, and in return she was destined to bear his cubs. "This had gone far enough," Her voice was low, dangerous, "It will come to end, Mchawi---" Hisia's eyes met Samahani's red eyes, as he let out a screechy caw, Nondo's talons meeting one of his wings and slashing it. He fell to the ground, blood pooling around him.

"Samahani!" Tears bubbled from her eyes. She resisted them, painfully, and watched as he picked himself up, glaring at Nondo furiously, before he let out a cry of pain. The wound was large, and the blood wouldn't stop. Hisia bit her lip, knowing if she ran over to him she might find herself under the body of Mchawi, most likely being clawed at.

So she watched, her eyes turned away from Mchawi, as Samahani's vision blurred, the blood still pouring, and he finally fell, much to Hisia's sorrow.

"No!" She cried. It felt like part of her had been cut away, and tears streamed down her cheeks. The lioness turned back to Mchawi, and anger suddenly washed over her.

Sasu Cherry


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 5:01 am
Deep down Mchawi hoped her brother would forgive her. She had assumed that this girl was just another lioness to charm. But clearly it had gone far beyond that. Msiba had never spoken of feeling love for Hisia, so maybe she had just been a little bit of fun.

But what if it wasn't?

What if she was about to kill a lioness dear to her brother?

She growled. It didn't matter now. She knew too much. Whether Msiba loved her or not, she had to die. He might be angry at first but he'd come to terms with it eventually. She had confidence that everything would still be alright between them. They were siblings, friends and partners in crime. Nothing could divde them, especially not Hisia. Besides, he wouldn't have to find out about Hisia bearing him cubs if the girl was dead.

She sneered. "And you think you can bring this to an end, dear Hisia? Hisia who is naive as a newborn. Do you think I wanted to risk hurting my neices and nephews? No. But you force my claws, child." She curled her lips, revealing yellowing fangs.

And then the birds clashed and Mchawi dared a look skywards, seeing the black and brown bodies of the avian entangling. Her heart gave an odd little jerk. Because like it or not, she was starting to care for the raven.

And then Samahani fell and with a snarl of victory, Mchawi leapt upon the fallen bird. Not because she thought it might get up, but just to get Hisia's bloodlust flowing. She was taking an odd pleasure out of seeing so kindly a creature turn mad with rage.

Apparently, her pounce wasn't even necessary. Hisia was already growing angry and the witch could see it in her eyes.

"What a shame." She smiled. "See what you've done? If you had walked away your little bird would have still been at your side. You chose this, Hisia, you chose to face an untimely death." Deep down Mchawi was reeling with anger and hurt. She'd come to the conclusion, only a few days ago, that she herself would never find a mate, never have cubs of her own. Hisia could have given her cubs that she could raise as if they were her own. And now, the girl had snatched away that only hope. Yes, Peke had proved an annoyance, but only because he hadn't been raised with a firm paw. Cubs raised in her ideals would have been wonders.

Nondo circled overhead, cawing victoriously. Bloodlust had captured him too and he was reveling in the victory his own talons had brought. Like his Mistress, no guilt swamped him. Because in his mind everything he was doing was for good. For the lioness he loved.

Mchawi smiled. "Come then, Hisia. Let's see well you can fight." And Mchawi, plotter and murderer drew closer, claws drawn, fangs bared. She wouldn't fall beneath Hisia's claws.

Victory was as good as hers.
PostPosted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 3:46 pm
Pain escaped her maw in a low whine for her bonded. Anger was also gleaming in her eyes, and when the lioness catapulted herself towards the bird, she snarled. What could Mchawi possibly be doing? Well, whatever if was, it was surely working, because Hisia was fuming. She knew how cruel the interlopers were, and with the danger the lioness before her was showing, she hoped this wouldn't be her last stand, for the pride.

She cleared the thoughts of Msiba's possible treachery away from her head. If she survived this, she would make sure to confront him. Hopefully before he, or his other little members managed to hurt, or kill, any other members.

Then Mchawi spoke.

Hisia hadn't expected those words to come from the lioness's mouth. She let out another growl, this time laced with determination, surprisingly, while her hackles rose. If she fell for her traps and ended up dieing, she wasn't about to go down without a fight. After this battle, she would make sure to leave Mchawi with plenty of injuries.

And with her claws coming unsheathed, the creamy lioness started after Mchawi, feeling rather headstrong right now. Which, as the circumstances were changing, could be a fatal blow for Hisia. She paused to look over at Samahani's body, flinching away as she had looked. He would hopefully be in be in a better place, but that didn't stop her from feeling sad.

Taking her mind off of her bonded, her thoughts reeled viciously on Mchawi.

Claws ready to swipe, Hisia came after her with her fangs glimmering, hatred gleaming in her eyes, claws ready to tear at skin and flesh. It was shocking to see such a gentle lioness turn into a creature of anger, and it even surprised herself.

Yet she couldn't stop here.

Sasu Cherry


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 12:30 am
It could be safe to say that Mchawi was coming close to actually enjoying herself. Adrenaline lanced warmth through her, brought her focusing onto the pretty little female. Her blood was thumping in her ears and as she looked on she could almost see the veins shivering at Hisia's throat - or at least, she thought she could.

She'd pierce that throat and taste sweet blood.

Mchawi was confident. It was clear in every fiber of her being. She had fought before, she knew her strengths, knew her weaknesses, knew the ways of battle. She had helped kill things that Hisia couldn't even start to imagine. Little did Mchawi know that Ngao knew more than she could ever have imagined. That Ngao was slowly, but surely, unraveling the interlopers' secrets. Either way, what did it matter? Ngao would die too, even if she had to do it herself.

She'd been waiting for a chance to unleash some anger, anger brought about by Unyevu and his constant interfering. And now, finally, she had a target.

No more words were spoken now.

Mchawi exploded up from the grass, a fierce, snarling mass reaching up for Hisia. Her hooked claws extended, her fangs ready in powerful jaws.

A battle cry ripped across the lands.
PostPosted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 4:59 pm
She kept her throat low, dodging every sign of potential danger to the easily exposed part of her. She knew how fatal an injury to her neck could be. And with Mchawi's razor sharp claws coming after her, Hisia knew she had to keep her head low if she didn't want an epidemic of claws meeting throat.

So with speed, the lioness also shot after Mchawi, meeting full on as she flailed her claws at the other. She was aware of the pain was the shooting across her face, and she flinched her eyes in fear of becoming blind. It was obvious that she hadn't been taught much in fighting, yet the lioness did know a few moves. A spark of a thought, and she gritted her teeth.

She had not expected such a blood fight to occur. It had only just started, and she was already starting to feel weak. Hisia snarled.

Not yet. Not now.

Truly annoyed, she spat viciously at Mchawi.

Then launched once more, maw open while she tried biting a hold of the others shoulder, leg, anything that belonged of Mchawi's own being was enough for her to tear. Hisia's anger was bursting, and it was all because of Samahani's death. It had been along time since she had felt so angry. Clawing anything she could feel. Skin, flesh, fur, anything.

Hisia was truly blinded by anger.

Sasu Cherry


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 12:28 am
The fight was manic.

Mchawi felt the sting of claws on her shoulders, on her chest, on her sides. But they were nothing but mere nuisances compared to what she had faced before.

She was, however, secretly impressed with the way Hisia was fighting. It was amazing what a little bit of motive could do to a lioness. The death of that scrawny bird had brought a devil out in this placid girl. A devil that Mchawi had to kill.

She knew what she wanted to do but it meant waiting for the opportunity to arise. And until it did she had to bide her time, she had to keep going until she could sink teeth deep and taste the blood of her foe.

As Hisia launched herself Mchawi rose to meet her, clashing into the other female with the raw, pure power of the lioness. It was a different sort of power from the male lion but was just as deadly, just as effective. Like Hisia, her jaws tried to close on her attacker's neck.

She could feel Hisia's claws sliding through fur, slicing through flesh. Her body felt hot with blood but she was infused. She was absorbed. Her snapping jaws sought to end life and her own claws lashed in a desperate attempt to drag the female beneath her and end it.

A yowling snarl of anger tore free as she fought and inwardly she knew that the fight could probably be heard for miles around.

Above her head Nondo cawed anxiously. He spread his wings and tipped them, circling wide. He feared for Mchawi and felt suddenly useless.

What could a raven do against a powerful lioness? He had his beak and talons but they were nothing compared to claw and fang. He'd have to wait and trust that his bonded was experienced to do what had to be done.

Maybe he would have worried less if he knew her full past, but as it was, he didn't. He knew only that she had blackmailed Unyevu, that she had secrets which were dark and terrifying.

He gave another angry caw and circled again and, like Mchawi, he kept an eye out for any opening in Hisia's defence. She no longer had her bonded to protect her. There were no eyes guarding the sky for her.

If he could slip behind her defences and land a good hard attack it'd leave Mchawi free to deliver the final blow.

But for now he kept back, afraid of the claws, the blood, the snarls and flying fur.

There was no place for a raven in a berserker attack.
PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 10:52 am
Even the strength that surged through the lioness's body wasn't enough to match Mchawi's powerful moves and strength. She was being dragged back, and blood roared in her ears. The sticky liquid clinging to her fur like melting acid.

Claws met her legs, face, back. The painful sensation roaring across her body. She still kept fighting, letting all her anger out on the lioness. Samahani was dead. Dead because of her own bonded. Dead because of her. A voice kept telling her. Over and over again. Hisia felt another flash of anger roll off her, swatting at Mchawi angrily, flailing once more, hoping to catch anything involving flesh or fur from the other.

A loud growl escaped her throat. She reached out with one claw and yanked at her flank, and at the same time Hisia felt powerful blows, every inch of her body ached painfully. Yet she ignored it.

The caw of Nondo reached her ears. She listened to his caw, and knew she needed to keep alert if the raven decided to launch an attack on her.

Teal eyes burning with hatred, she tore at the other once more. This was all she could do an a situation such as this. There was no escaping.

She had heard too much from Mchawi and her bonded.

Though it was useful. Hisia knew if Mchawi lived, she would have to watch her cubs countless, she thought inwardly. It was also useful information, and deep down she suddenly felt dread.

Hisia continued to rip and tear at Mchawi, feeling fear swirl from her being.

This was also a life or death situation, and if she wanted to live, she realized, she would have to hit the others vital spot. A weakness. Except she didn't seem to even have a weakness, Hisia realized dreadfully.

Hissing, she snapped her jaws at Mchawi.

Sasu Cherry


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 12:30 am
But Mchawi did have a weakness.

She didn't know what it was yet, but she'd soon discover it at the worst possbile of times.


There had possibly never been a fight like it. Blind rage, flashing claws. No strike was aimed or planned. She was dispersing her claws in a desperate attempt to land a blow on any part of Hisia's being. She hoped, in this mad fury, that she could land a strike to her stomach. But it was hard with the girl standing so strong.

And then she felt the lioness lose grip and she could sense victory as one looks into a pool and knows they are about to quench their thirst.

The adrenaline - that was keeping her together despite her wounds - was pounding through her body. She could feel the tingle of the lashes covering her and knew, after this fight, they'd need a lot of tending. A ripping tear lashed across her flank, catching her slightly offguard. The pain was enough to trigger in her brain and she roared, both with anger and agony.

She lashed out again and opened her eyes - which she hadn't realised she'd closed - to see Hisia's jaws coming for her.

With an angry roar she tore herself free, not caring what damage it might do to her body with Hisia's claws still hooked into her. Then in seconds she was leaping away, out of range, body trembling fiercely.

Why did she feel so weak all of a sudden?

A quick glance down told her that she'd probably lost a lot of blood. Grotesque slashes seeped thick lifeforce from her body, soaking into her fur. She though, somewhat randomely, how cruel and evil she must look standing there, covered in blood, trembling with rage.

She would have spoken but the fight had drained all speech from her.

She raised her head and narrowed those piercing green eyes.

She would not back down.

She would never back down! Not whilst there was still hope. But how much hope was there really? As Mchawi stood there she realised that things were getting drastically out of control. Things certainly were looking grim for the interlopers. Even still, she couldn't give up. Not whilst there was still the slim chance of success.

She needed to find Hisia's weak point, a place where her defences weren’t ready for teeth and claw. Then, if she got her off her paws she’d slash her belly and spill her innards.

Goodbye Hisia. Goodbye cubs.

But before she could make another advance, something unexpected happened and that weakness reared its ugly head.

A vision came to Mchawi.

Hisia faded from sight and the surroundings grew dim and hazy until they were no more than a wash of brown and green. There was no angry, attacking female, no more Nondo circling above her head. She realised then, with a pang of horror, that this vision was going to leave her susceptible to attack. How could she see Hisia past the blurry edges of a vision?

She couldn’t.

"No!" She screamed. "Not now! Not NOW!!" But no amount of shouting could stop the inevitable. For the time-being, Mchawi was going to be blind to her surroundings.

And appearing in the haze of her vision was Kitisho. Strong, dark Kitisho. But not Kitisho as she knew him. The strength was gone from his scarred body; his great hulk motionless on the ground. Wind tussled his mane and his open eyes were sightless.

Kitisho was dead.

But he was not alone.

Another lay close by and his pelt held the same colours that could be seen in her own fur. Her heart jerked with painful realisation. It was her sibling and he, too, was lifeless. Death had stolen him from her.

"Kitisho!" She screamed, thinking – for a moment – that she could somehow wake them, somehow prevent the inevitable. "Machafuko! MACHAFUKO!!"

Beyond their lifeless bodies she spotted another, a lion wounded but still alive. Msiba! But what was he running from? Did this mean it was over? That all hope was lost?

But before she could question further the vision was gone and Mchawi was returned to the present.

The vision had lasted for only a few seconds at most, but it had given Hisia enough time to make her move. Mchawi, struck with fear from the vision and the realisation that it was over, had no time to defend herself.

This was it then, she was meant to die here.

But above her Nondo flew.

He saw the tension in Mchawi's body and knew that this was no act. The female was receiving a vision mid-battle and the raven knew that it did not bode well. If he did not interfere now his Mistress would die, and what would he be then?

Just a white-necked raven; common and overlooked once more.

"Mistress!" He cawed, but she seemed not to hear. Her screaming had ended, revealing a little of what her vision was about and when she came to she looked stunned.

She wasn't going to move.

"No!" The bird had seen the pain that Hisia had just suffered from the loss of Samahani. He didn't want to feel that same pain either. He couldn't lose her. Not now. Not now!

But what could he do to save her?

What could a little raven do?

And then he knew.

Without hesitation the raven tucked in his wings and dropped from the sky, intending to cut between the lionesses.

Maybe he could distract Hisia long enough for Mchawi to notice what was going on...maybe...
PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 3:05 pm
She knew, as Mchawi started screaming, that she was left wide open. Her words were screaming both Kitisho's and Machafuko's names, and she wondered if the lioness was receiving of vision of them. Possibly dead, or not. She didn't care. This was her opening, this was where the lioness before her life's would end.

Catapulting herself forward, she took a big leap, claws extended to meet any source of her being. Hisia was aiming for her neck, any vital spot of her being. It would be a fatal blow, and she knew that Mchawi could die instantly.

Her lips drew into a snarl, a roar ripping from her mouth. It echoed, and sounded more triumphant, since she hoped that this would be the end.

She was only a few inches from the lioness.

Hisia's teal gaze was laced with hatred, ready to draw blood...

And before she could catch hold of Mchawi, a blur of black shot down towards her.

Surprised, she gritted her teeth, and feeling something literally attach it's self to her claws, she looked over- Her hopes rising, hoping that her claws had gripped hold of Mchawi-

And before her was Nondo. Hisia's mouth slowly fell open, shock coursing through her veins. She worked out the kicks, digging her claws into the bird's wing, realizing, suddenly, that this was also the killer of Samahani.

She would kill him too, if she had the chance.

Before she met Mchawi, Hisia verged a different direction, hitting the ground floor hard. She had barely run into Mchawi, and in her paws was Nondo. The creamy lioness stood up immediately, backing away, staring at the bird hatefully.

She stared at the raven for a moment, then her gaze drifted over to the lioness. Hisia snarled once more, narrowing her eyes, ready for another attack if Mchawi got into the same rage such as she had, when Samahani died.

And in the thought of Samahani, her gaze searched out his figure. She felt pain and more anger come to her being, though she didn't move. Even though she would have loved to come after Mchawi, she was going to wait. Exhaustion was already climbing her, and her body ached from the wounds Mchawi had caused.

Sasu Cherry


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 12:41 am
Nondo felt as if the sky had fallen to crush him.

One moment he was flying free and the next he was being snatched from the air by Hisia's attack. Her claws had found purchase in his little body, tearing into his left wing with such devastating effect that if he lived he would never be able to fly again.

Another wound opened across his chest leaving a vivid red gash amongst silky black feathers.

Then he was being crushed to the ground by the weight of the lioness and he looked up to see Hisia's face looming close to him. He saw the anger in those eyes, saw the fangs gleaming and with a harsh, pain-filled caw he gathered breath to speak.

Nondo, one for silence, knew this could be the last time to ever use his voice.

"Samahani attacked Mchawi to protect you." He croaked weakly. "How is that any different from what I did? You k-know, if she had been given the chance, it would be me lying d-dead now." He raised his tattered wing and gave another pain-filled cry. It wasn't supposed to end this way, but if he did, he was glad.

He'd given his life for the one he loved.

But maybe...maybe Mchawi would come to his rescue. Maybe the wound in his chest could be healed. Maybe...maybe he could fly - no - hop alongside her again.

His eyes grew glossy with sadness and he tipped his head back to glance at the lioness known as Mchawi. The lioness he knew as Mistress but also as the lioness he loved. She was still standing there, trembling, bleeding, horrified. He wasn't sure what she had seen playing out in her vision, only that it had to have been bad enough to halt word and movement.

"Mistress..." He croaked. "Run."

No, no that's not what he wanted to say! He wanted to tell her to rescue him, to gather him up and take him somewhere far away. He wanted to tell her that Unyevu was wrong. That there was someone who could love her, someone who wanted her close by. He did! With all his heart.

He loved her.

And because of that, he knew he couldn't risk her coming close to Hisia. The golden lioness might have been weak and weary but so was Mchawi and she was wracked with shock from her vision. He couldn't bear to think of Mchawi dying yet. Not yet. Not before she had discovered love in the world.

If he could love the witch, maybe there were others who could too.


Mchawi snapped into life at that order and for a moment her eyes dwindled on the raven. Something moved in her heart as she looked at him, bleeding and dying on the floor. Maybe if she'd spent a longer time with the raven she would have cared enough to rescue him. But he had all been part of the plan. He was just the bonded bird to help the disguise.

There was no point risking her life for that.

She curled up her lip and took a step back, returning her eyes to Hisia's bleeding form. It wasn't fair. Those cubs should have been hers to raise!! But whilst she was still alive there was always a chance to make a come back.

Yes. Nondo was right, she had to run. She had to live to fight another day.

She curled her lips back to reveal her yellowing and slightly bloodstained teeth, a bitter expression filling every line of her snarling face.

"This isn't the end, Hisia." She growled, tail lashing. "I'll be back for the cubs; Peke and your little ones."

She cast another look at the raven but said nothing to him. What could she say? Thanks for throwing your life away for me? Thanks for pro-longing the pain that I can cause in the world? She huffed and thinking of Msiba; hurt and fleeing, she turned and fled herself, hoping she wasn't too late to help.

Nondo heard the lioness leave. His eyes were closed, but he knew that Mchawi had cast him a final look. Maybe it was just hopeful thinking but he hoped that there had been kindness in that look for him.

His little chest rose and fell erratically and with his final breath he spoke again. "Evil does not create itself. She has never known love or kindness... how can she replicate what she does not know?" He wheezed. "I meant to teach her. N-now I cannot."

And suddenly, he felt he should apologise to the lioness holding his life in her very claws. Apologise for what he had done, for what Mchawi had done. He had done it all for her, all for self-worth.

"I'm sorry." And he was, he was sorry for many things.

"Until she arrived, I was just a raven..." He whispered. "Now, now...I am more."

And the pain lessened then. It felt as if the weight was being lifted from him and, slowly, his body was rising up into the sky. He could feel the breeze in his feathers, the sun on his back and knew in the deepest part of his heart that he was free.
PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 12:59 pm
A jolt of pain stroke her heart.

A shiver ran down her spine as she glanced at Nondo, then Mchawi. The lioness was standing there, looking horrified. The same expression she had worn when Hisia had launched her attack. Still aware of the lioness, she kept her guard, knowing that even if they were both exhausted, she could still launch an attack.

Instead - she heard Nondo's voice... His voice filled her thoughts. She flinched away, and while she did she heard his voice again. Immediately she looked over at Mchawi, her haunches raising defensively. A snarl grew on her maw.

"You will not come after them," There was a protective nature in her voice, with the image of cubs running around vivid in her head. "Come near them, and I will make sure you die, by my own paws." She was surprised at the fierceness of her voice, though it was true. If Mchawi happened to get a hold of her cubs and Peke, she wouldn't rest until she found them. Then she would make sure to end the lioness life.

Then, Mchawi was running.

Hisia didn't follow. Only watched, and her attention averted back to Nondo. Whom, right after she had fled, was speaking once more.

She looked down. He loved his bonded, like lion and bird of the pride should be. A sad frown formed on her maw now, and she let out a sigh. Nondo could have saved Mchawi, made her someone that had feelings. Even if she had feelings already, she had never noticed any signs of affection from the lioness, even from Msiba.

Now she felt guilty.

"I'm sorry-" But she didn't have time to finish her sentence. Because when she looked over at the raven, his breathing had stopped, he was limp.

He was dead.

She felt tears come to her eyes. Both for Samahani and Nondo. If only they had survived-

But they were with Hestia, she realized.

Glancing over at the two dead bonded, she let another sigh escape her throat. Then turned away, the ache of her wounds pulsing viciously. She limped forward, knowing where she was going, knowing what she had to do, before something happened to him. Before he did something she couldn't forgive.

Even though he had already done something she couldn't forgive, she still loved him. Even though Mchawi had told her the truth, he hadn't loved her. He was a toy to her; and now she was expecting his children.

Though she wasn't about to treat them as if they were rubbish. Hisia already knew she was going to love the cubs as much as anything in life.

Glancing back, her mind swirled.

And she continued forward, nose sniffing anxiously out the scent of the lion she was in search of.

Sasu Cherry

[IC] Aka'mleli Lands [IC]

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