Hello there! This here is our guild's own role playing subforum. O: Here you can set up private threads for 1x1s or group RPs you want to gather up and start. For now, we'll allow both OOC and IC threads to go in here. But if this place starts to get really flowing with threads and gets over crowded, we'll make a "Role Playing OOC" subforum.


o1. The Necroing rule does not count in here. Your thread could be on the fifth page and you are still allowed to post in it.
(What is the necroing rule? - Necroing a thread means you've posted in a topic that has fallen off the first page and bringing it back to life. We don't want that happening in a lot of our subforums and not in the main forum as well so to stop threads from over flooding the guild.)

o2. Be nice to other users. Don't be rude and rush people when they are posting. Nobody likes that. Just sit and wait.

o3. If you're asked to get out of someone's role play, you will get out. Whatever the reason is, the creator of the role play thread has the last word on it. Unless they are being completely unfair, PM me and I will look into it.

o4. No cybering/sex scenes. This website if rated PG-13. So please, no nude/sex scenes or cybering. Kissing, hugging, cuddling, etc. Those things are fine. Just when it comes to a part in your RP that you planned to be a sex part, just either do a time warp and move onto the next scene or take it to PMs or a messenger.

o5. Bumping your OOC thread is allowed as long as your thread as fallen to the bottom of this page or off the page. There is no need to bump your IC thread. Your partner will post when they post. Bumping the thread will not get them to post faster.

o6. Have fun!

Got any questions? Feel free to PM me and I'll hopefully clear them up for you.