they are looking for affiliations and looking for members this site has done some amazing stuff (even though it is new) friends and foes/, clans/groups, missions, levels, battle commands,

they have taken alot of diffrent anime storylines and created on huge world out of it
they have also taken this entire site which they consider one huge rpg world and have linked up with other sites that deal with naruto, .hack/sign etc. and linked up with them there members travel from link to link to diffrent sites rp'ing in diffrent worlds using their same storyline ( all links are located within a topic called the portal )

they allow yu-gi-oh dueling, people to edit pictures which are posted for everyone to see and much more. There goal is to try and get alot of members and alot of sties to help link up with them

they need our help and have done alot of advertsing on myspace as well as other places such as webring and google please sign up and help them

and if you know of rp sites that want to or that you think would be intrested in linking up with them then please tell them.
