Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 10:40 pm
I AM albino. Or at least, everyone says I am. My parents never give me a straight answer.
Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 2:38 pm
I'm really white too. When I try to sun tan I burn then I peel and I'm still white. Which is why I must say:
Rabid Bagel Cow Thing Vice Captain
Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 6:15 pm
Right now I'm rather beige-ish because of the constant Californian sun. x]
I'm normally a light-yellow. Hahahaha.
Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 4:18 am
"I couldn't save her... I know she will die, But please, if I could only tell her goodbye. All I want is just one more day... That morning in May...
I glow in the darkness ... If people look at me when the sun is shining, they'll become blind. ...I've fought reptilian monsters, I've crossed a bloody sea, Just to meet you here And now I'm coming home, my dear."
Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 2:04 pm
This is knight of deaths brother responding to this post, so this is not his opinion.
For one thing, America, which I'm sure you live in has become used to the term "White" as a slur, if not playful slur. It is not always a slur but it is mostly used as this way. But, America has not yet gotten over the times of segrigation. You need to understand that our country is still in a sensitive state. Some whites still feel uncomfortable around blacks, and most blacks believe whites are always judging them because of thier color, when really it is how they carrie themselves, creating this new image of Black. Think of it this way, you know how sometimes in movies or something like that has a party with a bunch of blacks huddled around a white girl dancing, chanting "go white girl, go white girl!" well now imagine a whole bunch of hollister, abrocombie looking girls in sandals huddled around a black girl straight out of the hood slinging her weeve side to side listening to rock, chantin "go black girl, go black girl!" Ha ha, harder to imagine yes? This is just an example of the state of mind Americans are in as of right now.
As far as the mexicans go, well any hispanic background, they are fairly new to our country. But they know what went down in the slavery days and the segragation days. So they come here, in search of the "American dream" with this mental image of how white people are and already hate them, there for if you say the same as you you would say black girl. they will react quick aswell. It will take years, if ever, to get everyone to become one with one another as Americans, not blacks, whites, hispanics, asians, ect.
I don't know if this helps you at all, but life if full of double standards and will take time to get over them.
- Lakai93
Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 3:25 pm
Well I'm red. Other than my family I'm the only Native American around here. And unlike most people with Native American heritage, my Native American half completely eclipses my white half. My mom is a pure blooded Seminole, so I have both the genetics and the upbringing to go with it.
But I get mistaken for nearly every other colored minority group out there: black, mexican, middle eastern, etc...
I can honestly say most folks wouldn't recognize a Native American if they were looking right at one.
Rabid Bagel Cow Thing Vice Captain
Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 9:13 pm
:0 Speaking of Natives.. I actually have two in my Politics class.
The girl was like, "I'm like.. the next door Natives.."
And we also have a guy whose grandfather was an Alaskan native.
Its pretty neat since most of my college's population is Caucasian and Asian. Haha.
Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 8:50 pm
Ha...its funny because its true. Being a minority gives you a lot of the power despite what people think. People even go out of their way to do things they wouldn't even do for one of their ethnicity just to avoid looking like or even thinking they are racist.
Ummm where am I getting at... Oh, um...damn...I don't know.
Rabid Bagel Cow Thing Vice Captain
Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 9:29 pm
Hahaha, everyone wants to be a minority. XD
Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 6:13 am
I want to be a minority, and where I live I pretty much am.
Although in my local area there are a number of Asians.