"What do you say when you meet someone of higher rank than you?" The larger, bulkier male asked as he took his steps in slow, but large, strides. With a burbury mane of ebony that framed his face, and a body that made it even more appealing, the Lord of the Zhi Ming walked along the many paths to the Tianxia's central area with one of the Dukes. Each day, he took the time to spend at least some time with his Dukes and Duchesses to seem the least bit responsible as a father and as a Lord. He had an image to keep for his pride, his family, and his mate. Lord Sheng Kou walked boldly with hard, heavy steps as usual, appearing as regal as possible. Who would imagine a slave of the Firekin to become a Lord of a respectable and formidable pride such as this.

Beside him was his son and Duke of the Zhi Ming, Xun'lin. He was growing slowly into a very proud male to his father as were his siblings. They were respectable to the extent that they were still young and their actions could be considered... immature. They were still young, some things just slid by, but when it came to the appearance of the pride, they had to be on their best behavior when it came to the Emperor or the Empress. How Sheng got stuck on this duty today, he had no idea ... That was Lady Fu Ren's job.

"I speak politely as I greet them. I bow my head and wait my turn to speak when spoken to. I address them as their title within our pride and show them the utmost respect," Xun replied as if trained. In fact, after so many moons of such questions and answers, he was trained. He did not mind it, but he was just a cub going juvenile and he was acting like he was some adult! Lahn was right ... he should act his own age, but how can he when his actions held the honor of the family. He couldn't imagine what it would be like if he was the heir to the house! Unlike his father, his mane was just starting to grow from dark to light, as it always has. His frame was lithe and lean, growing into the form of his father would take some time. However, he did not walk strong and bold, he paced quickly and lightly to keep up, his head slightly above shoulder level. "Dad, can we stop all this? You and I both know that you don't want to do this. You hate it as much as I do and you know for a fact that you wouldn't be acting like this if you weren't the Lord. We are far outside Zhi Ming, can you act like yourself?"

Sheng smirked, looking at his son from the corner of his eye. "You are damned right. This isn't my job to do. Chances are, no one of higher rank than you is gonna be wandering around here anyway. Other than me of course," Sheng turned and planted a large paw on his head, watching him wiggle his head out from under it. These were the times where they enjoyed themselves, when they were away from the House and away from the Pride's eyes.

"Well, who else would I be with? Other than Lahn and Shu. Give me a break. Anyway, would you mind it if I head back? I am dead tired, walking around these rocky paths are annoying as is, but the hike is tiring." The Duke spoke, sitting himself down to get a breather.

"Fine, but pretend that you got a hard spoken too for ditching your lessons. Otherwise, I'll be sleepin' on ya by noon time," Everyone in the family knew that their father was one of the roughest lions around the house. No matter what he did, it was rough. Rough licks. Rough bats. Rough tackles. Xun knew how rough he can be when trying to be gentle, he was lucky enough to not have seen how he was when he was actually trying to be rough.

The father-son duo sat on the path for a while, working out a story to tell Fu Ren.