Isithunzi watched the young cheetah meander around and test them, one by one. So many others had followed her same pattern, and each selected their very own drum. Some still had theirs from their cubhood- they hadn't ever needed to return here to replace them. Isithunzi had not been so fortunate, but it was alright- her drum's gourd had been replaced a couple of times, but it was still the same rhythm beating in her soul.

She looked down and examined the gourds that the cheetah had narrowed it down to. "Hmmm... Can't decide, huh?" She asked, looking from the cheetah then back down to the gourds before her. "Well, if they're all equally the same to you..." she said, brow furrowing a bit as she examined them closer, rotating them around. She stopped talking as she examined quickly, but then started after her mind was made up. "... And you can't make up your mind, you should pick the one that will last the longest without dents or anything, and that's this one. Though, the sound should come first," she said, having a feeling that the cub already knew that, and that they were equal to her. She would have to decide. Isi gently pushed the one she had selected towards the cub. "But just because I chose it doesn't mean you have to, not at all!" she said, making sure Kya knew that it was truly up to her.