Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 9:12 pm
Also, To make a good rp, people gotta start to learn when is a good time to appear and not a good time to appear. I remember when this guild was dead and me and windy and soup was the only one left and everyone else was at battle city, we were rping together in an epic tale of an ancient digimon seal inside a old ruin. and just as it was getting dramatic duh duh da dun here come 30 different people popping up out of no where offering to help. totally ruin the mood and setting.
Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 9:15 pm
That sounds like something a lot of fun to do although those people ruining it royally sucks...maybe we should see about starting an rp school in the guild I mean they have a battle school why not an rp one maybe some people wouldn't be so bad about it then
Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 9:20 pm
And the most important thing is that people have NO creativity now a days. They are all too dependent on others to do their own thinking. But I guess that can't be help since different people think in different ways. anyways it really late so night.
Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 9:24 pm
I think they just need something to spark their inspiration because I know there are times when I just can't think of anything and then I see or hear something and boom I could post up a storm. Night Toan
Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 12:00 pm
I know which is why I said it can't be help. Not everyone could come up with great rp like me. I actually wanted to do this great rp one time where it raining and me and my best friend got into this epic fight to the death in the rain and the girl that he likes is rushing toward the scene. And just as she enters, I stab him through the heart while my digimon crushes his. The girl collapse on her knees as I walk away from the dead tamer body, all cover in blood laughing at the sky like I have lost my mind, and the rain continue to fall down on my face so it was difficult to tell if it was rain or tears.