heart heart heart I LOVED GARRETT FROM BREAKING DAWN!!!! heart heart heart

I loved how he was open-minded and adventurous to try "vegetarianism", brave enough to challenge Kate's powers, devoted enough to take the brunt of Kate's powers in order to keep her from giving in and attacking Caius, curious enough to watch Bella practice, helpful enough to give Bella some fighting lessons, and... most of all... tough enough to defy the Volturi to their face and give a KILLER speech calling them out...

I haven't even started the actual MAKING of the fan club because I am still trying to get a graphic for a signature banner (I have decided to try to draw him myself) but once that is made I don't know what to do next... it may just be adding the banner to your signature it may be more than that I haven't decided but the main question is would you join? I already have a friend who wants to so when I get this started anyone in?