User Image

I know that ALL HTML codings are not compatable (not sure how to spell it) to V2 & V1 profiles. But, I found something which you might wanna know! Follow these instructions:

1. Carefully look at the HTML codes like the following:
&object width="300" height="250"&&embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="300" height="250" [removed]="always" wmode="opaque" &&/embed&&/object&

2. Try to find the MAIN LINK inside the code. In which this case the MAIN LINK is this:

3. Edit your profile! Then create a Media box!

4. Paste in the main link you got from the HTML codes.

5. Save & hopefully it works then see your profile in View mode!

P.S. I even got a CHATROOM in my profile!!!! WOOT! Although, it takes time for it to load sometimes (or even have to refresh the page)!
P.P.S Look in my profile for a few previews of widgets!