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Reply [IC] Kusini'Mwezi Lands [IC]
[PRP] He Returns (Denahi/Asikari)

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Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 6:43 pm
In a song that rings true,
Truth like a blazing fire
An eternal flame

His large paws shifted across the dirt path, moving slowly as he passed the borders that usually disliked strangers. However, he was no stranger. A former prince was more like it, Denahi's bright eyes closed, breathing heavily a sigh out. Maybe this was a bad time to come, he should have stayed in the pridelands.

He passed the final trees of Kilango'Ta, noting the land had not changed at all. In the distance to the left, he could see the raging river just by the horizon, and the hills towards the south. He couldn't help but frown slightly, nothing had changed. Syeira had kind of convinced him to come back, noting that a welcome home was always waiting for him, even if it was just from her.

Nahi never got along with his family, and when his b*****d brother killed his mother, the charcoal adult was blamed, of course. His attitude and personality only brought it on himself.

But he moved through the land, not knowing if he should progress further, or stay there. After all, he no longer was a member of this pride.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 6:55 pm
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The once former king of the Kusini pride was lounging near the middle watering hole, simply enjoying the dying afternoon. He thought, as his often tiring duty of Kijumbe, that it was often owed to him to have some liesurely time. Not to mention how hard it was currently with the running around of him getting Syeira on the throne when there was only two elders left in the pride..

He sight softly as he stared at the murkey water, lost in his own thoughts. Syeira as queen... as the head of the pride. It would change things forever... would Ari agree with such an action? But with the sickness that so easily flowed through their blood line and seeming only to affect the males... it seemed like a logical enough choice. In any case, it was what he decided and something she'd also agreed to. Now it was just getting the pride to agree to it..

His coffee colored tail flicked as he took a deep breath of air, a stale breeze stumbling past his form. He almost choked on his own breath, thinking for a moment he smelt a son he had not seen it what felt like forever...

His ears perked up and he looked slowly around before realizing the wind had come from behind him. He slowly looked over his shoulder, watching the horizon for any signs of Denahi. Could it really be...?

His eyes widened slightly as he spotted a dark lion in the distance, and there was no doubt in his mind that it was his son... or it could have been Kenai's son, s**t what was his name? Asi often felt he had too many grandcubs and it was hard keeping track of them all... but one of Kenai's and Ayo's had really looked like Nahi... and if his mind was playing tricks on him?

He slowly stood and stretched, with a sense of wonder in his heart. What was this... he was not sure if he was feeling hopeful that it was Denahi, or dreading it... he'd once wronged his son in a way no father should... automatically assuming the death of his precious mate was at his paws... No, it had turned out to be something completely backwards. Nahi may have had anger problems, but his other son was the one with the sickness.


Blessed Hunter


Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 7:06 pm
His scarred face settled towards the waterhole. A familiar scent entered his nostrils as he huffed out. s**t, well it was now or never. The coffee colored adult whom was the father of the charcoal prince was there, waching him. He shook his head, remembering the last encounter he and his father had, an accusation that had gone to far.

"...Father..." He called out, his gruff voice should bring a memory back to Asi. He padded forward, but stopped a few feet away from his dad. "I..it's been a while, hasn't it?" He didn't know what to say. How's the weather? Anything new? Oh yeah, where'd you guys bury mom, or did the goddess come down and take her to the heavens yet.

Questions. Questions.
PostPosted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 9:44 am
As the gruff voice filtered through his ears there was no mistaking this lion for his grandcub. This was his son, certainly. His gaze was still on Nahi as the male moved closer to him, though when the younger male stopped there was a distance between them.

His tail flicked, unsure of what he was supposed to say to the son who had tried to abandon all ties to his family. Was he... really back? "Denahi.." He said slowly, and after a long moment a smile had made it's way onto Asi's maw as he took a step closer to his son, though he was still unsure where they stood in their relationship with each other. "I's.... good teh see yeh... yeh 'aven't been aroun'ere in so long.." Of course he didn't bring up the fact that it was probably because everyone accused him for killing Mng'Ariza. That was a delicate situation... and Asi felt the best way to show that no one blamed denahi any longer was to just not mention it... for now, at least.


Blessed Hunter


Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 6:10 pm
Gee, leave it up to his father to say something so obvious and stupid at the same time. Denahi rolled his eyes slightly, "Last I checked, you wanted to kill me if I ever stepped foot inside these lands again," he sneered. His lip raised slightly, still bitter at his father and frankly the whole lands to be a matter of fact. But grudges could only last so long, and for all he knew, Ari was watching from the heavens above and she sure wouldn't like his current attitude with his father at the moment; regardless of the subject.

"Syeira...convinced me to come back." He said abruptly. "Even if it was a while ago she had mentioned it. Rehani has been missing, and the Pridelands are not hte same without her." His tone was soft, almost regretting he left. Where or when would Rehani get back? Was she okay? If she returned, what would she say if she didn't see him there? "Plus, all the kids are grown up, no need to watch them anymore." In fact, most of his children seemed to have disbanded from the pride. He could smell his first daughter's scent lingering in the air here though, but it was faint. Perhaps Baridi had been here? A smirk was placed on his maw. His little princess returned to her homelands and was gone again.
PostPosted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 4:37 pm
Asi winced and sighed at denahi's reply, fearing it would be something like that. At least his son didn't blow up on him though, right? "Y-yeh know tha' i do be a ra'er foolish creature.." He said softly, his way of trying to make amends. But Denahi was abrupt and speaking again, stating that syeira was the one that convinced him back into the lands. Asi looked surprised for a few seconds, he had not realized his daughter had even left the lands during all of this time. How long ago had she visited him?

Oh. A while ago... and his mate was missing. And his children were grown... Asi frowned softly, shaking his head. More than anything he was thankful for his large- if sometimes troublesome- family. He was glad many of them stayed close to the Kusini'Mwezi lands, glad of all of the chances he got to see them. Every day his family, no matter what generation, was a kind reminder of Ari and her goodness, her care and her love... her free spirit, and her attachment to him. His family gave him comfort and reason to keep going, to keep the pride healthy and safe.

He swallowed and tried to push the thoughts farther back in his mind, trying to focus on the here and now and not get so sad about life. Memories were bittersweet. "I be glad she was the one teh convince yeh back 'ere.." He said slowly, trying to make up for his past mistakes. He had been... such a horrible father, hadn't he? "I do wish tha'... things 'ad gone differen'ly." Oh, it still felt awkward to the large, gruffy male. "Any idea where Re'ani's gone?" He'd never met Denahi's mate... he wondered what sort of lioness could put up with his short tempter? Of course, he'd probably gotten that from Asi. He hadn't forgotten the days long gone when he'd first met Amari.


Blessed Hunter


Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 5:00 pm
Denahi made a little 'hmph' noise towards his father. In his mind, the thought: 'Well, why didn't YOU come talk to me. It would have been the right thing to do.' At least, that was what the charcoal lion thought. The large--if not slightly bigger lion shrugged near his father, brushing off what he had just said. Under his breath, Denahi murmured, "Yeah, so do I..."

His bitterness was returning as Asi mentioned the rather stupid question about Rehani. "If I knew that, I would probably still be with her right now..." He wanted to growl, but kept it at a murmur. "She went traveling with a few of the children. However, they returned, she didn't... I fear something has happened to her, but I don't know where to even start looking." It wasn't like Asi and Ari's relationship, where if Ari disappeared, Asi would probably start looking in the jungle as that was where the two usually liked to go. Denahi and Rehani never traveled as a couple, they stayed in the Pridelands all the time.
PostPosted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 9:29 pm
Asi sighed, wondering if it would be okay to just excuse himself and finish what he'd been doing. No, he was afraid that would be terribly rude of a father to his son. And that he would blow any whatever chance number this was!

So his son did not know where his mate was and had no idea where to look. "I..." The word was barely out of his maw before his teeth clicked shut. No way in hell he was about to tell Nahi that if it was his mate he'd be searching all over, immediately. And if he wasn't going to go crazy searching he should be sitting and waiting... and did his cubs even tell him anything about his mate? He kept all of the thoughts securely in his head though, knowing it would spark a rather intense battle of hotheads. Asi had grown a bit wiser over time, so it seemed.

"Well." The word fell flat to the ground as the older male tried to think of something else to speak of, unsuccessfully. "Yeh... yeh can stay 'ere as long 'as yeh need, yeh know..." He pushed enthusiasm and care into his voice, hoping his change of tone would change the general feeling of their meeting. Did Nahi have to be so stubborn? He was trying! And then something to talk about tumbled into his thoughts, luckily!

"Yeh know... yer sister will be queen soon.." He said these words softly, not sure of the absolute outcome but he has asked Syeira about it. "It 'as no' been decided by the o'er two elders jus' ye' bu' I do think my argument will make the obvious choice."


Blessed Hunter


Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 12:01 pm
As the words left his father’s mouth, a quirky smile rose to Denahi’s maw. His father had just told him he could stay there (which Denahi was planning on doing the whole time, but hearing it directly from his father was something more comforting…) “Thanks,” he muttered, although it held a tone of gratitude in it. His mother’s blue eyes never gazed into his father’s brown ones.

Asikari’s next sentence caught Denahi off guard. His eyes narrowed, the feeling of hatred returning to his blood. His brother took his spot on the crown, and now his sister got her claim to fame within the pride. What was he then? Just the eldest to get sidestepped by his siblings.

He snorted though, “She’d do a better job than he ever could do I bet,” Denahi referred to Tamu as he said this.

The charcoal lion knew one thing for sure though, he was in no way going to congratulate his sister on the newest ‘accomplishment’.
PostPosted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 9:58 am
At first Asi was a little annoyed by Nahi's seemingly careless thanks, muttered as if he didn't mean it. But then he caught the gratitude in the tone and a slow smile broke across his features, not too sure why it felt so pleasing to him to have his eldest son show him gratitude. It must have been because of their rocky relationship as father and child, though maybe one day it could be fixed. "Mm." He grunted in response, also not looking the other in the eye.

Asi scowled slightly and then sighed, quickly reminding himself just how... well would competitive even be the right word for his first litter? Ah, he wasn't sure. His first litter just had... very strong personalities, each one of the three were so different from each other. Asi decided to side step Denahi's comment toward his younger litter-brother and shook his head softly. There was just no helping it, was there? "Aye, Sye be capable o' many things.." As were all of his children, really. But speaking of the other two elders...

Asi took a closer look at Denahi, trying to get a feel for what had changed and what had stayed the same. In a way he almost wanted to offer him such an important job so that he would have more time to fix things with his son; if he was elder, he would be a part of the pride and therefore he'd stay in the lands... but Asi knew better than that, he'd have to wait to get a better feel for his son, see if he'd grown into the lion he always could have been but never chose to be, if for his anger if not anything else. And he supposed it also depended on Syeira actually securing the throne and input from the other two elders... no, he better not say anything to his son then.

His tail flicked and he let his chocolate gaze slip over some of the kusini land, ears twitching. What else should they talk about, anything? "Ah so... I be guessin' yeh will be needin' a den..." He wanted to kick himself. Why could he only speak of such silly things? Of course Denahi would need a den! "Ah... well I can show yeh where some open ones are..." He felt too awkward to invite his son into his own den, which was empty enough in any case.


Blessed Hunter


Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 10:28 am
As Asi took a step toward Denahi, the large charcoal male fought the urge to step back. His father and him had just met for the first time and what was it, years? He couldn’t just walk up to him and be all buddy buddy. Denahi did not swing that way. His trust for others was lost, but with time, it would be regained. It may not be tomorrow, or the next day, but Denahi if willing could change his ways to be a son that even his deceased mother would smile upon.

If the scene could NOT get anymore awkward, I would be speaking too soon. Denahi shifted on his paws uncomfortably. “I don’t need a den,” which in most cases was true. The old male had spent the last nights of the weeks lying on the ground without the shelter of a cave to begin with. “I am perfectly fine. A den is too lonely by oneself anyways.” Could you believe it, emotion was actually coming from the heartless b*****d’s mouth! Could it be a sign of the apocalypse?
PostPosted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 11:16 am
He took a deep breath and exhaled it slowly, trying to calm himself. Why was Denahi always so stubborn? Though it was not only that Asi was annoyed at the other's words, he was also hurt by them because of how true they were, and he felt for his son's sadness. How long had his mate actually been gone? "Ah... I don' I know it.." He said, very softly and almost under his breath.

He stood slowly and shook of his form, sighing. "Well... if yeh change yer mind I be sure yeh still remember where they be... I ah.. 'ave things teh do." It wasn't actually fully true, Asi had a lot of free time on his paws, but he thought that today had been enough time for them to 'bond', or what have you, seeing how their relationship toward one another was so awkward.

His tail flicked and his eyes were on Denahi, but still not quite looking at the other eye to eye.


Blessed Hunter


Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 12:24 pm
Denahi’s ears strained to hear the words from his father, but they were too soft for him to catch.

“I am sure I can find an empty den, or kick some one out of one if it calls for it.” His last words were suppose to be that oh a joking manner, but perhaps they way Denahi said them were more so sounding truthful. “Go do…whatever is you do then.” He gave a small frown as his blue eyes turned towards Asikari. “Maybe we’ll er…see each other later.” God how awkward was that to say to your own father. Hopefully the times ahead would get easier.
[IC] Kusini'Mwezi Lands [IC]

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