Abeni walked slowly, her head hung. Much like she had several weeks ago, here she was, seeking out the pride's king... But this time it was for a matter that she really was more unsure about. How would she tell him that she had had cubs? Oddly, Abeni found herself strangely nervious... She had grown to actually respect and care about what the king thought of her. Which was a rare thing, for her. Usually she could care less about other's feelings. With a soft sigh she looked up and around, sniffing the air for any signs of the king.

Iar was just coming back from one of his little 'classes' with some of the pride's younglings at the moment. So he'd just spend several hours with other cubs... though he didn't really regret it. But still, young ones could be a pawful. And he was glad that he didn't really have to do more to take care of his own. If a cub in this pride failed to fend for itself, even at a young age, there was little that any adult would do to help out. Weakness was not tolerated.

Padding toward his den, he glanced up for a moment and saw the dark priestess coming toward him. Pausing, he raised his head a little and waited for her.

She forced her anxiety not to show on her face as she approached and greeted him. "Good afternoon." She purred softly, pausing to bow respectfully. Her tail flicked behind her as she stepped closer to stand beside him, but not too close as to be imposing or disrespectful. "I do hope I haven't come at a bad time... There is something I'd like to speak to you about." Smiles, a bit teasingly. "And no... the pride is not in grave danger."

Iar smiled at that, having found himself liking the dark lioness over the past little while. She was respecful, but at the same time didn't put him up on some kind of pedestal, which was nice. Had Iar admitted to himself that he might have friends - she would probably count as one of them. "It isn't a bad time... but if there is no danger, what is it you want to talk to me about?" he asked, head tilting.

"Well..." She started, almost hesitantly. She still didn't know how she would say it. It had been hard enough to explain to Hakuna! But now... Ugh. She might as well just spit it out. She looked down and cleared her throat, then glanced up at him. "Well... you see... It seems that the Gods have been... kind enough to bless me with a... very... very unexpected.... gift. It seems that I was preganant without really... realizing it..."

Iar blinked, the stared at her for a moment or two... blinked again. What? Pregnant..? So that meant that now... "There are more cubs?" he asked - sounding just a bit stupid for a moment. Hadn't he and Verge -just- gotten through deciding that they should allow the current young ones to grow up a bit before adding more? Good gods...

She sighed, hanging her head. "I am sorry... I really am. I suppose..." She would have blushed and glanced away, if lions blushed... But instead she just looked away and her ears tilted back. "I did not plan it. I did not even know I was pregnant." She didn't really sound unhappy... She had gotten used to the idea of being a mother over the past couple days. "It must have happened before I came here. I would have told you, had I known." Her gold eyes flickered back to him, observing his reaction cautiously.

Iar sighed softly at that, ears flicking back for a minute. "I'm sure that you would have..." he murmured. She really hadn't had a reason to lie about it - though -how- she could have been pregnant without knowing it, he wasn't sure. Perhaps with some lionesses, it was easier than with others, or didn't show as much. He really wouldn't have any idea.

The lioness just stood there for a few moments, silent. Her head was tilted away, but her eyes were focused on him, a frown on her face. She didn't know why his disaproval made her so upset. Maybe that's just how prides worked... As her king, he was supposed to have her respect and loyalty, right? Either way, she grumbled the next few words softly. "I hope it does not displease you."

"Not... in particular," he answered slowly. "I just find it odd." He wasn't mad at her, though... strangely enough. With how he usually acted, he probably -should- have been. Frowning slightly, he examined his own thoughts. Perhaps it was because she was a priestess.... ah, yes. That could explain it. "Maybe... the gods wanted you to have these cubs. In which case, I can't really argue."

She nodded slightly, feeling slightly relieved. "Yes... Perhaps. I do believe so, at any rate..." She sat finally, after knowing that he would not run her off or something of the sort. "There are three. They are all very strong and healthy, and I believe they will grow to be good demons... Of course, I will take care of them. And I will still perform my expected priestess duties... So you don't have to fear me getting distracted from what I am meant to do."

Iar nodded at that, somehow pleased by her dedication. "Not all would be as ... diligent as that," he purred softly - sitting down also. "I may talk with Verge," a slight sneer as he said the other's name, "about getting some others to help look after the cubs of priests later on." It would be a good idea, for when the pride was bigger, still.

She nodded slightly, relaxing when he complimented her. Her head turned back to him, held higher like it usually was. "Thank you. Perhaps, if there are some available... Your daughter, Kasdeya (sp?) has commited herself to helping teach them. Once she learns more herself, of course." She purred in an affectionate way, obviously showing her feelings for the young lioness. "If I might be so bold to say, I think she is a wonderful cub, and will grow to be one of the more respected members."

"Ah, has she now...?" Iar murmured at that, tilting head a bit. Though he understood that having too many pridal heirs could be a problem, it was a bit strange to think of one of his children going into a 'lower' rank. However, all ranks were important...so he shoved that thought away. "That's good..." Odd, that he didn't know more about his own cubs. But he was just so very busy... it was hard to keep track of them all.

She nodded. "Not that I think any of your children are capable of anything worse." She added after seeing his reaction. Again, she was silent for a moment... then cleared her throat, speaking a bit more cautiously. "If... it would not anger you for me to ask... What happened to her mother? I suspect at times that she misses her."

Iar's lip curled in a silent snarl at that. "Her mother... I took her as a slave, feeling that she had strong enough blood to make demons for the pride. But she was an idiot and didn't realize her position," he growled softly. "She ran. When she figure out that she had only been used... "

"Oh." She said shortly, falling quiet. No wonder Kas was sad. If her mother had left her... Abeni frowned slightly, more sad to hear about Kas' loss than the fact Iar had used a poor lioness. The seer was rather nuetral about the idea of slavery... If creatures were not suited for better jobs, than they should be happy to serve such a role. So long as they weren't terribly mistreated, she saw no need to fuss about it. And while she suspected Kas' mother had ran for a reason, she had never seen Iar act very irrationally... So surely she lioness must have just been stupid like he said.

"Well. If she was as weak as you seem to think, then she was better suited elsewhere anyway."

Iar nodded at that, calming at Abeni's acceptance of his tale. Of course, it was true, so she had no reason to doubt... but still. She could have. "You're probably correct. Though a part of me wishes that she had realized her role and stayed to have more cubs for us later on."

Abeni wondered for a moment if Iar had cared for the slave. She eyed him curiously, ears tilted to the side as she wondered to herself. Of course she did not dare to ask that. It was far too personal. "There are other females to bear cubs, dear King..." Her tone was on the verge of being teasing, near suggestive even. "Probably more that are better suited anyway. Surely a slave is no match for a King."

He blinked and then purred at that. "You are correct... there are." And he eyed her in such a way that said he probably would consider her once such - though right now, that would be impossible. He knew well that a lioness couldn't become pregnant again so soon after her last litter.

She chuckled softly, sounding pleased after his look. She would likewise perhaps consider it... But... well, of course she had her cubs now. And they would be more than a handful for quite a long time... She mulled over the thought for a moment, then laughed louder, her tail flicking good naturedly. "I think that cub bearing for everyone should be pushed to the future, if I might say. Anymore litters and we shall be a nursery, not a pride."

Iar blinked, then laughed at that. "Indeed... I had already talked over this somewhat with Verge. Your cubs shall be the last for time, I think." Unless, of course, they found wandering small demons. Then, they must be brought in, but that would be a different thing, and there would likely not be as many of them.

The seer nodded, still looking a bit amused though. "That is good. We shall all be overrun if people do not learn to keep their tails tucked." Her voice again was teasing and casual, seeming to be quite comfortable around the King. The way she held herself was still respectful though. She never got too close, and she never tried to hold her head higher than his. After a couple of chuckles she glanced over her shoulder towards the volcano. "I... suppose I should get back. They are probably hungry."

Iar nodded at that, and stood to see her off, smiling faintly. He rather liked Abeni's attitude, and could wish that more in the pride would take a similar stance. "Yes... likely you are right. Thank you for telling me about them. I'll have to come and see them sometime."

She purred in reply, smiling contently at him. "I was just about to suggest that. You could come now, if you wish. But I understand if you're busy. Either way, I shouldn't leave them along for very long..." She glanced back to her den, a bit of motherly concern edging into her expression. It was so odd for her still, to have to worry about someone other than herself...

Iar shrugged slightly. "I have nothing else to do at the moment...thank you." He purred and waited for her to lead on - glad that she apparently trusted him enough to allow this so soon after their birth.