Okay, here's the point. I'm writing this up as a challenge exercise. This is one of the only roleplays I have actually finished, and since it's outlined and everything, I want to see if I can actually write a story.

I might post the entire roleplay up here, if you guys want. I don't care either way. I would appreciate, however, how to make it better. [faster, stronger.] xD [IJ thereee]

ANYWAY;; Characters & stuff, just so you know what's going on.

M says:
Town- Seradona
People Called- Seradonians
Language- Sira
[Rose] says:
name: Lauren
age: 15-16-ish
hair: brown
eyes: grey

M says:
Eyes-White(completely no pupils)

I'll put what I have typed up later. I'm home sick, so it'll probably a lot :/
Or not, If I just feel like being lazy.