Hi everyone! Okay so I have 3 people I roleplay with now but one can barely get on, one has really bad internet connection, and the other one is the only one who can get on all the time. But anyways here is some stuff about me:

I rp ANYTHING unless it's based on some book or show I've never watched or read or something.
I don't do really long like 5 paragraph responses and I know some people do that.
I get on pretty much everyday
I can do mature scenes, I'm not very good at them but I will
I've been role playing for years so I have lots of experience
I don't have the best grammar in the world, I put things in the wrong places sometimes or forget commas or something.
I have ADD to the point that I tend to get off topic sometimes, I may ramble on so if that really bothers you then please don't even try to role play with me.
I like naruto and harry potter role plays, just putting it out there.
I will NOT use pre-made characters made by someone else.
I enjoy next-generation role plays, I know some people don't but I do.
I'm a girl but I play both guy and girl characters and I'm fine with lesbian, gay, or bi characters. I myself am bi so it doesn't bother me in the slightest.

Okay that's about it for now. Right now I'm not looking for just one person to role play with I'm looking for anyone who wants to role play with me.

If your interested please pm me as soon as possible. Thank you very much to anyone who read all of this.