I'm looking for a Bleach style one on one, it doesn't have to follow the storyline, and we can create a whole new world, but the system they had interests me. The whole Shinigami/Hollow thing, and the Zanpaktou that could transform, ect. So i'm looking for a one on one roleplay that consists of those basic ideas. We could even just go and build off the current bleach storyline if you would like.

I'd prefer if you where at least semi-lit, and the occasional one liner is acceptable, just as long as it doesn't turn into a habit.

I can do this over these boards, PM's, or MSN.
Or if you have YIM, I can simply add you on my MSN, and we can do it that way.
I prefer to roleplay over IM's though, rather then the boards, since my internet is fairly slow, it takes awhile to load pages, ect, but IM's work fine for me.

So if you're interested, then just post on here, or send me a PM. Either way is fine.