(( Ary in brown, Nux in green ))

As much as Einar hated to admit it, he hated wandering. He let out a gruff breath, moving himself through the shrubby landscape. There just wasn't enough for him to do. He felt too idle, too useless moving on his own. All he had to do was hunt for himself- a relatively easy task-and that was it. What sort of life was that? He felt empty.

Having lost his twin, things were just never the same. And he was reluctant to try and fix it. He didn't want to let her go and just...was hesitant to let anyone else in. Torn and troubled he continued to wander unhappily like today. Only the gods and seers knew when he'd take action. Only they knew when his life would come together again.

He loped over a small ridge, looking around briefly at the unfamiliar territory. He didn't know where he was but...did it really matter?

Black tip paws padded across the rocks and unstable ledges as Zagaa'tamanio made her rounds around the ring of her territory within the lands of Tianxia. Her mind swirled with many thoughts, most returning to her son, her probable successor and the idea of him leaving, going on a journey to prove himself worthy. What the female couldn't understand what would bring him to the conclusion when she had been watching them all since they had arrived in the lands. He had always seemed like the one most interested and soon...he'd be gone. Sure he'd come back but that didn't stop her from thinking of him and worry.

The green-striped female laughed dryly as she shook her head. Her gaze rose from the ground to the area before her when she spotted a figure she didn't recoginize. Her brows knitted together as she paused tilting her head, trying to make out the feline. Curiousity peeked she trotted towards him holding herself straight. She was the leader of this house and she would not have someone wandering around unwelcome.

"Stranger. What is your business here?"

Einar turned his gaze acutely to the lioness who appeared. He knew nothing of her position and nor did he many any assumption as such from her appearance. Perhaps he was too long a rouge lately...status was just something he was picking up anymore. He gauffed, twitching his ears a little as he kept watching her. He hadn't any desire for company. At least this conversation, if it would become that, seemed business like. That he could handle.

"I have none," he grunted simply and truthfully. He had no interest in these lands or the people who lived here. Not right now. Just passing through? He was sure many individuals said that from time to time and he was just another one just like them.

Tama arched a brow at his response. No business? Obviously he did not know of the territories that he had come across. He was lucky that she had come across him and not some other pride member. Some could be quite vicious when dealing with outsiders. After all one never knew who was truely on their side. "Then what brings you into these lands?" She inquired cooly with mild interest. "Are you unaware that you are with in the pridal lands of Tianxia?" It wouldn't hurt to ask, in fact it was probably the wisest choice. That was he would at least know of the pride, if he had not heard of it before. Which was incredibly likely if only for the reason that while the territory extended rather far it was still rather small.

"We do not always take kindly to outsiders. Some even attack." She told him as though it was the most obvious thing in the world. Though not many happened across the expanse of land, if only for the reason that the territory wasn't exactly the safest as parts could, and would, go at any moment with the slightest off balance of weight.

He made an audible humph, but said nothing outrightly rude otherwise. Her high and mighty attitude was taxing. He didn't have a fierce temper or anything, but it did dampen his mood more. If everyone he was to meet was going to be like this, he didn't want to have anything to do with them.

"I was not aware," he grumbled, his frown making him look rather older than he was. Could he not go anywhere these days without bumping into a pride? It seemed not, even out in these unfavorable lands. Well, he had no real desire to be here. He could always leave. It was no skin off his back, so to speak.

Her posture slackened just the slightest at his response. Perhaps she shouldn't have spoken to him the way that she did. He had wandered into the seeming uninhabited area with no ill-intentions, as far as she could tell, and she had treated him rather rudely. "I apologize for my behavior sir." She told him with a slight bow of her head. "I did not mean to come across as rude or anything else you might be thinking of but one can never be too careful when it comes to strangers." Even now she wasn't exactly welcoming, her attitude had softened but she was still on edge.

"Yeah, I suppose that makes sense," He murmured, letting out what seemed to be a tired sigh. He directed his gaze away a little, seeming very tired and disinterested in the whole encounter. Or maybe he was just weary anyway. Not physically, but...emotionally. He felt so disjointed, giving him less motivation to deal with her. How could he if he couldn't even deal with himself?

"It's no big deal," he grunted, "I'll just leave." He didn't see any other solution, not that the problem seemed blarinly urgent or anything. He just didn't see himself being invited in and even if he had been...he didn't think he'd accept.

Tama felt bad, here was this...weary? male obviously just looking for some piece and quiet and she had gotten all up into his business. Perhaps she would be able to repay him...Hm. "If you would like you are welcome to stay here and rest. It's probably better than wandering around when you need a break." She proposed unsure if he would accept her offer. If not she didn't lose anything, but if he did maybe he would like to stay then she would have another member, not that she was expecting anything. She knew better than anyone that sometimes a person needed to keep wandering before they found exactly what they were searching for. That's how she had made her way here, wandering from place to place rather aimlessly.

"Of course if you would rather leave I could show you the way to avoid the pridal territory so you don't end up running into another member."

"It's alright," he murmured distractedly, his head turned slightly towards the horizon but eyes staring at nothing in particular. If he went to stay within the pride he knew he'd run into others and he just...didn't think he was up for that right now. Not today. Since his body was fine and it was only his heart and mind that seemed to ache he knew he'd manage. He had for a while now, hadn't he?

"I'll just...go back the way I came. I'm not really headed anywhere," he answered. Though a guide would be helpful he had no need to really...move forward, so he could always just go back and head somewhere else. That was the one nice thing about no destination. You were indefinately flexible. Almost too flexible.

"Are you sure?" She couldn't help but ask. "It's not very big, the pride at least my territory, mostly just my children and myself with a few others here and there." She muttered softly unsure if she wanted him to stay or not. Then he spoke again and she shook her head. "Always moving backwards gets you nowhere." She stated voice still soft. "Even if you don't want to you have to move forward or you'll never get anywhere." That was a valid statement wasn't it? If you never stepped forward you'd always be going back and clinging to the past which wouldn't let you move towards the future. Maybe she was just insane.

He tilted his head back a little, her words weighing heavily and making him feel only more exhausted. He didn't want a stranger's lectures, no matter how accurate they were. He just wasn't ready to listen. Or maybe he just wasn't ready to act.

"I'll move forward once I steer clear of this area," He grunted in reply, choosing to take her words literally if only for conversation's sake. He didn't want to talk about deeper things with a stranger, not when he didn't even want to dwell on them himself. "I appreciate the offer, but this will be easier," he added, trying his best to keep himself from being rude.

She snorted obviously not believing. "Really now?" She said nearly mocking him but managing to catch herself in the last minute. "The easiest things aren't always the best." She mused before shrugging her shoulders. "Do as you wish, I cannot stop you and I will not. You are free to make your own decisions and you will obviously." She told him shaking her head almost as though she was disappointed. "Well then, if you ever find yourself in these parts again say that you are welcomed by Ming. If you ever chose to." Which she highly doubted.

He turned his gaze briefly back to her, his eyes staring blankly and wearily at her scorn. High and mighty, always in the right...he wondered if her children felt as tired listening to her as he did. But he did not argue, leaving her advice to the air. She could offer it all she wanted, but it didn't mean he had to take it with him.

"I'll keep it in mind," he said softly, but promised no more. It was unlikely that he'd be in this area again after today. The pride, by her impression, gave him little that he'd wish. Some peace, some work, maybe, but nothing like this. He'd be fine on his own.

He turned on steady paws and began to head back. He offered a gruff "goodbye", but nothing more. It was time to keep going again, on this tiresome journey. Back on his own. Back to his idle thoughts.

Tama watched as he once again turned her foun. So be it. It was his choice and to put it simply she could have cared less. His presence could have been beneficial but it didn't hurt to not have him. As he walked away she turned herself heading the opposite way. Goodbye indeed.