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Reply [IC/OOC] Gods' Haven [IC/OOC]
[PRP] Loss of Loneliness

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 11:33 pm
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The soft light of the mountain daylight was filtering through snowflakes that fell all around him. Silence exuded from the great mountain in droves and the creatures that dwelled in such places were well equipped to survive up in such a climate.

The wings that broke through the snow and sent it spiraling around in dancing clouds were never up on such mountains. The snowy color betraying a life of living in heat and keeping the warmth from seeding through the owner’s body. Athrun had come up to just this mountain in the hopes of finding some peace from the life he lived on the desert lands. To find some escape from the troubles of his world as it was now.


That was something that eluded him for so long that it was nearly as painful to think about as it was to have happen. Even up here, there was still a turmoil settling on his mind that kept him from being completely happy. From his family to his current status in the pride he’d returned to. Athrun knew that he was no guardian that deserved to be revered as a god. Certainly he was a god but… what good had he done for those he was watching in that pride that they would worship him as a patron?

Absolutely nothing, that was all that he’d brought to them. Absolutely nothing at all.

Slowly the god lifted his covered eyes to the sky above him, watching the snowflakes fall with eyes that didn’t truly see but a heart that saw everything. A heart that suffered for what it saw even though he believed it was better.
PostPosted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 11:36 pm

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From rising out of the ashes with scattered memories and a dissipating amnesia, the shrouded truth over time had slowly been deciphered; memories, both shattered and fragmented, were restored along with a newfound sense of hatred, despise and raw emotions. Such emotions had been bottled up ever since that damn curse had been put upon him! But now the world took on a new view in the eyes of the God and what once felt like scattered dreams were restored into actual memories.

Although the pains of the past still bore with Rebellion one thing was certain was that nothing was holding him back from what passions and emotions urged him to do.

There was no looking back, no turning back, now. The massive God snapped his wings open, bracing against the breeze as his acceleration decreased upon his descent. Paws touched first upon the plush, fresh powder of snow before his entire body thrust forward upon all fours with a deep grunt while ocher orbs narrowed towards the figure.

Why had he come? Well perhaps that was better left for the other God to figure out for himself.

Ezriel snorted as mist escaped from out of his nostrils giving the illusion that he was one who would shortly spew out scorching flames. Already he could feel his muscles tensing, tension conjuring within the fiber of his entire being while paws dug through the snow and clenched fiercely onto the rocky soil below. This whole time, this whole damn time she was kept away from him. His own mate was kept locked away! The mere thought only made a defined snarl cross his maw.


That's what this was. Against his mate, himself, and his son.

A near hackling growl rose from the back of his throat as Rebellion stepped forward. "We need to talk Ath," his tone was acidic, gruff rather than the one which was most often smooth, relaxed although held a slight edge.

Ezriel's wings rustled against his sides as his eyes continued to lock onto the God from behind his metal face mask. Already he could feel his thoughts and emotions churning as he came within several feet of the God yet already his emotions were consuming him- leading him on to reaping a new destiny with unknown consequences.

"You've been hiding her, haven't you?" He flatly stated, driving straight into the facts rather than playing the guessing game, "along with my son." Beneath the snow Ezriel flexed his claws, tongue running across his fangs as he growled deeply.

"Where are they?"



PostPosted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 11:37 pm
Blindfolded eyes blinked for a moment, silent but still the motion was dramatic even if it was masked. That voice, that anger that exuded from a body larger than his own. Certainly rebellion wasn't as old as he himself, or at least not in this incarnation, but Athrun could feel an anger that breached ages coming from him. An anger that nearly chilled him to the bone.

Turning so that the Eye of Horus could glimmer and take in the blood soaked form of the one before him, Athrun lifted his head and flicked his wings back over the curse markings that covered his back and sides. Just because he was cursed didn't mean that he had to show it so openly to another, though surely every god knew of it. Looking at him proved it was there, from the mane to the smaller size of him even if he was large for an adolescent.


Athrun knew him, of course he knew him. How could he not know him? His own daughter was mates with him; his own grandson bore his blood. But Ezriel was here when the lonely god was attempting to find peace to ease his stressed mind and body.

How ironic.

"You should know as well as I do where they are. Did your memories come back or is this simply a kind of memory spat where you won't remember tomorrow?" Athrun's voice was deeper than normal, his eyes burning behind his blindfold at the male that would call his daughter his mate. "You hurt her as bad as they did. Why would you want to hurt her more if you aren't entirely yourself?"

His hackles raised in response to the other's, however Athrun knew his place and knew that he wouldn't have to do too much to get away from this powerful god that was so angry before him. Yet some other feeling settled slowly into his stomach.

The feeling that screamed, "This is it, and this is where it ends."

Why it screamed at him so shrilly was beyond him but he wasn't in any position to ignore it given the circumstances at present.

"I've never hidden your son from you, even your mate I haven't hidden entirely. You could find her if you wished to."
PostPosted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 11:38 pm

A sharp snarl spat from out of his maw, lips pulling back as his jowls clenched fiercely together. Loneliness was searching it seemed for a raw nerve but little did the God realize that the amnesia had long lifted several days after he had spoken with Pele. If there was anyone who had been so much as honest with him it was his own flesh and blood and to think that he had once held Loneliness with high regards. But now- that steady foundation which Rebellion had slowly built for himself was fissured and crumbling.

The once safe and confused mentality was sharp, slick and cunning as already he was beginning to decipher more than just spoken words and body language.

"If I knew where they were then I wouldn't be wasting my goddamn time here," he retorted. Ezriel chuckled with a slight amusement as his spiked and spaded tail flicked behind him, the small wings unfurling outward. "You'd like that wouldn't you? Having my memories stripped away from me again, keeping her hidden along with my son? It would just be so damn-tastic wouldn't it?"

The light breeze wisped about his thick and tattered mane while small snowflakes attached to his messy locks. It seemed Loneliness was an irritating God and this attempt at reason was starting to rile a more reckless revolt inside of him.

Ocher orbs widened as it seemed that Ath continued, rubbing salt into old wounds and almost appearing to bring peace with lies and alibis. Muscles created tension within his great form as he stepped forward, pinning his ears against his head.

"Entirely myself? Well it seems that Loneliness would be the last to realize when Rebellion comes back around," he mused, wrinkling his muzzle. "I wouldn't be here if I couldn't remember, I wouldn't be here to seek amends for the s**t that you did if I didn't remember. Physically, mentally, emotionally- I remember everything; every drop of spilt blood, every tear shed, every cry of agony and every bone that was broken."

Already adrenaline was surging through his veins, his heart racing as he stood there. He was fighting once again, up and running to reclaim what was his and to seek revenge for what was stolen from him and, perhaps, from what could have made the process less painful. Truly such sensations were intoxicating and Ezriel felt as if strength from long ago was returning with a new vengeance.

Deep inside of him the God felt that this certainly would be the end- the end of all of the damn mess which had held him back for so long. With the cycle broken and his mind restored, Ezriel was looking to catch up on what he missed as well as owe others what he had been meaning to give them after all this time.

Ath would be the first on his list.

The God quirked a brow upward, not amused in the slightest. "Haven't hidden entirely? A poor choice of word for a hell of an excuse," Ezriel commented.

Rebellion took a step closer as he gave a thrumming rumble from out of his chest. "But not only did you hide them, you lied. This whole damn time it's been nothing but a lie. You b*****d, you knew all along, didn't you? And you even associate yourself with him- that damn fool whose ******** fault all of this is!" His voice was booming, echoing as the God gave an earth trembling roar- the foundation beneath them quivering as he bared his fangs.

"Are you so desperate to feel wanted or appreciated that you would associate with him?"



PostPosted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 11:39 pm
A nerve piqued in Athrun's mind, a nerve that hadn't been piqued in the longest time. It told him to be angry, it told him to bristle and take the life of the god before him for insulting him so. Yet at the same time he knew it was his own fault. What Ezriel didn't know was the reason behind WHY he hid his daughter and why she hid her son. There was a clear reason behind it, but Athrun sure wasn't going to tell this angry male that, it would make him attack in a flurry of violence that he would believe was well placed.

Rolling his shoulders so that his wings moved across his body and the hieroglyphics burned red at the anger being turned on them, Athrun took a step forward himself.

"I have no need to be wanted or appreciated. I have a mate and children, a pride that I understand the reasoning behind their worship as much as I do the curse I was placed under myself. You and I are not so different, both of us are cursed and both of us lost something we cared about." Athrun told him slowly, his voice had a hardened edge to it, a knife that could cut the mind as well as the tongue.

It wasn't that he didn't like Ezriel, in fact he liked him very much. It was a matter of keeping his daughter safe, something he owed her. Fallaji would be able to get away from his protection if she wished, right now clearly she didn't otherwise she'd have found Ezriel herself.

"Then tell me why she hasn't gone to you yet? She's no fool, she'll know when your mind has come back to itself entirely. You may remember everything but she may be keeping herself hidden to save you as much as herself. Do you remember what happened to HER? Or do you only remember yourself? How about what happened to your own son? Do you remember that as well? I haven't hidden her hard, she asked me to keep her safe as well as her son. However I haven't hidden her since I first laid eyes on you. My protection over them both has fallen since you came back, hoping once again to see her as happy as she once was." A snarl escaped him, but it wasn't dramatic and loud, it was low and it raised the hair on the back of his neck straight down to his tail in a row.

Something was wrong, something was very wrong. Never before had he ever met this much retaliation. Rebellion was strong of course, but Athrun knew that he was as strong if not stronger because he was in his right mind and Ezriel was clearly going out of his own with the need for vengeance that was misplaced.

"If you wish to attack someone then why don't you attack Juuku and kill him in the hopes of returning him to his old self so you can exact the revenge you REALLY want. Or are you afraid that if you kill your sister's mate she'll hate you? I may not like the surf god but I acknowledge that he's no longer the same male that hurt my daughter and yourself. I original found him in the hopes of killing him, of hurting him as much as he'd hurt her, however I found a male with a mind like a gorge and no memories of what damage he's done. I can't bring myself to attack and kill a male that can't remember the reason for why I'm killing him."

Large fangs glistened as Athrun spoke, his muzzle pulling back in a feral snarl that normally wasn't present on his lonely face.
PostPosted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 11:40 pm

There was no reason, no logic that Ezriel could see. The Gods had punished him, bruised him and left him to die; a memory wiped away, wings battered and cursed with spikes to adorn his tail and a spade which had yet to cease bleeding. Granted that it would not cause the God to bleed to death yet it was a symbol for what Rebellion had done. Ezriel sneered, his muzzle bunching up with distaste and anger which already was consuming both mind and body.

"No," the God commented, his voice gruff and deep as he stepped forward once again. "There is a difference between you and I; I would never lie to those who I considered a 'friend'."

It was somewhat clear the desires of Athrun's heart which seemed to scream, conveying scattered messages to Rebellion yet he could hardly interpret them as sharply as he typically could though the onset of such foul emotions seemed to block out the sound. With a wounded heart and a vendetta to rebel against those who had done his mate, son and himself harm it seemed that this was the first step. Although unknowingly fighting for a cause often came with a hefty price.

Rebellion gave another earth trembling roar, heaving a deep breath while lips pulled back from his away of teeth. "She would have come back though I'm rather damn sure there's an underlying scheme of yours to keep her away. What do you want to see? Would you like to see me suffer more?" The sting of such words penetrated only so far and he whose heart was held captive within ice brushed off the remark like an unwanted pest. "Always one to bring the painful days back, aren't we? They stripped her of her glory, shackled and chained her- sewing her own maw with wire. Does that dazzle your inquiry? My son was killed and I've no idea where he is and returned, you b*****d. Enough with these damn questions. Where are they!"

The fur upon his back bristled, standing on edge as ocher orbs continued to lock upon the God. The disoriented and vengeful mind of Rebellion was only starting to realize the pain from the past and the mending of forgotten memories. Yet the fact that a friend would lie to him, in a sense betray him, and withhold facts caused the God to let his once dormant powers take control. This need- this need to fight against Loneliness screamed within him, demanding him to fight!

He couldn't stop it.

Again he was plagued with questions, accusations which made Rebellion only take yet another step forward as he towered above Loneliness. Though amused, the God chuckled rather deeply. "Oh- I'd much fight my battles one at a time. There's so much to savor. I'll deal with Juuku once I'm done with you." His tail flicked irritatedly once again as claws retracted.

"An eye for an eye- Surf should know the rules by now and not even he can escape from them." With Pele being brought up in the dispute, Ezriel arched a brow and fanged a grin. "Already one step ahead of you I fear. As if you didn't know there's always a way to trigger even the most empty mind into something they were one and will always be."

Likewise Ezriel displayed a feral, savage snarl as his wings snapped open. The wicked tail behind him slashed behind him. "You should have realized that the end was near you lying son of a b***h," he hackled.

And with that Rebellion sprang forward, claws extended and maw gaping ajar seeking flesh and fur.



PostPosted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 11:41 pm
Athrun's eyes narrowed behind his blindfold and for once he was happy that it covered the emotions that were betrayed there. Ezriel wasn't in his right mind, that much was apparent by how he was behaving. Sure Athrun knew that he hadn't told his old friend everything, he'd wanted to keep Fallaji safe for as long as possible.

Ezriel normally should have understood that, but for whatever reason he was inconsolable now. There was no way to get through to him even though Athrun was trying his best.

The time for words was long gone and like he always did right before a fight, Athrun became as silent as a wraith. Both of his abnormally large wings fluffed out when Ezriel took a step towards him, making him appear large than he was even though it wouldn't help in this case.

Slowly howling sounds filled the air as the lonely god's fur turned from snow colored to a deep black. He was angry, angry that no matter what he did he couldn't protect those that he loved and for once he wanted to let Ezriel see that he wasn't beyond hurting him to stand up for his own daughter.

The spring that the larger god took towards him was expected and the howling of all the lonely souls in the area seemed to grow to a fevered pitch as Athrun threw himself at Rebellion in return. His claws sought out some kind of surface in which to wound. Something to deal damage more than just his fangs.

Blood arched through the air as Ezriel's own claws found Athrun's shoulder, the smaller god struggling to keep himself from ripping away from the large talons as he twisted his head to meet the onslaught of the fangs that would surely attempt to rip at his throat if he gave him that opportunity. It was a fight, not some sort of dance where one waited for the other to finish before they began. If Athrun allowed him to get the upper hand he would be dead, and then where would either of them be?

If that happened his mate would be alone with two new cubs and his daughter would be vulnerable again, unable to use her own powers other than to disappear from sight. Even his own sons... what would become of them if he were to die at this time and be reborn?

The thoughts swirled in his mind as he swung his claws towards Rebellion's sides, hoping to do some sort of damage that might cripple him into releasing his shoulder.
PostPosted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 11:42 pm

Warm, oozing crimson seemed to saturate his paws as the God flexed his claws- digging them deeper into Athrun's shoulder. Although it seemed that the smaller God was well versed in keeping his neck away from jaws that sought at any opportunity to sever the throat and cause the windpipes to collapse. The thought of dying hadn't crossed his mind- that perhaps the tables could turn against him in an unseen turn of events yet Rebellion pressed on. Claws tried to rip deeper, hoping to tear into ligaments and muscles as Ezriel pressed his weight upon the smaller God.

"You brought this upon yourself," Rebellion hackled, deep growls raising from his throat.

If only to bear his weight down to a more extreme, the God staggered onto his hind legs and began to press into him. The collapse or buckling of Athrun’s leg would give him an advantage and enable the massive God to grab the smaller God by the back of the neck and bring the struggle to an end. But it would seem that the plunging of claws into his side thwarted his thoughts suddenly.

Rebellion snarled. The pain was swift and sharp yet didn't Athrun know that he'd once endure worse pain? Ezriel's grip upon Loneliness's shoulder intensified before he released though in an attempted blind sight the God swung his right paw with claws extended at Athrun's face. As his body twisted his tail seemed to follow spade and spikes attempted to slam against something and give the God yet another opportunity to bring Loneliness to ruins end.

Blood from his tail flicked within the air and seemed to rain down if only to foretell of what was to come. One could be certain that the battle would not end until either immortal was ridden of and Ezriel was damn certain that he would not lose as he had yet to deal with Juuku.



PostPosted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 11:44 pm
The red that had taken over his body for so long seemed to be spreading across him as he fought to keep himself from crumpling under the weight of the other. Of course Athrun had fought before, he was a god, and he was stronger than he looked. However he was passive most of the time, where other gods were not. It was that fact that made him lose his footing when he did, landing him a terrible smack to the face that sent his head smashing off a rock on the mountain cliffside they were standing in front of.

His black fur turned white again and his eyes crossed and uncrossed, his claws still hooked the best he could have them in Ezriel's side. Instantly a tail caught him across the face, the spikes and spade ripping his blindfold from over his eyes and his head reeling back as his body crumpled.

Of course he'd been hurt worse in the past, his wings had been broken, his eyes blinded temporarily. However now he was seeing the blood that always flowed with his vision. Blood that wasn't there, death that didn't truly exist. When he opened his sky colored eyes without the blindfold on for the first time in years Athrun saw Ezriel's mouth and eyes bleeding, gouges down his body that he hadn't caused himself. It was horrendous to see something like that once more. Even where he was laying Athrun nearly lost everything he'd eaten that morning.

Of course he knew it was all an illusion, but it reminded him of his first mate being gutted and his children's necks broken, tossed like rag dolls in a heap of boneless bodies. Tears began running down the lonely god's face as he stared into the eyes of Rebellion.

With a surge he leapt up, the fire in his chest overflowing as he associated Ezriel for once with something that he'd never been involved with. But if it would help him to fight back Athrun would do it, he would hurt him in the hopes of getting him away from him. It was all that Athrun could do, was to associate him with the worst thing that had ever happened in his long, long life.

Maybe that would give him the savageness he needed to end this and get Ezriel to calm down enough so he could explain it. Get him to stop attacking. So Athrun attacked himself, threw himself at Ezriel's throat despite the thick mane that was there where Athrun had none.

It was suicidal.
PostPosted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 11:46 pm

About damn time!

As the smaller God fell, Ezriel sneered watching as Ath's head hit against the powder of snow and underlying rocks beneath. Even with the bow of his tail to Ath's face he saw the blindfold rip from off of its masters face unveiling sky azure orbs which the God had never seen before. Ezriel himself had never questioned why a blindfold was worn yet now, of all times, was not the time to ask questions. Ezriel bore his weight down harder, wanting to fully smash the God's face beneath the snow.

Though something caught his attention and, of all things, it seemed tears were rolling down Ath's face. The last thing Ezriel wanted to do was to pity the God and simply such a requirement was out of the question. For what Athrun had done to him was, in his mind, a betrayal of his trust and friendship. The God had kept his mate and his own son away from him for so long and, again, with fully awakening his rampage was only beginning to unfold.

But it seemed the unexpected happen causing the God to throw himself back and out of the way. Unexpected fangs penetrated just above his chest through thick mane though out of where the vital pipe ways and throat resided.
He could feel the warm blood trickling, matting his fur and down his chest which only instigated a fury within the God. Athrun's grip upon him was fierce though Ezriel still had a hell of a lot of fight within him.

A deep rumble emitted from Rebellions throat as he violently lurched his head downwards with gaping jaws and anxious fangs seeking to bring a closure to the brawl.



PostPosted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 11:47 pm
If it wasn't that his fangs were dug so deep down into Ezriel's throat he would have felt the crushing bite that would be the end of him. But blood was flowing over his muzzle and over his face, melding in with his own as his claws fought to sink into Ezriel's chest in order to push him away. It wasn't until a warm feeling spread through his lungs and the urge to cough swelled within him that Athrun stopped and froze. Weakness he'd never felt before flashed through him and settled in his legs.

Screwing his face up, the lonely god closed his eyes and ripped his neck out of Ezriel's bite, feeling his wind pipe and all the thick blood vessels in his throat rip along with it. Blood gushed from the wound and down over his collar, marring the swirls on his chest with a brighter color that almost made them look as though they were spreading over the god's fur until they would take it over entirely. Down his legs and into the snow, making a deep red puddle at his feet that wouldn't stop until all the blood in him was gone.

It was too late.

Sky colored eyes looked up at Ezriel in shock and horror, a kind of sadness sat there as his legs suddenly gave from under him with the swiftness that he lost blood from his body. Never in his life had Athrun ever felt so utterly weakened, even when his own family was killed he hadn't felt like this... he hadn't felt his heart begin to hammer harder as less and less blood ran through it. The feeling of exploding, or at least of wanting to came to his mind and settled over his blood stained chest.

It was finally the end. It had been so long since he'd been alive that it almost seemed as though he would never die... as though he would open his eyes and the dream of his fighting his daughter's mate would dissipate and he would be laying beside Azraceri. However, that wasn't to be.

A thick cough erupted from his chest, blood flying from between his teeth and Athrun's shoulders slumped heavily, wings falling down onto the snow at odd angles because they were just to heavy to hold anymore. Slowly his sky colored eyes glazed over with a milky film that threatened to make him blind for the last time in his long life.

Desperately he wanted to say something to Ezriel, wanted to tell him the reasoning, wanted to apologize even. The words were there, but his mind was slowly shutting down as his blood seemed to gush heavier out of him and his heart slowed. Almost gracefully his head fell down to the blood soaked snow, breaths coming in heavy gasps through his muzzle as blood poured from there as well, rushing over his tongue hotly and out into the forming puddle.

Weak as a kitten. Pathetic.

Muscles in his neck tensed for a moment and he managed to look up at the god before him, look up into those burning colored eyes that peered out at him from behind the metal mask that hid so much but nothing at all. It was the face of his killer, the image burned into his dying mind for only a brief second before darkness edged his vision and he closed his eyes again.

"Save... her..." Athrun ground out, blood marring the words and making it seem as though he were just gargling on his own blood rather than speaking. If anyone else had seen him they might have thought that.

Suddenly a darkness settled over him, one he'd never felt before and his mind relaxed for the first time in years. In so long he'd never felt anything like this.

With a flash the hieroglyphics were gone and the god was laying as he'd once been, snow colored for all that he was soaked in blood. The heat left his body just as the mind that had rested deep within left. Now the snow colored body lay broken again, but for the first time soulless and empty.

Loneliness was gone.
PostPosted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 11:50 pm

Ezriel's grip became much like a vice grip as emotions consumed him whole. Rebellion often lead to horrible things, good things at times yes, but now it was becoming evident that the God wasn't well acquainted with his powers or brute strength. The flow of blood was thick, like a steady stream as Loneliness's snow-white pelt was becoming lost within blemishes of crimson. The shattered memories, the pain that welled up inside of him caused the God to crush down harder as he lost himself only to feel the struggle from the God within his jaws and the initial tear away from out of his own jaws.

Ezriel panted, crimson mixing with his saliva as it dribbled from his maw. Blood soaked his face and matted his thick mane though the realization, although too late, that the blow was too much. There was a sudden pain that welted in his chest and a solacing, soft sound that seemed as if the unseen were mourning in pain and loss. Ocher orbs slowly began to register to what he had done.

He killed him.

The wound itself was too grievous to mend and the blood loss alone could only determine that death was soon to lead to the beginning of a new life for Loneliness. As Ezriel caught a glimpse into Ath's eyes, the God turned his head away as his ears flattened against his head while a subtle snarl twisted his maw. What had he done? What madness had he reaped? And it had led to this?

Watching Athrun struggle to even find a breath as crimson still poured from out of his neck only created a heaviness upon Rebellions shoulders as he sat there. Small tears formed at the corner of his ocher orbs as they trailed down his cheeks while other emotions that desperately fought to surface were pushed back. Again he found his eyes to level with those of the dying God although there was a sadness and yet some form of peace that seemed to linger within his eyes as white began to seize its sky hue.

Turning away slightly, Ezriel's ears pricked upward as he listed to the spoken words. Save her? His chest heaved a deep breath, somewhat of a gasp as he turned back around. From behind his mask Ezriel’s brows furrowed in a somber expression.

"I will... I swear it," he commented softly.

As the color all but drained from the body of Loneliness, Ezriel stepped forward towards the empty shell whose soul was elsewhere. One day the God would be reborn- unknown if his memories of the event would return yet at some time Loneliness would return. Loneliness was everywhere and needed within the world and thus it would always have a need for Athrun.

In honor the God nudged the limp body before him in a resting position if only to give respect to the departed soul. As snow continued to settle upon the ground and slowly cover the evidence of the mess, Ezriel exhaled deeply as a wreath of mist escaped from his nostrils.

"We will meet again, soon, Loneliness. I will be waiting...." Rebellion commented softly. "I will save her."

Giving a last look towards the fallen God, Ezriel turned around and began finding his way back down the mountain. For once his wings felt useless; a walk was certainly needed to help ease his mind.


[IC/OOC] Gods' Haven [IC/OOC]

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