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Reply *~Midnight Times~* (guild newsletter)
Last Quarter 2008

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Vice Captain

PostPosted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 11:01 am
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Samhain/Yule 2008

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If I haven't said it before...Fall is my favorite time of year. I can't really pinpoint an exact reason why, but I truly wish it could stay Fall all year around. September was a bit quite in the guild, with quite a few members being busy with back to school activities. We did have our Mabon/Ostara celebration, and as usual there was lots of fun to be had by all. A big thanks to everyone who participated, and an extra big congratulations goes to the following contest winners:

Mabon Tek-Tek: mqstalker
Ostara Tek-Tek: Sanguina-chan
Poetry Contest: mqstalker
Guestbook Raffle: Jessk-Ann
Bump Contest: mqstalker

As the Fall season continues to wind down, the days become shorter and the chill of Winter slowly creeps our way. Now is a good time to reflect on where we are in our lives and what things we may need to do over the next few months to get us to where we want to be for the coming year. The colder months are also a great time for working on your studies. There is nothing better when it is cold outside, than curling up with a good book and a cup of hot cocoa - why not make it a book on Wicca, Witchcraft or Paganism. Check out our Recommended Reading List for great list of books to read.

Well, you will probably notice as you continue to read this issue that things are a little different with the Midnight Times. We have decided to go with a quarterly "publication" schedule, instead of the monthly one we have been following. It makes it a bit easier for us to manage, but it also means that you all will get a lot more info in each issue - so that is great for you all. You will also see that we discontinued the Rune article/class. Since no one responded in the class thread, I am assuming that there wasn't anyone interested in continuing the class, therefore certainly no reason for me to spend hours of my time each month setting it up. Please feel free to let us know what you think about all the changes in our Feeback Tread.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 11:05 am
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1: Birthday of Isaac Bonewits, founder of Ár nDraíocht Féin
14: Full moon (Blood Moon) at 4:02 pm
16 - 19: Wisteria Autumn Fires Festival (Southeastern OH)
28: New moon at 7:14 pm
31: Samhain
31: Beltane (Southern Hemisphere)


2: Birthday of Wiccan author Sirona Knight
14: Full moon (Mourning Moon) at 1:17 am)
27: New moon at 11:54 am


12: Full moon (Long Nights Moon) at 11:37
21: Winter Solstice or Yule
21: Litha (Southern Hemisphere)

27: New moon at 7:22 am

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Dates:September 23 to October 22
Element: Air
Quality: Cardinal
Symbol: The Scales
Nature: Positive
Day: Friday
Metal: Copper
Gem: Sapphire, Jade
Colors: Blue, Pink, Pale Green
Governs: Lower Back, Kidneys, and Buttocks
Key Word: I Balance
Positive Traits: Romantic, Cooperative, Gracious, Sociable, Tactful, Diplomatic.
Negative Traits: Fickle, Dependent, Indecisive, Sulking, Peace At Any Cost.
Ruler: Venus


Dates: October 23 to November 21
Element: Water
Quality: Fixed
Symbol: The Scorpion (or an Eagle)
Nature: Negative
Day: Tuesday
Metal: Steel and Iron
Gem: Opal
Colors: Maroon, Dark Red
Governs: Regenerative Organs and Genitals
Key Word: I Desire
Positive Traits: Motivated, Passionate, Resourceful, Investigative, Penetrating, Aware.
Negative Traits: Intolerant, Violent, Jealous, Resentful, Distrusting, Secretive, Temperamental.
Ruler: Mars (also Pluto)


Dates: November 22 to December 21
Element: Fire
Quality: Mutable
Symbol: The Archer
Nature: Positive
Day: Thursday
Metal: Tin
Gem: Topaz
Colors: Dark Blue and Purple
Governs: Hips and Thighs
Key Word: I See
Positive Traits: Honest, Open-Minded, Straight Forward, Ethical, Charitable, Generous, Good Sense of Humor.
Negative Traits: Exaggerating, Blunt, Impatient, Pushy, Tactless, Talks Too Much.
Ruler: Jupiter


Vice Captain

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 11:07 am
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For information on the exact dates and times of the Sabbats please check out this site... archaeoastronomy.com


SAMHAIN (October 31st)

Samhain is a time to remember those who have left us. This is a time to remember our ancestors, both ancient and wise. This is the time when the barriers between our world and the next become blurred, and those from the other side are free to visit our world, as well as guide us. It is also the time when the Witches and Wiccans say goodbye to the god. Though this temporary as the God gets ready to be reborn from the Goddess. This is a time for reflection, to look back over the past year. A time to come to terms with the one great phenomenon of life in which we have no control of – Death. The year starts with Samhain, for it is in the dark half of the year. The great Druids believed that the day began with the setting of the sun; therefore, the dark half of the year is the beginning. New Years resolutions are made on Samhain. Samhain is the traditional day to raise a Covener within a circle.

Other Names: Third Harvest, Samana, Vigil of Saman, Shadowfest (Strega), Halloween, All Hallows Eve, Hallowe’en, and the Scottish Gaelic spellings for Samhain are Samhuin or Samhuinn.

Correspondences and Associations

Colors: Black, Orange, White, Silver, Scarlet, Dark Brown, Bronze and Gold.
Foods: Apples, Pumpkin Pie, Hazelnuts, Corn, Cranberry Muffins and Bread, Ale, Nuts, Cider, Turnips, Gourds, Mulled Wines, Beef, Pork, Poultry, and Herbal Teas.
Symbols: Jack-o-Lanterns, Photos of the Deceased, Apples, Squashes, Autumn Flowers, Fall Leaves, Gourds, Black Cats, Bats, Crows, Oak Leaves, Divination Acorns and Besoms.
Incense: Apple, Heliotrope, Mint, Nutmeg, Sandalwood, Myrrh, Mugwort, Patchouli and Sage.
Candles: Black, Orange, White, Silver, and Gold.
Gemstones: All Black Gemstones (Jet, Obsidian, and Onyx), Carnelian, Jasper, Smoky Quarts, and Bloodstone.
Deities: Anubis, Arianrhod, Astarte, Cernunnos, Cerridwen, Crone, Dark Lord and Lady, Demeter, Hathor, Hecate, Horned God, Innana, Isis, Kali, Odin, Morrigan, and Lilith
Herbs:Mugwort, Allspice, Broom, Catnip, Deadly Nightshade, Mandrake, Oak Leaves, Sage, Pumpkin, Apples, Chrysanthemums, Thistle, Rosemary, Rue, Calendula, Sunflower Petals, Pumpkin Seeds, Apple Leaves, Mushrooms, Wild Ginseng, Wormwood, Tarragon, Bay Leaf, Almond, Hazelnut, Passionflower, Nettle, Mandrake Root, Hemlock Cones, Garlic, Pine Needles, Acorns, and Straw.
Animals: Stag, Cat, Bat, Owl, Jackal, Elephant, Ram, Scorpion, Heron, Crow, and Robin.
Work: Sex Magic, Release of Bad Habits, Banishing, Faerie Magic, Divination of any kind, Candle Magic, Astral Projection, Past Life Work, Dark Moon Mysteries, Mirror Spells (reflection), Casting Protection, Inner Work, Clearing Obstacles, Uncrossing, Inspiration, Creative Visualization, and Contacting those who are no longer on this plane.
Tools: Besom, Cauldron, Tarot, Obsidian Ball, Pendulum, Runes, Ouija Board, Black Cauldron or Bowl filled with Black Ink or Water, and Magic Mirror.

YULE (December 21st)

Yule has the longest night and the shortest day of the year. It is the time when the Goddess gives birth to a son, the God. Witches and Wiccans celebrate the Festival of the God’s Rebirth. It is a time to honor the Holly King. Accomplishes of the past, love, togetherness, and love are also celebrated. These things are celebrated by burning the Yule Log in a bonfire. A portion of the Yule Log is always saved to light next years Yule Log. The Yule Log is usually oak. It is kept throughout the year to protect the home as well.

Other Names: Winter Solstice, Christmas, Alban Arthan, Finn’s Day, Festival of Sol, Yuletide, Great Day of the Cauldron, and the Festival of Growth.

Correspondences and Associations

Colors: Red, Green, White, Silver, Gold, Yellow, and Orange.
Foods: Roasted Turkey, Nuts, Eggnog, Cookies, Fruit, Pork, Ale, Roasted Apples and Mulled Wine.
Symbols: Yule Log, Evergreen Boughs, Wreaths, Holly, Mistletoe, Gold Pillar Candles, Baskets of Clove Studded Fruits, Poinsettias, Cinnamon Sticks, Ivy, Wheel, and Fir or Pin Bows.
Incense: Bayberry, Pine, Cedar, Rosemary, Juniper, Cinnamon, and Frankincense.
Candles:Red, Green, White, and Gold.
Gemstones:Ruby, Cat’s Eye, Blue Zircon, Turquoise, Serpentine, Emeralds, and Diamonds.
Deities: Athena, Attis, Dionysus, Fates, Frey, Freyja, Hathor, Lucina, Norns, Osiris, Woden, and the Horned God.
Herbs: Bayberry, Blessed Thistle, Evergreen, Frankincense, Holly, Laurel, Mistletoe, Oak, Pine, Sage, and Yellow Cedar.
Animals: Reindeer, the Stage, Mouse, Deer, Horse, Squirrel, Phoenix, and Bear.
Work: Peace, Harmony, Love, Happiness, Banishing Disease, Seeking Past Lives, Meditation, Singing Around the Hearth Fire, and Goals and Accomplishments.
Tools: Bells.



BELTANE (October 31/November 1)

Beltane marks the emergence of the Sun God in manhood. Stirred by the energies at work in nature, he desires the Goddess. They fall in love, lying amongst the grass and flowers and unit. The Goddess then becomes pregnant. Beltane marks the return of vitality, of passions and hopes consummated. This is the last Spring Fertility Festival. It is time to dance around the Maypole, a symbol of Fertility. This Festival celebrates the union and marriage of the God and Goddess and reawakening of the Earth’s fertility at its greatest. The time for plating seeds has ended and the time to wait has begun. It is one of the two most important Sabbats of the year. Beltane is the compliment of Samhain. The Barriers between our world and the next are again blurred. At Samhain the Otherworld visits us, at Beltane we can visit the Otherworld. Jumping over the bonfire promotes fertility and prosperity. Wild Water is collected on this day and used the bathe in or used to drink for health. Beltaine literally means “Fire of Bel” (Celtic God of Light and Fire.). May is the month for sensuality and sexuality to be revitalized. The awakening of the Earth and her Children.

Other Names: Beltaine, May Day, or May Eve.

Correspondences and Associations

Colors: Pink, White, Green, Soft Pink, Blue, Yellow, and Red.
Foods: Red Fruits, Herbal Salads, Red or Pink Wine/Punch, Large round Oatmeal or Barley Cake, Strawberries, Cherries, Passion Fruit, Kiwi, Marigold Custard, Vanilla Ice Cream, and Green Salads.
Symbols: Bonfires, Maypole, and Flowers.
Incense: Frankincense, Lilac, and Rose.
Candles: Dark Green.
Gemstones: Emerald, Orange Carnelian, Sapphire, Rose Quarts, Amber, and Malachite.
Deities: Flora, Diana and Artemis, Pan, Aphrodite, Venus and Maia.
Herbs: Honeysuckle, St. Johns Wort, Almond, Angelica, Ash Tree, Bluebells, Daisies, Hawthorn, Ivy, Lilac, Marigold, Dandelion, and Apple Tree.
Animals: Swallows, Doves, Swans, Cats, Lynx, and Leopards.
Work: Fertilize, Activities of Pleasure, Leaping Bonfires, Making Garlands, Dancing around the maypole, and Feasting.
Tools: Besom, Bonfire, and Cauldron.

LITHA (December 21st)

Litha is the Summer Solstice. It marks the longest day of the year. Litha is the classic time for Magic of all kinds. Believe whatever is dreamt of will become true for the dreamer. This is a time to celebrate passion and success. Litha is the opposite of Yule. On this day of the longest daylight, life and light are abundant. This is the time when the Sun God has reached his greatest strength. Seated on his greenwood throne, he is God of the forests. The powers of nature are at their highest point. Bonfires are lit to represent the Sun God and to rouse love, purification, health, and fertility. Litha Eve is also special for adherents of the Faerie Faith.

Other Names: Midsummer, and Leetha.

Correspondences and Associations

Colors: Blue, Green, and Yellow.
Foods: Fresh Vegetables, Summer Fruits, Pumpernickel Bread, Ale, and Mead.
Symbols:Dried Herbs, Potpourri, Seashells, Summer Flowers and Fruits.
Incense: Frankincense, Lemon, Myrrh, Pine, Rose, and Wisteria.
Candles: Blue, Green, Gold, and Red.
Gemstones: Emerald, Jade, Lapis, and Diamond.
Deities: Ra, Bast, Mother Earth, Mother Nature, Father Sun, Father Sky, and the Oak King.
Herbs: Lavender, Chamomile, Roses, Daisies, Cheekweed, Apple, Vervain, and Lilies.
Animals: Butterflies, Caterpillars, Sea Creatures, Wren, Robins, Horses, Cattle, Satyrs, Faeries, Firebird, Dragon and the Thunder Bird.
Work: Herb Drying, protection, luck, health, transformation, career, and relationships.
Tools: Drums, Rattles, Bonfire, Mirrors for reflecting the sun or bonfire, Earth circles of stone energies.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 11:08 am
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45 drops patchouli oil
1 cup oak moss
2 cups dried apple blossoms
2 cups dried heather flowers
1 cup dried and chopped apple peel
1 cup dried pumpkin seeds
1/2 cup dried and chopped mandrake root

Mix the patchouli oil with the oak moss, and then add the remaining ingredients. Stir the potpourri well and store in a tightly covered ceramic or glass container.

The above "Samhain Ritual Potpourri" recipe is from "The Wicca Spellbook: A Witch's Collection of Wiccan Spells, Potions and Recipes" by Gerina Dunwich, page 164, Citadel Press, Carol Publishing Group Edition, 1995.)


The Yule log is a remnant of the bonfires that the European pagans would set ablaze at the time of winter solstice. These bonfires symbolized the return of the Sun. The Yule log can be made of any wood. Each releases its own kind of magic.

Aspen: invokes understanding of the grand design.
Birch: signifies new beginnings.
Holly: inspires visions and reveals past lives.
Oak: brings healing, strength, and wisdom.
Pine: signifies prosperity and growth.
Willow: invokes the Goddess to achieve desires.

On the night of Yule, carve a symbol of your hopes for the coming year into the log. Burn the log to release its power. Save a piece of this year’s Yule log for kindling in next year’s fire. You may also wish to decorate the log with greenery, flowers, ribbons and herbs for magickal intent. Some choices might be:

Carnations: protection, courage, strength, healing, increases magickal power, vitality
Cedar: wealth, protection, purification, healing, promotes spirituality
Holly: dreams, protection
Juniper: Exorcism, protection, healing, love
Mistletoe: a catalyst, fertility, health, success, protection, banishing evil
Pine: healing, wealth, protection, purification, exorcism, exorcism, fertility, wealth
Rosemary: health, love, protection, exorcism, purification, increase intellectual powers, peace, blessing, consecration, very powerful cleansing and purifying
Roses: love, courage, luck, health, protection, beauty

Ribbons can be used according to their color magical correspondences.




This is a small sachet pillow stuffed with good things, an excellent gift when people newly in love move in together. All the while you’re assembling it, focus on their hopes, dreams and your bright wishes for their hearth. Make a small pillow (I usually do a 5×5 square) from an interesting material. Leave one end open for stuffing.

Gather, mix and empower the following herbs:

* Sage and Sandalwood for blessing and protection
* Lavender for domestic tranquility
* Rose petals to honor their love
* Vervain for bright witchery
* A couple drops of cinnamon oil.

Stuff the pillow and sew the open end shut. Decorate as desired. In sacred space, dedicate it under the gaze of the Lord and the Lady. If you’re blessing your friends home for them, include the pillow in the ritual. If they’re doing their own home blessing, offer it as a house warming gift.



45 drops lemon or lavender oil
1 cup oak moss
2 cups dried lavender
2 cups dried wisteria
2 cups dried verbena

Mix the lemon or lavender oil with the oak moss, and then add the remaining ingredients. Stir the potpourri well and store in a tightly covered ceramic or glass container.

(The above recipe for "Summer Solstice Ritual Potpourri" is quoted directly from Gerina Dunwich's book "The Wicca Spellbook: A Witch's Collection of Wiccan Spells, Potions and Recipes", page 162, A Citadel Press Book, Carol Publishing Group, 1994/1995)  

Vice Captain

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 11:09 am
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Midnight Moon is home to a really creative bunch of members...here is where we showcase their talent. biggrin This month we are showcasing the entries from our Mabon/Ostara Sabbat Celebration Poetry Contest. Enjoy!!!

I dance in the rays of the noon day sun
Frolic in the beams of the moonlight fun
Standing between the dark, the light
I believe the Harvest will be complete tonight.

Gather and wander, the sun will soon set.
Racing and hoarding until nothing's left
Keep what one requires, help those in need.
Frost will soon cover the grasses and weeds

Turn faces towards dull gray skies
give thanks to lost sunbeams
say your goodbyes
The Goddess, she glows from within
The God, a newborn child once again

crisp chill
breaking through the soft fabric
meeting my skin
with a cool hello

mists hugging
mountains every morning,
and dew freezing
crunches underfoot

trees fall
deep sleep to last the winter
almost looking dead
but alive under surface

slow down
time for harvest, canning, bread
time to gather family
and celebrate an ending

good bye
to long warm days, and growth
all endings are happy, for with them they bring...
new beginnings.
PostPosted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 11:13 am
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Journey to the Underworld

Samhain and Beltane are both times when the veils between the earth and the spirit realms are thinnest. These are usually the best times for seeking answers/insights that require assistance from these other realms. While the following meditation is best performed on Samhain, it is also appropriate for use during times of stagnation, when you feel that transformation is needed to advance and grow in your life. Also, while it is an excellent tool for helping us get past these blocks, it really shouldn’t be used more often than once a year.

The Underworld is the realm in which our subconscious self exists. It is the realm of death, of hidden truths, of the parts of our psyche we often are unaware of. Journeying into the Underworld and back out again, is to take a journey to the depths of our soul and transform ourselves in the process.

The Underworld is a place of spirits, a place of shadows and silence. A place where our own living souls can journey for brief times to discover hidden knowledge about ourselves and our lives. To understand life, we must also understand death. Death is the ultimate physical transformation, and when we go through cycles of change in our daily lives, we are undergoing forms of death in life. With the assistance of guardian animals, the following meditation will allow you to tap into this transformative realm. I suggest that you read through the meditation first, some of us may not be ready for this journey and that is perfectly fine. You will know when the time is right - it may be now, or it may be several years from now. It only matters that it is the right time for you.

If you feel the need, to use any of the following during your meditation - please feel free to do so.
Flowers: lilies, white carnations, white roses
Incense: kyphi, copal, cedar
Oils: oak moss, cypress, cedar, earth
Crystals: lapis lazuli, bloodstone, jasper
Candles: white, black

Sit back and relax.

Close your eyes and take three deep breaths. You are standing at the entrance to a cavern. It is evening, the twilight is turning to indigo, and the air is a little chilly. You pull your cloak tightly around your shoulders. The cavern is rumored to be filled with treasures, not gold and silver, or gems and jewels in huge trunks, or ancient priceless coins, but the treasure of self-discovery. The rumors say the way is steep and dangerous and you must have very stout boots. It will be dark walking, for the treasure is said to be very far underground, and so you will need a light, a lantern. You also decide to take an animal guide with you. Think of what animal you would like to have at your side. It should be one you are comfortable with, and it can be any size and color that you like. Take a moment to think about this, then call and your animal guide will appear.


When you guide appears, ask for its name. Now you must decide what tools you will need. Do you want a walking stick, or do you feel that you need a weapon to protect yourself? Think about it for a moment and whatever you need will appear at your feet.


Now pick up your gear and take a step into the cave. Your animal guide will go with you. The cavern starts out fairly large and level. It is not easy to see, even with your lantern, and when you look around, shadows seem to loom over you. When you get to the back of the cave there is an opening just big enough for you and your guide to slip through. As you slide between the granite, you can smell moss where it is growing on the north side of the cave. You are now in a long, narrow passage. The floor of the tunnel slopes downward, a gentle grade at first. The passage is only about four feet wide and eight feet high and if your animal guide is too big to fit in here, you find that it can magically shrink, adapting to the cavern’s size


Hold up you lantern and begin your descent into the tunnel. At first your footing is secure, the terrain is fairly smooth, and you find it easy going, but as you continue along, all the time descending, the slope beings to steepen. Now and then a rock juts out of the ground; some are sharp and jagged, some are smooth. Once you find a boulder blocking the passage that is so large that you and your animal guide have to crawl over the top.


The temperature is dropping. It is cold in this granite world, and you shiver as a gust of wind from somewhere far below blows against your skin. It douses the fire in your lantern and instantly darkness shrouds you in a velvet cloud. You stop, trying to rekindle the light, but when you search for the matches, you accidentally drop the lantern and you can hear as it crashes, rolling down the slope in front of you.


Your animal guide says “Stand still for a moment to let your eyes adjust. Then use your other senses to guide you.” As you obey, listen carefully to see if you can hear any noises around you.


After a few minutes, you can make out dim shapes in the darkness, and your animal guide urges you to continue on. If you have a walking stick, it can help you pick out your way. Or you can stretch your arms out and use the sides of the tunnel for balance. You might want to hold onto your animal guide as you walk. The slope beneath your feet has become quite steep and you have to move very carefully in the dark to avoid falling. Rocks clutter the passageway; you could easily turn an ankle if you are not careful. Feel each step before you take it, use your internal sense of guidance to keep yourself from tripping over the loose stones.


Now the walls of the cave feel moist and you can smell a dank, mildewed odor permeating the air. If you touch the granite you can feel the mold growing in slick patches on the stone’s surface. Once you think you feel a centipede or some such insect scuttle away from your questing fingers. Your animal guide encourages you forward. You take another few steps. It is very steep and feels very dangerous, and then your foot touches level stone. You have come to the end of the passage. Stop for a moment to relax and take a few deep breaths.


You think you can hear water in the distance, the sound of a rushing river. You can smell it in the air, the mountain hangs heavy around you. With the help of your animal guide, continue through the now level tunnel until you feel the edges of the passage. It is opening into what seems to be a large cavern. When you cautiously pass through, testing each step before you put full weight on your foot, you suddenly see a blaze of sparkling light. The walls are glowing, and they glitter blue and green and yellow, lighting the cavern with a shimmering glow. The cavern in which you are standing stretches farther than you can see. There appears to be another entrance on the other side directly opposite you. In the center of the cave is a large opening that is filled with water. A huge underground river has broken through to fill this miniature lake. It smells fresh, but it shines with such an obsidian light that you aren’t sure if the water is real. Your animal guide leads you over to the edge. “Do not be afraid” it says. “Do not touch the water, but instead look deep into its surface and pay attention to what you see.” When you lean over the edge and look into the dark shining water, you suddenly see an image of yourself. You are lying in a coffin, dead. Your closest friend is talking about you - delivering a eulogy written of truths about your life and your nature. Listen to what is being said. Listen honestly to the truth that is waiting in your soul.


Now the pool shifts and changes and you see another image shimmer into view. This is an image of how you might become. Not necessarily the ideal you, for there is no perfection in actual life, but how you might realistically, honestly evolve and grow over the next year. Watch and listen to learn what changes you could bring for yourself this coming year.


Once again the pool ripple, only this time you animal guide says “Ask to see what changes you must make in order to create the last image into reality” Lean in close to the pool and ask, then listen…watch…and learn.


Now your animal guide tells you, “This is the river that flows deep into the Underworld. If you have old hurts, old grievances that you are ready to let go, that you have mourned and are now ready to put to rest, then bring them to the surface of your mind and dip your hand into the water. Lift it to your mouth and drink and those memories will fade into the background of your mind and lose their power to hurt and taunt you.” Think carefully about this. If you are not ready to let go of an anguish, nothing in the world will pry it away from you. But if you are truly ready to go on, to move into the next phase of your life, then drink from the from river and let bygones be bygones.


When you have finished, you animal guide says “The exit on the other side of the cavern will lead you out from this place. Remember, you can never go back the same way you came, not from the Underworld. You will never remain the same after a journey to your inner soul. Stagnation has no power here, change is stability and transformation remains the goal in this place. The passage on the other side of the cavern is actually a set of steps carved out of the stone. Your animal guide will remain by the lake until you next call for its help. The steps number twenty in all, and as I count from 20 to 1, you will ascend each step towards waking consciousness. 20...19...18...17...the steps are easy to climb…16…15...you will return to full waking consciousness…14...13...12...11...10...you will be alert and refreshed…9...8...7...6...your eyes are beginning to flutter…5...4...3...2...1...take three deep breaths and when you are ready, you may open you eyes. Fully awake, feeling relaxed and rejuvenated by your journey.

Source: Trancing the Witch’s Wheel by Yasmine Galenorn


Yule Meditation

Settle yourself. Close your eyes. Feel your body relax. Feel as the tensions drain from your face, your neck, your shoulders, your arms, your torso, your legs. Sense the whole of your body, calm, heavy in its relaxation. Center yourself. Feel for that calm, comfortable center, in which you are whole. Ground yourself. Extend yourself into the earth, your mother. Feel as your roots grow into the ground, as you find your connectedness with her again.

This time is the time of Yule, the Winter Solstice, when the sun clings most
closely to the horizon. It is a time for rebirth. While many months of winter still await us, the days now begin to lengthen, holding behind the hoary frost the promise of the gentle breath of Spring.

Extend your senses beyond the walls, to the world outside. Smell in the crisp cold a hint of snows yet to come. See, in your mind's eye, the clear clean air. Old dry leaves, long fallen, rustle as they tumble around, caught finally in the tangled stems of dormant shrubs. Bark cracks in the hard frost, and breaks away, falling unnoticed to the earth.

The last of the fall berries dance and sway in the wind, the wind that moans through black branches, crooked fingers that rip the bellies of low heavy clouds. Snow swirls silently into the frozen tracks of squirrels and foxes, rabbits and raccoons, revealing their secret paths. Jays call raucously, as sparrows fluff their breast feathers, puffing up and huddling close to conserve their meager heat.

The fields lie bare, the harvest of wheat, pumpkins and corn safe in the barns. The crows scavenge for stray grains which escaped the harvester's blade. The orchards are empty, their leaves tossed by the storms, their fruit deep in the cellars.

We - we are snug, cocooned in the warmth of our homes and the warmth of our kith and our kin. The winds will howl with the wolves as we remember the harvest just past, and we rest and regenerate as we look to the rebirth of life in the Spring. For now the sun is returned, beginning his slow journey, regaining his ascendancy, as the wheel turns again.

Now, rouse yourselves, and join us, and dance and sing, and celebrate the birth of the sun!


* NOTE: I would be appropriate to modify this meditaion just a bit and actually do it outside (if it is not too cold). I would also suggest if you are able to, time your meditation so that you are finishing up just about the time that the sun rises so that you can greet the sun as it returns after the Longest Night.



Litha Ritual

Items needed:

A Golden Yellow Altar Cloth
Small Cloth Pouch of Summertime Herbs
Cauldron (or other container that is safe to burn in)
1cup Fresh Spring Water
Red Sun God Candle
Green Earth Goddess Candle
Summer Blend Incense (Jasmine, Rose, Lotus, Wysteria, or combination).


* Sweep area moving in deosil manner. Set up Quarter Candles and any accessories symbolizing the Elements of the Quarters. Decorate the altar with seasonal flowers, especially Sunflowers.

* Prepare your Pouch of Summertime Herbs, and as you make it, pour your troubles, pains, sorrows, illness, and regrets into it.

* Place the Cauldron in the center of your altar, the Red Sun candle to the right of it , the Green Goddess Candle to the left of it. Place the cup of Fresh Spring Water in front of the Goddess Candle.

* Take a shower or bath for purification.

* Sit quietly and meditate for a while, then ground and center.

When ready, play some peaceful music for the ritual, and then cast your circle in your normal manner. Once your circle is cast and the guardians/corners have been called (if you do this) and the God/ess invoked...

Face South (raise your arms if you feel called to do so) and say:

I celebrate the Mid-of-Summer, held in honor of the Blazing Sun God. All of Nature vibrates with the fertileness of the Goddess and of the God. The Earth basks in the light and life of the Sun. The ever turning Wheel of the Year has made the light ever stronger And the light has kept growing longer, until today...

The middle of the time of light - Litha, the Summer Solstice. From here, the light begins to fade, again, until once more the Wheel turns to the time of darkness - Yule, the Winter Solstice. Yet, for today, the Sun is high, the light is bright, the Earth is warm. As the Sun God blazes above, may the fires of my rite flame below.

Face the altar, and light the Green Goddess Candle to the left of your cauldron, saying:

Great Mother! She that brings the meadow to bloom, Green Forest Mother, from lakes and streams your children spring forth. Blessed Lady of the stars and the Moon, Fruitful Womb of which I honor. I ask of Thee, Thy Blessings.

Light the Red Sun God Candle to the right of your cauldron, saying:

Great Father! He that plants the seed and nurtures Life. God of Fertility and Fruitfulness, from hill and forest your children emerge.
Blessed Lord of the blazing Sun, potent Consort. I ask of Thee, Thy Blessings.

Take the Herb Pouch and hold above your head, saying:

As these herbs burn within the sacred flame, may the Lord of the Sun burn away my troubles, pains, sorrows, illness, and regrets. Leaving me purified through His warmth and Light.

Hold the pouch over your main Altar Candle to take flame. While it is burning, drop it in the cauldron, saying:

Great Lord and Lady, from Thee all powers flow forth.
The Two that are One, Great Spirit of All-That-Is,
By Thy powers, and the powers of Air, Fire, Water, and Earth,
By Thy powers, and the powers of the Sun, Moon, and Stars,
I banish these negatives from my life.

Visualize the negatives burning away to nothingness. When all that is left is ashes, douse the ashes with the cup of Fresh Spring Water. Feel as if the water were being poured over you and your negatives washed away. Air dry by dancing and running your hands up and down your arms, body, and legs. Don't forget your head... lay it back and shake running your fingers through your hair. When done, face the altar, hold your hands over the cauldron and say:

As the Phoenix rises from the ashes, so let this water be pure and new. Great Mother, bless this water so that it may bless and renew me.
Great Father, may your rays of the Summer Sun bless and nourish me.
Two that are One, may your blessings sustain me as I continue on my journey.

Hold your hands over the cauldron again, and this time ' pour ' in wishes for health, prosperity, and good fortune to be part of your life. Dip the forefinger of your right hand into the cauldron water, and trace a pentagram on your forehead, saying:

Let my mind be open to the truth.

Anoint your lips saying:

Let my lips always speak the truth.

Anoint your heart area, saying:

Let my heart seek the ways of the Lord and Lady, now and always.

Anoint the centers of your palms, saying:

Let my hands be gifted, to work in both mundane, and magical ways.

Anoint the soles of your feet, saying:

Let my feet ever walk upon the sacred paths, in respect and reverence.

Take a few moments to absorb the meanings of your ritual. Ground and center yourself again if necessary. If you have other ritual work to do, you can do it at this time. Otherwise finish up by having the Cakes and Ale Ceremony and then banishing your circle. Be sure to thank the God/ess and Guardians for their assistance. Th Ritual is complete.


* Note: If you are able, I would suggest doing this ritual outside and using a small "campfire" to burn your herbs in. Otherwise be sure that you are in a well ventilated area (as to not set off any smoke alarms), and please make sure that if you don't have a cauldron, that the container that you use is absolutely fireproof. As usual, also know that you can modify any part of the ritual to better suit your needs and if you don't have all the necessary "tools", you can always make do with whatever you have (or nothing at all)...though in this case the fireproof container is more or less essential.  

Vice Captain

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 11:15 am
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I have been thinking about the concept of oath bound lately and realized that some of the newcomers to the Pagan/Wiccan paths may not have a good understanding about just what the Oath is and why Initiated Wiccans take it so seriously. I'm sure there are folks sitting in front of their monitors out there shaking their heads and mumbling "What are these crazy old crones on about NOW!" LOL.

I can't reveal the Georgian Oath, because it is, well, oath bound. It's not even given to my students until just before initiation and I'm breaking with
tradition there. But I personally believe that no one should be asked to swear an oath they do not know the content of. It goes against my honor. So I tell the students the Oath with the understanding that should they decline to initiate, the Oath stays confidential. My goddess is the Lady Morrigan and she values honor above all things, so I don't think she will take me to task or see that I have broken faith with MY oath on this matter.

What I can do is go over the wording of the Oath in a published source. In Janet & Stewart Farrar's "Witches Way" on page 19, they give the wording of the Oath as follows:

"I (legal name) in the presence of the Might Ones, do of my own free will and accord most solemnly swear that I will ever keep secret and never reveal the Secrets of the Art, except it be to a proper person, properly prepared within a Circle such as I am now in; and that I will never deny the secrets to such a person if he or she be properly vouched for by a brother or sister of the Art.

All this I swear by my hopes of a future life, mindful that my measure has been taken; and may my weapons turn against me if I break this my solemn oath."

I can't speak for whether this is the actual wording of any particular Trad's path. I can say that the essence of the Oath is not in conflict with my own Oath.

So what the heck does this MEAN? Well, let's break it down:

"I (legal name) in the presence of the Might Ones, do of my own free will and accord most solemnly swear"

This identifies you to the God and Goddess and Lords of the Watchtowers, the Elementals, by your legally binding name and certifies that no one coerced you into doing this. It is made as a free choice, which is a very important thing in Wicca.

"I will ever keep secret and never reveal the Secrets of the Art"

EVER keep secret and NEVER reveal. This means that those initiates who HAVE written books for public consumption may have technically broken their Oaths. I know certain people on Trad lists view it that way. Be that as it may, the Gods will deal with those people as they see fit. What this does mean is that an Initiate may not, EVER reveal the things that are meant to be kept secret to anyone who is NOT an initiate. Not their parents, their children, their spouses, their best friends or ANYONE except under certain circumstances.

Ok. Just what are the "Secrets of the Art"?

Well, for one, the contents of the BOS. These are sometimes powerful magickal techniques that are not meant for anyone not properly trained to use them. These also include the names and other identifying information of other Initiates, including locations, etc. This also includes the Mysteries, which leads into the next phrase:

"except it be to a proper person, properly prepared within a Circle such as I am now in"

Who is a "proper person"? Well, one who has proven themselves trustworthy to the Initiator. One who has worked hard and diligently at the lessons, who has given of themselves in time and energy to learn the proper ways of the Wicca and how to handle the Mysteries.

What is "properly prepared"? This places the burden on the teacher to make sure that the students are not only "proper people" but that they are prepared properly in a step by step instruction in how to handle the Mysteries. You wouldn't, for instance, take a brand new person first time at a ritual and ask them to be the vessel for Drawing Down the Goddess!!! Likewise, you wouldn't introduce someone who hadn't been properly trained to the Mystery of the"Great Rite". MY earliest training was in classical ballet, which is surprising like Wicca in the ways in which it is handed down by oral tradition. Before I was allowed to do advanced work in toe shoes for instance, I had to work for years to strengthen my muscles and bones so that they would be properly prepared for the stresses of advanced work. And I STILL suffered from blisters and stress fractures. It behooves the teachers to make SURE the students have thorough training in energy work such as grounding and centering, energy manipulation, etc. BEFORE introducing them to the advanced Mysteries. And you certainly wouldn't introduce a brand new SEEKER to that! So, in taking the Oath and being made a member of the Priesthood, you're swearing that you will be diligent in passing on this knowledge only to
those people who are ready for it.

"Within a Circle such as I am now in" means an Initiate. Period. Now some traditions interpret it liberally to mean an initiate of ANY tradition, so long as you can verify their initiation. Hard Gards, on the other hand, interpret it very narrowly as ONLY Gardnerians.

"and that I will never deny the secrets to such a person if he or she be properly vouched for by a brother or sister of the Art"

This passage insures that the initiate will not go on an ego trip and refuse the knowledge to someone who has every right to know it. But, it also requires a vouch. We don't just go around taking someone's word for the fact that they are initiated. All traditions that I know of have ways to trace the lineage of a person. I know the Georgians and Gardnerians do and most others that I've heard of can eventually trace down who initiated who. In Anam Taith, we've taken to letting the Initiate invite two guests from different traditions who are verified initiates to their first degree initiation. This is just in case something happens and those of us who did the initiation die or move away, there's somebody here in the community who can say Yes, this person is an initiate. I witnessed it.

"All this I swear by my hopes of a future life"

Wiccan believe in reincarnation and that we come back in groups time and time again. This is a very serious thing to swear by. Are you willing to give up your hopes of reincarnating, or to risk reincarnating without your most beloved ones simply to tell secrets to someone? We take this VERY seriously.

"mindful that my measure has been taken"

This has to do with a previous part of the initiation. Look it up in the
Farrar's book for further details of what it involves.

"and may my weapons turn against me if I break this my solemn oath."

The "Weapons" spoken of her are not just the athame and sword, but your very magic itself. If you are forsworn, your magic can and will turn against you. I've seen it happen and it's a scary thing to witness.

So, we Initiates are not just being old stick in the mud's when we say things are Oath bound or that we don't recognize anyone as Wiccan unless they are Initiates. We take it very, very seriously. Becoming an initiate is becoming a Priest/ess, and that means your FIRST and FOREMOST duty of care is to the Gods you serve. Before yourself, before your family, before anything. You are sworn clergy. Sometimes this can be demanding and cause a lot of problems in your personal life, because the Gods will ask you to do things you wouldn't choose to do otherwise. But as sworn Clergy, it's your job to do so. So, when we take you to task for calling yourself Wiccan without having done the training and initiation, it's not that we're speaking from a position of the "old boys and girls club". It's that we know how hard that position is to live up to. And if you go around claiming the title without the work and preparation, the Gods just might take you up on it. And wouldn't THAT just be scary as all get out????

Speaking for myself, I WANT the Craft to grow. I WANT someone here to perform Her duties when I've gone on to Summerland because when I come back, I want competent teachers again for myself in the next life. But I want to see people do it RIGHT. To see them learn the proper ways of handling energies and to not miss some of the incredibly powerful and beautiful things about Wicca simply because they only learned it out of a book instead of having it passed on person to person.


PostPosted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 11:16 am
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Well it should be a great couple of months! We're looking forward to seeing everyone hanging around. If you are looking for a great way to earn some extra gold be sure to check out the Arcade - there are lots of contests and games for everyone!!! I mention this because we give out 1000's in gold every month to a handful of loyal players, so if you are looking for your share of the loot - come on in and join the fun!!! I also encourage everyone (if you haven't already) to really explore the subforums - there are a lot of things going on that you might miss out on if you never move off of the main page blaugh - not to mention we'd love to see you there!!! Coming up in October we will have our Samhain/Beltane Sabbat Celebration and in December will be our Yule/Litha Celebration...I've been picking up some nifty prizes - so you won't want to miss it!!! Also if you have any articles, art, poetry, trivia, or anything at all that you would like to submit for the next newsletter please feel free to PM it to MidnightLetter. If we use your submissions in the newsletter you will receive payment for your work - amounts will depend on type of work submitted.

Blessed Be!!!


Vice Captain

*~Midnight Times~* (guild newsletter)

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