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Vice Captain

PostPosted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 6:49 pm
((we should get started I suppose, I'll start mrgreen ))

A thin ray of sun entered a room from a window, the sun was rising. The beam grew higher as the sun began to rise in the sky. After a few moments the beam landed upon a small boys eyes. The boy was snuggled under the huge covers on a king size bed. His eyes, at first relaxed, squeezed tighter in frustration. The sun stayed upon the boys eyes until they fluttered open. He let out a groan as the light hit his pupil once no longer shielded by his eyelids. His hand quickly covered his face to block out the sun. He growled as he realized he forgot to close the certains before bed the night before. He slowly sat up so the light was now on the covers on top of his waist. He rubbed his eyes softly before running them through his long black hair.

He turned to the window, the light no longer brothering him. 'Wow..I'm up pretty early..' he thought to himself. It wasn't long past sunrise yet, he gave a soft smile. He had never seen the early morning before, on weekend he usually slept until noon. He stood up and walked over the the window, his body fully revealed. He found clothes to be unconfortable to sleep in, so he never wore pajamas. The silver earring in his left ear gleamed as he approached the window, he then placed his hands on the windowsill. His pale skin seemed to glow with the suns rays, showing the small tone of muscles he had. He lifted his hands opening the window letting more of the light in. He had a small longing smile on his face as he gazed in the distance. He sat on the windowsill, his feet slightly off the ground.

Mokubas room wide and long and of coarse filled with possessions. His bed sat against the back wall of the room near one of the tall thin windows in his room. The walls were black and his certains were a deep blue with white lace under them. His walls were covered in various dragon posters, along with vampires ,demons and some bands as well. A sword within its shaft hung upon the wall. The handle was in deep detail of silver flames by the blade leading to a growling dragon head at the bottom of the handle. A wide dresser layed on the wall opposite of the windows along with a bookshelf full of mangas and fantasy novels, which at the moment was behind Mokuba who was gazing out the window. A nightstand besides his bed layed a lamp, his alarm clock and a nearly empty water glass. The wall in front of the bed possessed a big wide screen television with huge speakers on both sides. Which contained a CD player, DVD player and DVR, a radio and all the gaming systems out in stores. His closet, which was beside the dresser, was the size of a ordinary bathroom, which was small compared to his bathroom. His bathoom was beside the other side of the bed where the nightstand wasn't. His bed was a kingsize with red satin sheets covered with a black conforter. The end against the wall was layered with dark red velvet cotton sutffed pillows. Underneath the velvet ones were normal, yet huge white cotton stuffed pillows in regular sheet pillowcases.

By this you can tell that his family was as rich as they come. His father owned a highly popular gaming company, which also specified in other uses for technology. And his mother was one of the most famous brain sergents in all of Japan. Though his parents did not agree with the clothes he wore or the music he liked, they provided him with it, hoping someday hed grow out of it. Sadly enough however, they were so busy all the time they never seemed to understand what the earring in his left ear stood for. He liked it that way though, he wasn't sure of what they would think if they figured it out. They gave him anything and everything he desired, except for one thing. They say that money cant buy happiness, this saying was true. Though he was thankful for all his parents did for him and the life he had, he still needed only one thing. He didn't mean to be greedy, but Mokuba wasn't fully happy, there was one thing he wanted he couldn't have. I want a big brother.. he thought aloud.

He wanted someone to share all he had with, to play with and be happy with. He didn't have many real friends, only ones who liked him for all he had they they didn't. He was the richest kid in school and everyone hated him for it. Jealousy secluded him from any sort of friendship everyone was just to greedy. Sometimes he wished he could get rid of all the things he had, just to have someone to be with. It ripped at his soul to see others with friends and watch them and how even some took advantage of that. They didn't know how lucky they all were. His eyes grew sorrowful and longing as he gazed into the early morning sky. He hoped that someday he'd find someone perfect for him, the one he was longing for. He gave a small sigh before leaving the window still revealed. He put on some baggy black pants covered in chains. Then grabbed a tight short sleeved grey shirt with the saying " These are the days I wonder why I get out of bed " printed on the chest. The sleeves came slightly passed his shoulders, then he put on some black arm stockings on that came to his elbow. Going to the mirrior in his bathroom he put on his eyeliner that he would die without. One his right eye he made a slash mark hile the left eye had more of a swirl. After this he left his room, leaving his hair as it was as he headed downstairs.
PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 9:31 pm

~*~ OOC: I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Sorry everyone!! <3 My own RP! I'm neglecting my own RP! I must post now!! ~*~

A groan escaped a grown man's lips as he rolled over to block his sensitive eyes from the troublesome sunlight. It was obviously early morning, but the black haired, stubbly man had only first hit his pillow no more than three hours before. There was silence for a few more minutes. And he was starting to fall back into his dead sleep again.

beep beep...
He rolled onto one side.
beep beep...
He placed a pillow over his head.
Beep Beep...
He tried to ignore it, but his frustration was apparent.

A hand came crashing down, rather violently, on the small silver alarm clock that had been making all the racket. It was standing innocently on a cherry wood nightstand alongside a few various objects scattered about around it. Including a silver laptop that was poised and ready for use. Another groan softly escaped from him. The man threw his legs to the side of the bed and rubbed his eyes sleepily.
"Morning? Already?"
He questioned himself as he squinted to look out a window, the incoming light was bright and orange. Meaning the sun had just risen no more than a half an hour ago. With a sigh he stood and slowly walked over to his nearby bathroom. He opened the large double French doors and shivered slightly as his bare feet touched the cold black tile.

The bathroom itself was rather spacious, and was decorated rather oddly. It had a sort of futuristic feel to it. Almost everything was silver. The sink, shower head, the tiolet, the countertops and the cupboards all included. Anything that wasn't silver, was black. Hence the tiled black marble floor. The man wobbled uneasily over to what was, apparently, his side of the sink. He reached up and rubbed his eyes lightly, trying to get used to them being open.
"I barely got enough sleep as it is..."
He groaned as he started his morning routine.

The black haired man quickly brushed his teeth, washed his face and shaved before combing out his hair and removing all of his clothing.
What to wear?
He thought to himself before picking out a navy blue suit and tie. Quickly he dressed himself and grabbed his lap top, which was propped up on his nightstand. He kissed his wife and promptly left the room. Checking his watch to see if he was still on schedule. And like always, he was.

Waiting for him dowstairs was his daily newspaper and a hot cup of freshly brewed coffee. Three sugars, No cream. He sat down at the head of the table and began to read his paper. He heard slight shuffling in the kitchen and brightened up when he realized his breakfast was being made. After reading a few articles from the BUSINESS section, he took a drink of his still warmed coffee.

Then, he heard shuffling upstairs. He smiled softly to himself when he realized it was, more than likely, his teenage son, Mokuba. Kikon didn't really approve of his son's style. It wasn't very professional. And he was expected to run the family business one day. Kikon just hoped that his son would soon grow out of his gothic phase. Most grow out of their phases a little after high school, once they realize they need to grow up.

A door on the far side of the room swung open and a chef came out pushing a cart of foods. Fruits, eggs, bacon, sausage, ham, bread, oatmeal, cold cereal, milk, juice and more coffee. All of this food wasn't for him, but the rest of the family would be awake soon, and the chef liked to have everything prepared before Mrs. Kaiba and young Mokuba got downstairs for breakfast. Each dish was laid down upon a hot plate (if it needed heating) to keep it fresh and warm.

"Thank you very much Jyukin."
Kikon said with a slight smile as the chef bowed and left back into the kitchen. Kikon started dishing himself his breakfast. Before he could begin his meal, Mokuba appeared at the top of the stairs. Kikon smiled and shook his head.
"Mokuba.... What have I told you about dressing like that? You are going to attract unwanted attention."
He said in a serious voice, but he couldn't help but let his smile show through. Kikon sighed and waved Mokuba over to the table so he could eat with him.

"I hope I'm not disturbing your plans for the day, but I need you to come down to the office. I have a surprise for you."

~*~ OOC: Bevyn, we'll have to set your post a little ahead in time because we have to do the scene where Mokuba gets the first Kikai No Hito. <3 I hope that's otays. ^^ ~*~


Vice Captain

PostPosted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 8:47 am
Mokuba hopped his way down the stairs. He still couldn't hide his happy side. He was too much of a care free, fun kid. He just loved the clothes he wore, they were so confortable. That and he didn't wanna appear like some stuck up rich boy. He wanted to be normal, kids didn't talk to him while he was rich. He figured dressing like they do would make him be accepted by others. People seemed to be more liking to him when hes dressed like this, but he still was used for money and stuff. His name got in the way, but it was getting better. He heard the chef and his father downstairs. Mokuba loved his father, however, he was still a parent, they all acted the same way.

Once he hit the stairs he rolled his eyes knowing what his father was going to say. Just as he expected he heard his father,"Mokuba.... What have I told you about dressing like that? You are going to attract unwanted attention." he rolled his eyes once more, but this time he had a smile on. He still loved his father a lot, he was a great man and a wonderful father. Even though he told him this everyday, hes was just being a father. Though he wished he would stop worrying about his name and the company so much. That wa sthe only thing that bothered him, mainly because he wished they weren't so rich. On the other hand, Mokuba thought that it didn't look easy running a company. For this he looked up to his father, he only wished they got him one thing. A brother, to have another child, but his mother decided that two would be more stressful. Especially if it was gonna be a baby, that and Mokuba wanted a older brother.

Mokuba took his seat and retreved some of the plates of food off the cart. Before he could take a bite he listend to the other thing his father had mentioned. He let out a sigh, he figured his father was gonna bore him with business talk. Sometimes he wished him and his father would do some bonding once and awhile, but he couldnt tell this to him. At least not then, he was still a little wierded out by talking to his father. When he was little, his father began to develop more of a temper. His mother and father grew apart a few years ago, but they have seemed to have fixed that. Though all of that seemed fixed, he wasnt sure of his fathers temper, or even how he was anymore. Maybe one days he'd talk more to his father, maybe learn things he didnt know, and now seemed like a perfect starting point. " I'm not gonna have to listen to some boring lecture or anything of that sort will I? Or is it something else, can you tell me? " he asked. He didn't wanna appear as a jerk to his father. He loved him to much and didn't wanna look bad in his eyes.
PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 10:26 pm

Kikon softly smiled and chuckled at his son's question. "You think what I do is boring?" He asked after taking a sip of his warmed coffee. "Remember Mokuba, you will be the head of that company someday. And everything in there won't seem so boring. I suggest you try to take an interest in it now..." Kikon was always a little aggitated by the talk of his son one day owning the company. He was only a child after all, and such prospects were far off. But nonethless, he had to bring it up to keep his son's mind on it every once in a while. "But to answer your question, no. I don't think you'll be bored in the least." An invisible grin planted itself onto Kikon's lips. He knew his surprise was going to make Mokuba undescribably happy, and that, truly, was all he really wanted.

Kikon reached over and grabbed a spoonful of eggs and fruit before continuing his eating regiments. Kikon did not believe in speaking while engaged in 'replenishing' as he called it. Eating was just a vile thing to him. So it was as he liked it. Quiet. Almost eerily quiet. To the point where all you heard was the clanking of silverware against expensive china. But it wasn't as though the silence was all bad. In fact, it was a comfortable one. Well, at least for Kikon that is.

After finishing his plate Kikon looked up to his son. "Be ready to leave in five minutes. I'll be waiting for you in the car." He said before excusing himself and treading to the outside world. The sky was now a light blue with a tiny hint of orange mixed in in some places. The car waiting outside wasn't really a car at all. It was a limosine. The driver opened up the door for Mr. Kaiba and he obliged by stepping in the car. Kikon sat quietly as he awaited his son's arrival.


Vice Captain

PostPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 4:22 pm
Mokuba sighed rolling his eyes a bit. He usually never acted like other teens, always fustrated with their parents. The feeling never really came to him, but his father reminding him of the life he was predestined for always seemed to piss him off a little bit. Erging to do his own things, live his own life. Business never appealed to him, but he wanted to make his father proud. So most likely, he would have done it out of courtisy. He never dreams of playing for a rock band like other teens either. He found rockers to be pathetic to a degree, they slept with anything that moved because they could. This didn't cause him to loose resepct for them however, their music was all that really mattered, their personal life was nothing for him to be concerned of. As for him being in a band however, he couldn't do that.

Gazing up at his father as he silently ate his food, a small smile formed. His father was the image of perfection to him. Though he worked a lot, and they had their share of problems every so often. He still loved and respected his father. He was a hard worker and loved his family. A complete family man once work wasn't in the way. Mokuba longed for the days they spent together before his father got tied completely in work. Though those days were gone, he could still see love in his fathers eyes. It bothered him to think of all the tension that had come between them. Even a simple hug would feel akward to both of them. He missed how close they use to be, but it didn't matter. Talking to him would just be even more akward. Seeing the love was there deep down was all he needed, and what he was now use to. That was why being a musician was out of the question. To him, a family, kids and love was better then drugs, fans and lots of one night stands.

Mokubas main career choice did lie in his fathers work. He loved to make games and work with technology. He just hated the business part of it. That was the field he was goaling for though, his father would be proud. He snapped back to reality once the silence was broken. He nodded in responce to his fathers command. Once told to do so, he stood up and placed his plate in the sink. Leaving the clothes he had on when he first came downstairs on. His mother decended the stairs and he smiled at her. " Morning, me and dad are off, we'll be- " he explained before being cut off. " I know, I'm coming with you two. " he replied. She was dressed in her normal busness skirt. Mokuba smiled and nodded, "Ok, well I'm ready, lets go. " he replied before walking out the door. His mother shook her head softly, it seemed her son was refusing to change.
PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 11:04 am
He stood open to the world, having decided not to accept his fate. He was a machine that had been bought and sold for long enough. He had been made to his buyer's specifics, based off of someone that the man had seen and taken a liking to. A liking of beating to a pulp. The constant repairs were wearing down on the poor being, so much so that finally one day, he just up and walked away, well, more like forced his way out and away from his master. Luckily for him his master hadn't asked for a tracking unit to be put on him. And as he ran, parts damaged from his successful attempt at fleeing flung in the cold night rain like rags. (OOC: Now I wait.)  

Arashi Cloud


PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 11:40 am

Once all were in the limo, the driver took off. Straight to the Kaiba Corp building. There wasn't anything said in the limo on the way there. Just silence. peaceful, comfortable silence. No awkward tension fueled between anyone, it was just normal for the Kaibas. Not that they weren't a close family, on the contrary, they were very closest to one another. But there was the need for verbal communication at the time. Once they arrived at the large building, the driver opened up their doors and they all stepped out one by one. Mrs. Kaiba first, Mokuba second, and Mr. Kaiba close behind. Two body guards were placed with the Kaibas after exiting the vehical. One in front of them, and one behind. Quietly, they all entered the large building.

Once in the elevator, Kikon looked at his son and smiled. He loved Mokuba very much, and even though his tastes were a bit odd, he knew he was going to grow out of it all sooner or later. He placed a hand on Mokuba's head and patted him softly, as if he were still just a little boy. "So son, are you excited to know what your surprise is?" He asked with a small smirk on his lips. He thought his son would guess it was a training session on how to own a company instead of a gift of any sort. He knew he had been putting a lot of pressure on Mokuba lately and this was his chance to make it up to him. With his latest invention...Kikai No Hito.
PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 12:15 pm
Mokuba gazed at the passing street lamps and pedestrions. Some walking with groups and some walking alone. He sat beside his mother, who was between him and his father. It was silent, not a tense silence this time however. It was much more peaeful then usual, and Mokuba was happy with that. He left his cd player in his pocket, just in case one of them actually said something. The limo came to a slow hault and Mokubas eyes gazed up. Taking in the complete sight of the corperation building. A huge KC ssat at foot of the top. He sighed a little, this place made him so tence. He wished he wasnt a little rich Kaiba boy, that way maybe some people would actually talk to him.

Though it made him feel uneasy at times, in the end, this was the job he wanted to do. He just was'nt ready to learn it as a teenager. The door on his side opened, he then placed a foot out of the car and stepped out. His parents following close behind.

Glass sliding doors opened for them as they approched. Mokuba let his father walk ahead so the secretary could greet him casually. Her desk was wide and clean, two plants stood on each side. She bowed greeting his father with a smile. After him, she greeted himself and his mother. Other workers passed by, all in different directions. They were like ants gathering food for the winter, in such a rush. Cell phones rang, echoing through the large rooms. A marble fountains lied on Mokubas left side, a stairway to the right, and two glass elevators directly in front of him. After hitting the buttons they walked inside and the elevator slowly rose in the air.

The employees grew smaller as they went higher, causing them to look more like ants. He felt his father touch his head, it was warm actually, he seemed to be happy. He looked up with a smile and nodded to his fathers question. Mokuba was'nt sure what the surprise was, but whatever it was, it seemed to make his father happy. It was quiet unusual, maybe it was going to be different then what he was expecting.

Vice Captain

The Official Kaiba Seto Guild Roleplaying Lounge

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