[ The Exclusive's Guide to Pern ]

This is a rudimentary guide to Pern that I whipped up at the behest of another player. I figure it will be useful for the veterans as well as the newcomers to the scene. I hope you enjoy it, but do not feel afraid to correct me, suggest things, or comment; all I ask is that you keep it relevant to the topic.


_______________I. General Overview & Books
_______________II. World
_______________III. Telgar Weyr
____________________A. Beholden Areas
____________________B. Climate
____________________C. Clothing
____________________D. Food
____________________E. Trade
_______________IV. Dragons & Dragonkind
____________________A. Dragons
____________________B. Firelizards
____________________C. Whers
_______________V. Customs
_______________VI. Rank
_______________VII. Glossary