Profiles must include the following...

1. Username - in case you are naughty and break the rules or if you are deserving of recognition.

2. Character name - come on, this is an interest based guild, everyone gets a "fake" name.

3. HP level - this is in essence your power level. Run out of this, and you have your stamina left in battle.

4. Stamina - This in essence is your ki gauge. It will always be a slightly higher number than your HP because you will often use this in your fighting. Run out of this and you need to rest or risk being sent to other world.

Please note: That being sent to other world is not a bad thing and as often happens on the show, creatures get sent to either all the time. And yes, HFIL is where you get sent if you play a bad guy.

5. A small bio of your character. It helps others get to know your character.

6. An Ultimate Attack - a one shot attack that uses up all of your stamina, but will send an opponent to Other World if successfully hit.

7. A Super attack - uses up half your stamina, and normally takes two shots of that same attack to kill someone.

8. Normal Ki attack - use many of these to wipe out your opponent. It takes the least amount of stamina away.

For Nameks: You also get 2 healing powers. A whole heal that will bring an ally to full HP, but will wipe out the Namek's Stamina for a good while.

And a Namek will have a half-heal, which will only heal an ally half way and take up half of the namek's stamina.

Nameks are the most difficult to play, but they are the most fun to play as well.

For better information on the HP/Stamina system, please refer to the main forum page of this guild.