Heading down the royal den, the large Lord brushed against both walls, slowly making them wider with each of his passes through the many days they have been here. The House has been quiet, the young Dukes and Duchesses were growing more rapidly than he wished. Soon, they will have to undergo the trials and prove their worth here in the House and obtain their proper positions. Just like everyone else. Deep down, he wished they did not have to, but he was certain enough that they were absolutely capable of taking care of themselves during such a short time and a trivial task. With the little amount of members, things are just ... quiet.

Sheng kou, the Lord of the Zhi Ming, let out a low groan as he pushed himself outside of the entrance of the Royal Den's tunnel, stretching in the mid afternoon's light beating down on dark fur. What bugged him was that Fukuaji had an entire report for him when he woke. What the hell does that guy do all day? Spy on the other members? Soon, everyone will start tracking him down and smacking him around. With an awake mind, it was time to get started on his short and slightly pointless rounds of the North's plains. Looking up ahead, he noticed that one of his sons was situated at the House's gates, actually, he has been for days now. He would come, sit for a long while, leave to hunt, and come back. However, Sheng knew what he was up to and was quite proud of him for taking the steps toward what he wanted to do with his life until, if he was chosen, became the next Lord.

"Anything interesting, Xun?" his low, bass voice boomed out behind the youth's ears which flicked quickly. The larger male stood beside his smaller son, sat down and looked out to the horizon. Off in the distance, small herds were grazing in the grasslands out and beyond.

"Nothing, father. Just another dull day in the Tianxia, it seems. You know, I caught Fukuaji roaming around earlier like he was looking for someone. Couldn't have been ya since you were sleeping, but still, thought I should mention it," he replied without having to turn back to his father. Xun was growing quickly. Before, he used to be a troublemaker, getting himself and his mate, Lahn, into large amounts of trouble by breaking some rules that Sheng had set forth for the Dukes' and Duchesses' protection. Now... he just acted proper, it was a sudden change that it almost worried the fiercer male. "What about you? Are you going somewhere? Patrol? Going to see a certain someone?"

Sheng scoffed with a smirked and patted his son roughly on his head, leaning down to him with a devious grin. "I ain't gonna lie because I know you won't say anything. I'm going to go see someone, yeah, but who that is and what I am going to be doing is of none of your business, ya brat. And what about you and your mate? Having problems in the den? You know, I haven't heard anything from your-"

"DAD!" the Duke shouted quite loudly, swatting his father's paws away. Unlike his father, his fur was a lot lighter that made it seem to glow a deep red when his father spoke. Xun scowled as the Sheng laughed. "What goes on between me and Lahn is none of your business! We have not done anything and I will let EVERYONE know where you are going if you don't knock it off!"

Sheng smirked and patted him 'gently' enough to almost knock him over. "You go do that, Xun, we'll see what happens to you then. I can't be too sure you'll be able to walk for a while if ya did anything," Sheng smirked and rubbed his head to mess up his newly grown mane. "See you around, Xun. Just sit there and keep guard."

Xun shook his head as he watched his father disappear around the wall. He had a feeling who he was going to see. But it made him think... he should spend a little more time with Lahn.