So, I just got Dead Space: Down Fall the other day. It is the prequel for the game Dead Space and is put out by Manga Entertainment. I was really looking forward to this and was expecting it to be one of the best mature animated films I've seen.

Truth is, I haven’t even been able to finish watching it. The story is, odd and slightly hard to follow whose where. The voice acting isn't bad and the animation is pretty good, however the characters seem to lack depth in my opinion.

One thing that really bothers me is that there are a lot of F bombs in the movie. Now, I get that this isn't for kids, but come on. Everything is WTF or OMFG, F that, where the F did it go, what the F is happening and on and on and on. It doesn’t seem real, it's like every other word is a curse word because they can get away with it.

Well, those are my thought on it. I might try and finish watching it today.

Anyone else seen this? What did you think?