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[PRP] What a lazy day.

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Sasu Cherry

PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 10:47 am
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Today was a lazy day, Hisia admitted to herself. Hunting was taken care of, Kamau and Naamini were out exploring, and the lioness found herself actually feeling bored. Boredom in her was rare these days. She was so busy with the pride and her children, that she really had no time to even notice any boredom in her life. Rolling over on her back, she let out a cool sigh. Nothing to do. Nothing to do. That was the only sentence that repeated it's self numerous times in her head. Yes, everything had settled down. She was happy everything had gone back to the way it was. Everyone seemed to be growing used to the changes that the earthquake did. Even she was growing used to it.

A chuckle escaped her maw in utter amusement. Somehow she found a lazy day funny. Strangely, she did. Rolling onto her stomach she pushed herself up, deciding it was time to go find something interest to do? She found it hard anyways to enjoy being bored or lazy, since life was rushing forward happily.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 11:58 am
Aberforth, being a little bit of a child at heart, was never one to let boredom get to him for very long. In the years he had spent completely secluded from the rest of the world, the socially stunted male had always found some way to occupy his time. Day dreaming an amazing adventure, or playing games with imaginary others, hunting bugs –badly- in the cave, or creating his own amusements with what little the space had to offer, Aberforth had always been a cub to make the best of a poor situation. It was really the only thing he had going for him.

Today, being older and able to explore the pride freely, he was keeping himself busy by practicing his hunting. Much like a young cub would while reaching his adulthood. Pathetic Aberforth had never really been trained before; his father didn’t care to teach him such a useless skill, as he had felt his son would never need anything more than his own care. Selfishly kept from growth, he was far behind the other lions in most subject areas.

As he clumsily stalked the lands looking from something that would hear him coming a mile away and run off long before he could find it, Aberforth spotting another lion not far ahead of him. Without thinking, still in hunter mode, he charged forward, spinning out of the brush and leaping at Hisia, realizing far too late who it was he had attacked.

“Oh crap!” He wailed as he landed on her.


Generous Unicorn

Sasu Cherry

PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 12:28 pm
Soon enough, she paused in curiosity to investigate the rustling noises coming from the trees. Hisia sniffed the air cautiously. She was hoping it was someone she knew, and not a rogue. Msiba was still fresh on her mind, and Mchawi's threats still plagued her mind often. Much to her dread, she found it useless to scent past the hundreds of other scents that wafted around her. Already had her sharp claws unsheathed, ready to rip and tear if an intruder was really lurking. But-

She didn't have much time to react or even strike. All she was white, "Msiba!" was the first lion that came to her mind. That white was similar to his, and though his also had green, Hisia was oblivious to scent that this lion was really Aberforth, Because her thoughts raced and she soon realized that the white lion was on top of her.

"Geroff---" Growled the lioness in protest. Wiggling herself furiously from under Aberforth, she let out another vicious growl. The only hint of a question among that growl was at the end. Why hadn't he attacked her yet? Msiba, judging him, would have already done something in relation to trying to kill her. This lion, however, did nothing. And, if she was correct, had remembered hearing something along the lines of 'oh crap'?

She stopped wiggling for a moment. That voice. That voice wasn't his voice.

Finally a name came to her mind, despite the ferocity that worked through her. "Aberforth? Is that you?"
PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 12:55 pm
Despite his horror over having landed on top of a female that had only just given birth to two really adorable cubs, Aberforth was giggling like mad. Perhaps not the most masculine he could have done, true, but feeling Hisia wiggling under him was brushing against his stomach in just the right way to make it feel like little bugs were dancing on his tummy. It was quite humorous. Still, once he heard her gruff command to get off of her, Aberforth was quick to snap back to reality and roll off the female. He stayed flat on his stomach, chin to the ground as he watched Hisia apologetically.

She had called him by another name at first. Did he look like someone names Msiba? He had only heard rumblings about that creature. From what he did know, though, he was fairly certain that he didn’t want to resemble the animal in any possible way, shape, or form.

He could only hope she had been distracted by her thoughts when she had yelled that out.

“I… I’m sorry!” he whimpered, staying low to show he really hadn’t meant to harm her in any way, “I really am! I was just… practicing… well… pretending that I could hunt and it got the better of me! Are you alright? I didn’t mean to hurt or anything.”


Generous Unicorn

Sasu Cherry

PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 2:38 pm
Hisia seemed to chuckle lightly while he giggled. It wasn't often you would hear an adult lion giggle like a cub, but she found it cute, either way. This -was- Aberforth, not Msiba. So in other words she didn't have to feel furious, furious over things she was sure enough getting over.

His weight on her shoulders was gone in an instant. Instead, she blinked in confusion as she stared at the white lion. He looked shameful of himself, which in return, Hisia's response was a flicker of guilt in her eyes. "N-No- you don't have to say sorry," She shook her head as she stumbled upward, sitting herself up. "I should be saying sorry. I didn't know my reaction would be like that..." She trailed off, shaking her head in hopes of the outburst of Msiba's name not being harmful.

Wait. Pretend to hunt? Hisia felt shock wash over her, which she dismissed with a flick of her tail. Shock was easily replaced by concern, and she titled her head.

"Aberforth, do you know how to hunt?" She shook her head towards his last sentence. It was a mistake, he didn't mean to, and she defiantly didn't mean for her reaction to be like that. Not at all had she intended it to be like that.
PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 3:29 pm
Aberforth sat up, smiling faintly. He was glad to see that she wasn’t hurt. “You don’t have to be sorry either,” he said lightly, “it’s okay. You were startled! I probably would have wet myself if some random lion jumped on me… I shouldn’t have you that,” he sighed. Awkward.

“Of course I know how to hunt!” yelped the male, “I’m a hunter, after all… I can hunt just fine… no,” he sighed, “no, I can’t really hunt at all. My father he.. never taught me. And if he did I don’t really remember it. I guess that makes me pretty pathetic, doesn’t it?” he sighed softly, rolling his head about his shoulders. It was always a pain to talk about how much he sucked.

But it wasn’t like he could REALLY lie about it. If they were out hunting one day, she would see his lack of skills quite clearly.

“I’ve been… trying to train myself to be better… I don’t want to be a burden to the pride… anymore. But it’s hard, you know?” He didn’t think she did. She seemed to be such a competent, strong female. Probably the kind of female who was extremely good at all things relating to hunting, not to mention normal life. You didn’t get to have cubs when you were a socially awkward creature. Could she really know how hard it was to be a loser like he was?


Generous Unicorn

Sasu Cherry

PostPosted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 8:41 am
"No, it doesn't," Hisia stated strongly, "just because you don't know how to hunt doesn't mean your pathetic. And your defiantly not a burden to the pride." How could anyone think like that? Her green gaze flashed with concern. She wouldn't let him believe that, no one was a burden to the pride.

Before long she pushed her legs up and walked over to Aberforth. She knew how it felt, how hard it was. Anyone could see the sadness whenever they mentioned Msiba, or his entourage. Every day she sometimes found herself wishing that he had not done such things. Maybe he would have been able to stay in the pride, and live a peaceful life. But, their actions had already been judged. Hisia realized that, and because of that she couldn't forgive him. She couldn't forgive his sister, nor anyone of his group.

"I've hardly said anything relating to this," She spoke with less stability. Obviously she hated bringing anything of the earthquake up. "did you hear the story of what happened during the earthquake?" If she was correct, he might have heard what had happened. Or not, but she wouldn't be too willing to tell him.

Then an idea hatched in her head. "Maybe... I could teach you how to hunt, and make you feel less of something... like that." All she wanted to do was make everyone feel happy. After all, she was passionate about the pride, the members, and the well-being of every member. She wanted everyone to be happy, even though it might not be her place to make everyone feel happy.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 10:38 am
Aberforth smiled sheepishly, bowing his head as he listened to her speak. He felt silly for bringing it up. Maybe she had more important things to worry about than what he was feeling. The other couple of times he had seen her, she always seemed to have something on her mind. Not that it made him think less of her. After all, he was always distracted. Those with stellar focus didn’t often accidentally leap on top of other lions while pretending to hunt.

As she drew closer, Aberforth felt his frame lock up, body tensing for a moment. It didn’t seem to matter how many times he interacted with others- he would always be mildly afraid of everything he spoke to. Even when he knew perfectly well that they would not harm him and told himself everything would be fine.

It was his nature, it seemed, which was something very difficult to alter.

“No,” said the male faintly, “I mean, I’ve heard some things about what happened during the accident, but no one really seems that willing to talk about it and I don’t want to push for details. Whatever happened, I know it wasn’t good and lions died because of it.” He sighed softly, the decorated laces hanging from his half-mane and ear dancing against his chest for a moment.

His mood, solemn, was instantly brightened at her offer, his tail started to wag in a child-like fashion. “Oh, really?” he purred, “that would be so fantastic! I would really appreciate it! Anything you could teach me I’m sure would be a wonderful help! Uh… I mean… yes. Yes, I would like you to teach me…”


Generous Unicorn

Sasu Cherry

PostPosted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 3:59 pm
Hisia wasn't one to admit she had grown insecure after what had happened during the earthquake. She hardly brought up what had happened. For the sake of her cubs, or for the sake of other members, the pain was too much. After the earthquake any rogue that wandered into the pride was met by her with less trustworthy. Obviously she didn't trust anyone outside the pride. With the danger that Msiba and his sister might possibly thrive for revenge later in the future, she suspected she would be insecure for a very long time.

She never noticed the tension from him. If she had, then it didn't affect her very much. Lately she hardly noticed anything besides her cubs, or the thoughts that often consumed reality.

The thoughts would soon become a dream; Soon fade away before her. The past was something she wanted to rid herself of. Right now, she only worried for the present. The future.

A sigh was the first thing to answer his response. Unsure whether or not to explain the events, and the heritage of her cubs, she pursed her lips together. "It wasn't good," She murmured quietly. "the earthquake was pretty devastating, and the strangers that followed during the earthquake." Her voice kept getting softer and softer as she spoke, head starting to shake slowly.

Her gaze watched his tail suddenly. Secretly, she smiled, amused at how he acted most of the time. Aberforth always seemed cheerful to her. "Well, do you want to get started now?" She answered with more enthusiasm to her voice.
PostPosted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 6:29 pm
Aberforth watched her. Though he didn’t always seem like the most apt of creatures on the planet, he was very good at sensing a shift in the auras of others. No matter what, their emotions were open to him, even when they tried to hide it. Really, though, it was no special power or great gift that helped him see through other animals- just an open heart and an innocent nature that had never faded as he grew from cub to socially-awkward adult.

He didn’t even need this ability, though, to see that the line of conversation was making her very uncomfortable. Why she seemed so much more unhappy than some of the others he had spoken with he didn’t know, but he wasn’t about to let the sorrowful feelings continue on his account.

His cure for confusion was worth less than her happiness, so he was ready to drop the subject for now.

“We don’t have to talk about it,” he offered politely, not sure if she would welcome the change. He knew she would guess that her feelings were what prompted him to swap subjects. Would she mind, or feel grateful that he was willing to suspend his investigation for her?

Too late to worry about it now.

Smiling brightly at her shift, he decided to focus on the hunting and delve no more into the past. “If you’re up to it!” he laughed, “I mean, I don’t want to put you out or anything, if you have something else you need to do.” He was eager to learn and confident that she would be able to teach him, which made making sure she had no other obligations difficult to do.

He wanted to go!


Generous Unicorn

Sasu Berry

PostPosted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 5:11 pm
Hisia hadn't dropped her unhappiness since the earthquake. Even if her life was full of happiness currently with her cubs and the returning members, she couldn't help but think of the past and all it's tragedies. Forgetting the past was certainly hard for her.

A small sigh left her throat. She was grateful, from the way she seemed to close her eyes in a relaxed-type of way. She wondered, to herself, why she had offered to even tell him of the story. The last person anyone wanted to ask about the earthquake was her, as many knew what had happened between her and Msiba.

The pain she had endured during those longs months after the earthquake. The pain she still felt now.

"Uhm, okay," she said, faking happiness as best as she could.

Fortunately, faking happiness wasn't delved into for long as he let out a laugh, and she couldn't help but chuckle herself. "I'm up for it!" She boosted. "Don't worry, I'll be fine." A playful grin tugged on the sides of her mouth, tail flicking about happily.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 9:55 pm
“I’m glad to hear it!” Aberforth said, more at ease than ever now that she seemed more willing to smile at him. He could sense there was a sadness about her, and had seen enough of it to know even without his uncanny ability to read others, so he wanted to do what he could to at least keep her distracted. What better way than to let her watch him fumble all over himself at his failed attempts to hunt?

Hopefully she wouldn’t end up furious with his ineptitude.

“Where should we go?” he asked, taking a long look around the area. His Mohawk swayed in the wing as his head moved, the lack of hair almost waving down at Hisia while Aberforth scanned the area. He didn’t notice, though, as his interest was more on finding some rabbits or something small they could practice with. His hair cut was the last thing on his mind.

After a moment, the white lion looked back down at the other, eager to start though he knew it would only end in his embarrassment. Learning was something he enjoyed, he reminded himself, and even if it was in a humiliating guise it was still an education he would be getting from their practice.

“I really appreciate this,” he added after a moment, “if there’s a way I can repay you for your kindness, you just have to ask. Whenever, you know?”


Generous Unicorn

Sasu Berry

PostPosted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 10:19 pm
Hisia still had not learned to mask the look of sadness that often hung across her face during the time she spoke to someone, often so that someone might ask her if she was feeling alright, or if she needed someone to talk to. She was indeed an open book to read, something she grew quite aware of over the months since the interlopers came stalking through the pride's inner walls during the period of the earthquake that shook the pride's members to their core. The look that crossed her face that very moment as she spoke to Aberforth was of pure happiness, something that was not displayed so often anymore by the lioness that had suffered the most during the events.

Ever since she came across the returning lion she felt more and more trusting of him, and she could consider him the only other person she trusted besides her sister, who had helped her throughout the months that passed. She was constantly at her side, and if she had not been, Hisia was sure she would have suffered far more than she ever had.

Her gaze landed across the vast lands as she surveyed a proper spot to start; she did realize that he needed to start on smaller animals before moving up to bigger ones. "Hm, I suppose moving out into the fields will be a good thing to do. You will need to start on smaller animals first, so you can learn to silently approach them without them hearing you until the last minute," she nodded casually and flicked her tail suddenly as she padded in the direction that would lead to an open field.

Though more directed on the hunt to come, and the possibly of embarrassment that would infuse, she turned to look at him as her gaze intensified on the white male. She was shocked at his offer, though no anger was evident. "It's alright," she said. "I'm doing this for you, really. I don't want you feeling like a burden, honestly. No one should feel that way."

She surely did not want him feeling the way he did currently.
[IC] Aka'mleli Lands [IC]

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