1. Why the hell are quotes still not working?

2. I have seen that deer scenario before, it was a wildlife presevere around here happened back when i was a kid, but i remember hearing my dad talking about it. The deer numbers were so low they banned hunting there and brought in some deer, and nobody hunted there for ten years, and eventually they were hauling dead deer out by the truck load because there was so many they ate all the food and the rest starved.

They re-instated hunting and the problem was fixed.
They banned beaver trapping in MA, and now they're flooding subdivisions. They tried to contract trappers from out of state, but they were caught by the local PD entering the state, searched, and imprisoned for illegal possession of beaver traps. Now nobody dares enter the state to trap beavers, the politicians are too stubborn to repeal the laws, and the subdivisions are slowly flooding.

The idiots who passed that ban should drown in a flood.

Tie them to the ******** power lines upside down.