If you've read my blog on MySpace, then I'm sure you've already seen me preach about a wonderful organization called Peace Jam.
For those that haven't ever heard of Peace Jam, this is my attempt at educating the masses to the wonderful world of Peace & their roles in it.

In short, Peace Jam is an organization that allows Middle School & High School students (possibly Elementary school as well) to meet Nobel Peace Laureates (people who have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize) so that they may learn from their words & actions. It teaches the students that they can make a difference in the world, & gives them ideas for how to do just that. As evidence of this, there are workshops designed to educate on issues around the globe, & what can be done to help ease the situation.

In 2006, the Laureates came together & came up with 10 problems in the world that they believe are the cause of much of the suffering around the world. These problems range from getting clean drinking water to everyone in the world, to Controlling the Proliferation of Weapons, & all in between. They called these 10 issues the Global Call to Action.
"Over the next ten years, Peace Jam, with the support of the Nobel Peace Laureates, aims to engage young people on a massive level, working toward the creation of ONE BILLION acts of service and peace. In order to achieve this, the Global Call to Action movement extends far beyond youth and the Peace Jam Foundation itself – any group of motivated individuals from any organization, age level, and walk of life can take part."
~ http://globalcalltoaction.org/about/

Here's a short list of what the 10 Global Call to Action Issues (In no particular order):

Equal Access to Water and Other Natural Resources
Ending Racism and Hate
Halting the Spread of Global Disease
Eliminating Extreme Poverty
Social Justice and Human Rights for All
Rights for Women & Children, & their Role as Leaders
Restoring Earth's Environment
Controlling the Proliferation of Weapons
Investing in Human Security
Breaking the Cycle of Violence

If you would like more information on what these issues mean, how you can do your part to help out, or anything else at all, here's a few websites that can help you out:


So now that you know a little about Peace Jam, what do you think?
Will you try to join a Peace Jam group in your neighborhood or part of the globe?
If there isn't one, do you think you'd like to start one?
What Global Call to Action Issue speaks to you?
Which ones would you like to help solve?
Do you have any ideas how you would like to help?
If you need any advice, project ideas, just some one to chat with, etc, I'm always online to offer my services (I've been to more than 4 Peace Jam conferences), & there are a ton of past projects posted on the Global Call to Action website.
If you want further help, you can also try these links:

Peace Jam MySpace Page
Peace Jam Facebook page This page is named after one of the 2 people who first started Peace Jam.
Rudy Balles Rudy is awesome. He's come to my school on several occasions to give us his insight on not only Peace Jam, but also immigration, gangs, Latinos, Indian Americans, & a ton of other stuff that he is well educated on & has experienced first hand.