hey everyone. term's ending and i'm bored and in need of entertainment. first off i would like to state that i do have a life, meaning i have a job and i go outside of the house and do things with friends alot of the time. As far as school goes, it depends on the time of year. as for right now i won't have school for a month or so. anyway, i do mostly fantasy and modern genres, but i am open to new ideas. however, i do not do anime or series related rps. i can rp either boys or girls, doesn't matter to me. as far as romance goes, i'm in college so i am quite comfortable with all types of romance between characters. i absolutely HATE one liners. however, i do not mind them if they are necessary for the rp, i.e. conversations between characters. if you have writer's block, that's all great, but you can at least write three-four sentences. i must warn you that i have a creative block, meaning all my ideas tend to suck. i'd like a good sense of spelling as well. or at least an effort. please. no chat speak. i can understand chat speak in OoC but in the rp, no. just no. anyway, if you have any further questions or if you're interested, pm me.