A burning house started it all...

Edward was a white slave on Avery's father's plantation in 1857. Avery was being visited by suitors. One day, after Avery's father sold his sister to another man, Edward set the house on fire.
Avery was the only one who survived. Once she realized what happened, she shot herself in the head. He saw it all. This haunted him for forty years, and he eventually shot himself as well.
Now they're both in heaven, which is very much like Earth, and he can't believe that she'd made it in. Now they're meeting each other all over the place. He feels guilty about causing her suicide, but angry that she was allowed to become an angel.

Avery; TeHsChNoZbErRy



Age Appearance:
Age of Death;
Age as of 2008;


Name: Avery Marie Auburn
Age Appearance: 16
Age of Death; 17
Age as of 2008; 167
Personality; stuck up and snobby. Avery is not a kind soul. But she didn't commit any sin, except for pride. She was allowed into Heaven, a glorified version of Earth, and has been enjoying it until she meets her former slave.
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