Name: Serdius Kord (Sir-dee-us Cord)

Aliases/ Nicknames: N/A

Physical Description: Serdius is about 5"8, 140Lb. He has long silver and black mixed hair with 2 long strands flowing gracefully in front of his shoulders and the rest draped down to the middle of his back. It is cut in the front to come down to only about his nose, and it floats to the side, mostly covering his right eye.
Serdius' left hand is black and clawed, something he rarely shows. He does almost everything with his right hand, keeping his left hidden in his sleeve.

Age: Serdius is just 18 years old, he passed on during a hollow attack that went awry when a Shinigami stepped in. This happened on his 18th birthday, June the 23rd, 1982

Zanpaktou's Spirit & Name: Currently N/A

Zanpaktou: Not Achieved

Shikai Release: Currently N/A

Shikai: Not achieved

Bankai: Not Achieved

Special Accessories: Black clawed hand

Skills: Serdius is extremely fast but very weak. In battles he tries to defeat his enemies with more cunning and ability than brute force.

Abilities: His left hand has the ability to create magnetic waves and small amounts of electricity by channeling spirit energy. He doesn't know yet if it had something to do with the hollow attack or not, but he doesn't feel he is ready to find out yet.

Personality: Serdius is very cold and secluded, concentrating mostly on improving himself and protecting those that need it. Secretly, he yearns for a close friend, anyone to fight by his side, but he never lets down his barrier between him and everyone else.

Biography/History: Serdius was a young rebel in the 80's. His name was really Cody Darveau. He lived in Canada, the province British Columbia. His home town was a small one, and he had few friends. What friends he did have he kept dear to him. Together they made a band, went to concerts, and tried to break the rules... However; he lost all trust in everyone he could know when his best friend, who had been researching into things that made no sense to him, caused his death. His friends was delving into some stuff to do with the afterlife, and had somehow summoned a hollow. His friend cackled wildly as the hollow devoured him. The laughs sharpened after every bite the hollow took out of him as Cody watched on. The hollow, angry for being dragged somehow out of it's own world, bashed Cody aside. Cody was completely oblivious as to what was going on. All he could see were his friends dying... But as the large, strong hand of the Hollow smashed Cody into a wall, his head cracking into the wall with such force that his skull cracked and caved in, splattering blood on the wall that it collided with. He forgot everything as his life faded away... The hollow bit off Cody's arm, devouring him slowly... The last thing he was was a man in black robes coming out of nowhere and attacking the monster that he could see more and more clearly as he lay dying. When he woke up next, he was in soul society. He couldn't remember his name, and after a while decided on Serdius Kord. He learned about shinigamis and vowed to become powerful. He would be one of the most renowned shinigami. He would destroy every hollow he could find. He would protect everyone from them. He would...

Signature/Patented Technique: N/A

Guild Status: New

Online Schedule: Usually whenever I can get on. I'm usually on long enough to do at least one post. If I have more time, then I might be able to continue posting until I get bored.