“Hey, Soo?”

Shu’s voice was soft as he nudged Soo’s shoulder softly with his paw, trying his best to wake her as sweetly as he could. His dark frame was wrapped around her own as the two rested; they were so good together.

“You awake Soo?”


Soo’s eyes slowly narrowed as they worked hard to open, she was so tired after all- but when Shu called her name out she knew she needed to wake up. If he wanted to talk she would talk.

“What is it, Shu?”

She asked with a yawn, rolling over and onto her side to face him.

“Sorry I woke you.”

He started out saying with a smile, his eyes narrowed as he smiled at her kindly.

“I just couldn’t sleep.. and wanted to talk to you.”

“Awe, that’s sweet.”

Soo laughed softly and smiled back at him; they flirted in such cute ways! She could hardly take it sometimes- he was too good to her. Her soft eyes narrowed to fine slits as she gazed at him with a smirk.

“What would you like to talk about?”

She asked with a tilted head.


He started.

“I kind of wanted to ask you about your cubs.”

He didn’t know if this was a bad subject, but he really did want to know about them- if he was going to be apart of her life- he felt he should know…right?

“Like… how old are they? Where are they? Will I ever meet them?”


Her eyes went wide with pride as she smiled at him and licked his cheek.

“I’d love to tell you about my kids—“

Her eyes narrowed as she took in a soft sigh and spoke out.

“I have two girls and a boy. My girls are so very beautiful and my son is my shining star. They live here and are fully grown…”

She paused.

“My girls are- my poor son is damned- he can not ever become an adult… it’s a sad thing you see—he will never be able to find his name if he can not grow.”

She sighed and looked at her paws.

“But he is so strong because of it, I feel. My Shu is so strong.”

“His name is Shu too?”

Shu laughed and smiled.

“That’s funny.”

“Ha-ha, yeah, I guess it is. Strange too.”

Soo smiled and nodded. Shu would have to meet her kids someday.

“When they return home I’d love for you to meet them”

She spoke out with a big smile purring deeply.

“I’d love that, really.”

Shu nuzzled her softly and licked her forehead, purring.

“Maybe someday we can start our own family.”

Soo’s eyes went wide as she gazed at him for a long second in shock- did he really mean that? Her heart raced fast as she looked him deep in the eye and spoke.

“You mean that?”

“Why wouldn’t I?”

Shu nodded with a bright smile.

“Someday I’d over to start a family with you. I want to spend forever with you.”

With his words he purred and nuzzled her again, nodding.

“I really want this.”

“Oh Shu..”

Soo was happy. He was too gong to be true.
