Name: Jonathan Relic
Aliases/ Nicknames: Jon

Physical Description:
User Image

Age: 18 (06/06/1906)

Zanpaktou's Spirit & Name: Selena (Jon's wife to be)
User Image

User Image

Shikai Release: not yet

Shikai: not yet

Bankai: (not achieved)

Special Accessories: a black ring on his left ring finger, wears a blindfold so he doesn't see the real world


Abilities: Acute hearing, and very agile

Personality: Bipolar (Mostly tired or bored)

Biography/History: Was supposed to be married but on his wedding day he was murdered by his crazed mother who thought he was doing something he couldn't go through

Signature/Patented Technique: (will have one when Im done)

Guild Status: Shinigami (low level)

Online Schedule: after 4:00PM till 10:00PM certain weekends I'm not gonna be able to get on (will tell when I won't be on)