Name: Akihiro Tanaka
Aliases/ Nicknames:

Physical Description:
Height: 6'4
Weight: 164lbs
Hair: long brown hairs, it is usually down. (shoulder length)
Eyes: green
Scars: A scar from his left shoulder to his stomach

Death age(looks):18
Real age: 218

Zanpaktou's Spirit & Name:
Kuro Kafu (Black Widow)

She is in human form that where a black dress, with two red diamonds on her back.

Zanpaktou: (not achieved)

Shikai Release: Spin your web Kuro Kafu!

Shikai: (not achieved)

Kafu is a about 3 feet in length and is pure black with A red diamond on each side. Her ability is to slow down the enemy by 1/16 each time it touches flesh. It will wear off in 2 hours,

Bankai: (/not achieved)
Not yet though of

Special Accessories: None

Skills: Smart and fast

Abilities: None

Personality: Always to serious.

Biography/History: He was killed by a sword trying to prove somebody was wrong, and then went to the soul society. He lived in a middle class area and eventually decided to become a Shingami

Signature/Patented Technique: None

Guild Status: (Rank or Level)

Online Schedule: No locked scedule