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Reply [IC] Aegnor'hini Lands [IC]
[PRP] Bring me my follower [Posca x Iar]

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 12:45 am
Posca was still waiting, at the same spot the god had left her. Her eyes remained on the volcano in the distance, her gaze rarely straying. She hoped that things did run smoothly... She did not want her follower harmed, nor did she want to fight anyone to take her away from this place.

The god did seem rather confident that it wouldn't be a hassle, though... So she silently continued to hope, while sitting perched on a large rock. Her wings out stretched in order to make herself easily seen.

Iar snorted softly to himself, a bit put-out at being more or less ordered to let a slave go. But ... it was one that one of -Verge's- children had supposedly caught, anyway. And Iar really didn't have all that much love for the other Aran'shale. And his god had told him to do so.

Still... he wished to see this goddess that Mori had spoken of, before he went and retrieved the slave. Lifting head a bit, he spotted the goddess up ahead, and paused for a moment. Dark wings... rotting flesh... well, well. Not bad, truly.

Being rather attentive at the moment, Posca noticed the red male approaching quickly. Whenever it was apparent that he saw her, she rose to her feet, her wings extending to her fullest. Was this the lion king the god spoke off? She did not see Mori, nor Nzambi... She was a bit put off by that, and very cautious... Was the demon lord going back on his word?

Posca knew she was dealing with a king, and thus remained on the rock, letting Iar come to her. Though she always had an elegance about her, she usually did not pretend to be so regal... Usually prefering to be more humble. But for now she wanted to be somewhat intimidating. She remained on the rock, head held high, with her wings stretched wide.

"You are the king of this pride, I suppose?" She called out once he was close enough, making her voice a tad louder than usual.

Iar refused to let himself be intimidated, however. After all... his god was the god of demons. And even Morifaer didn't particularly worry him overmuch - though perhaps he should have. Inclining head to the goddess just slightly as he padded up, he replied, "I am." Who cared about Verge, anyway? No need to mention him here. This goddess's business was with him.

"I was told you would bring me my follower, who was stolen from me by your people." Her eyes flickered around, though it was unnoticed, because of her solid black eyes. Her wings fluttered and folded against her back, though there were parts that were held oddly, bones sticking out in a few places.

"Yet I do not see her..." She frowned slightly, watching him.

Iar eyed those bones for a moment before gaze flicked back to her face and he smiled slightly. "Not to worry... she is safe," he said. "I merely... wished to meet you first." There was opportunity here... for connection, for strength. And he would grasp it with all four paws.

She frowned deeper, ears twitching anxiously. "I would prefer to take my follower and leave these lands as soon as I may. The land reaks of death here." Her worn face lowered a bit towards him, the beads and bones around her neck clinking together.

"So if you would be so kind as to fetch her..."

The large male tilted head for a moment, wondering how to respond to that. He wished to talk with her longer... perhaps win her regard. Perhaps more. And he didn't know if she would leave for good... once he brought the slave. "May I not speak to you for a few moments first?" he asked, raising a brow. "There has been no killing here... unless those now dead deserved to die."  
PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 12:56 am
She stood strait again, frowning still. What could they speak of that would interest her? These lands made her fur stand on end... Made her want to use her powers in ways that they were not meant to. It put her on edge.

Though, she had thought badly of Mori, and he turned out interesting enough, and rather charming. She eyed the mortal for a moment, then sighed. "So long as she is returned unharmed... Mmm, and I suppose you are worthy to pass judgement on your victims?"

Iar shook head slightly at that. "Not me... but the one within me," he pointed out, eyes flashing for a moment. "Each of those here... has a demon trapped inside. We simply .... wish to find a way to set them free." Not really the entire truth... but it would do. He didn't think this one would appreciate their quest to take over this world.

A brow rose, and she stook a moment to ponder his statement. Now it made sense, why the God ruled these lands... She didn't know if the demon concept was real or not... And it wasn't her place to really judge so. So she accepted it rather quickly.

"And how do you expect to free them?" Her curiousity was perked, slightly, though her voice was softer now and more monotone. The hint of calm motherlyness that she usually spoke with.

He sat at that, and then spread paws out to the sides just a bit in an almost human-like gesture - had he known what humans were. "We're still ... working on that. There are some ideas, but ...." he trailed off, settling again and curling tail about his paws. He could sense that he was interesting to her now... which was better than before.

"It seems like it would be a difficult thing to do..." She looked towards the volcano, ears twitching again. She wondered if Nzambi was in any kind of distress... She hoped that she wasn't injured. Her attention turned back to Iar again.

"Still... good luck. I would turn to your diety for advice, since he is obviously knowledgable in the ways of demons."

He shook his head at that. "Not ... really," he said slowly. Yes, Morifaer helped them, but not in the way that she meant. "He does not give... advice. He will help, but generally that help is not ... to be sought out. The God of Demons much prefers testing his followers. To see what we will do ... to see if we can find the answers on our own."

Eyes lidded. "He is not... such a kind god."

"Mmm..." She mulled over his words for a moment, nodding slowly. The god had not been terribly unkind to her... But being the god of demons, she supposed that he probably had his moments.

"I see... Well, perhaps it is better to prove yourself to him. I would not know, really. I do not meddle in mortal affairs." She blinked a couple of times, feathers and fur ruffling up a bit. "Dear me... My name is Posca."

"And I am Iar'tuupe," he replied with a little nod of respect. Then he asked, "Why not..? Do you not like mortals, or is there some other reason?" This, he was genuinely interested in. She seemed to care enough to talk to him... but ... was there a chance for more?

Her ears flattened back at the question, and her head tilted to the side enough to reveal that she was looking away from him. "I just... do not. It is safer that way. Besides, it is not a god's place to meddle... Or at least, it is not mine. My place is with the dead and rotting. They are who I keep to."

"My duty comes first..."

Ah but then... "Why do you have a follower, in that case, Posca?" he asked, with a faint little smirk. "And why care enough for her to come seeking her.... here?" Where she obviously was not entirely comfortable.

She looked a little troubled for a moment. Why DID she care about the hyena? Well, it was easy to care, but before her she had promised not to spend so much time with a mortals. Let alone travel with one.

After a moment she looked calm again, looking back to him firmly. "Nzambi's heart is dead. She... follows me, to learn to live. Though how one would learn to live from the Goddess of Decay I do not know.... I do not have much of a choice of it, since she seemed so devoted to the promise. Therefore it only seemed... right to return such loyalty. I swore to her that I would always return to her whenever I am finished wandering, and so I am."

"Ah..." Iar nodded, making a little sound of understanding - though he truly didn't. But that didn't much matter. Appearances... were the important thing here. "You are very devoted, as is your follower. Obviously it was a terrible mistake that she was brought here. I will have to speak ... most harshly to the one who captured her."

"It was not you then?" She eyed him suspicously, then simply nodded, assuming that the king wouldn't lie to her. "Your god said that he suspected you to be the captor. I am glad to see that these lands have a more sensible leader. I would encourage you to be more cautious of who you kidnap. Also... your lord assured me that any damage done to her would be repaid."

He nodded at that. "Of course... if you wish, you may match any scars she may have upon my own flesh," he offered. "Even if I was not the one who took her, this pride... is my responsibility." A little pause. "From what I have heard, it was one of the young ones. A rather... unstable female, in fact."

"I see..." Her nose wrinkled slightly at the thought of a child being so malicious. And she also wondered how in the world a child was able to capture a hyena. She must have been rather strong...

"If the young one is not available, I will do so." She didn't look particuarly excited about it... But it only seemed fair, to her. There would need to be balance, and a debt paid for Nzambi's pain. "Thank you for being understanding."

Another nod. "Well... it is, more or less, in the job description," he admitted with a little smile. "I shall go and fetch your follower now... though you are welcome to ... visit again, if you so wish," he invited - hoping that he had be sufficiently... impressive and charming to her. He might even choose to seek her out himself later on.

She nodded a little, watching him closely. Nothing in her demeanor made her seem interested in... that way. But she obviously tollerated him, at least. Whether she found him charming enough to seek out, who knew? Perhaps...

"I am not sure... Your lands make me... anxious. But I go where I am needed, and if you call me, perhaps I shall come." She left it at that, her wings twitching.

Well, he would have to be contend with that, then. Good enough, for now. "I will be back in just a moment then," he replied - getting up and padding back toward the slave dens. He reappeared a few moments later with the green hyena female trailing behind him. She did appaear to have gained a few scars - though most were fairly minor. Likely she'd been more intimidated than hurt, in the capture.

Posca stood when she saw Nzambi, a surge of worry seeping out of her... Then she pulled it back enough to calmly step down from the rock and approach her. She circled the hyena, examining her and taking note of every cut and scrap... It wasn't much, but she had been a little harmed. When she was done with the examination she stepped closer to gently nudge her nose against the hyena's cheek. "Come, I will take you away from this place."  



PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 12:59 am
Nzambi blinked just slightly - as if waking from a daze of sorts. And looked up as Posca. "Oh... you came," she said quietly, not even looking at Iar. "All right..."

The demon tilted head slightly, watching the two of them. Well, if the goddess was going to leave without taking anything out of his hide, all the better. "I wish you both a safe journey," he called. "And again, I apologize. I will speak to the one who took her."

She had not forgotten. She merely wanted to comfort her servant before doing something so... violent. It did not please her. "Your apology is accepted, King. Farewell." She steped closer to him and looked over his scared hide for a moment. She moved closer to him and tilted her nose close to his cheek, where she gently licked. It was almost tender, a few drops of the tar like substance smearing onto his fur. The goddess stepped back and turned to leave... While at the same moment the black liquid seemed to fade away, seeping into his skin.

And bits of fur and hide fell from his body, small thin strips rotting away from his flesh, in exactly the same places Nzambi had been injured. They seemed like cuts, but were rotten and green. It would fade after a few days and scar over though.

Iar refused to flinch at that, simply watching as the goddess stepped away again. So... she kept her word in this as well. And now he had felt the touch of her power. "Farewell," he replied, stepping back a bit.
[IC] Aegnor'hini Lands [IC]

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