Here is the central main-frame in helping your guild grow and improve to fit around your needs, after all, this is your guild, too.
Helping your guild is seriously easy and it doesn't take much than a little effort to do so.
In this forum updates and news about LTS will be posted here, also little prizes will be given out in random polls etc.


Donating to the guild mule is helpful for us so we can store items and gold in the account.
When it comes time to hold events and give out prizes we can collect on various prizes from within the mule account and donate them to members such as yourself.
Donating can help produce more events and contests in the future.
To donate, please do so to our mule: [no mule currently... but we're working on that]


Creating banners to putting them in your signature/profile can help promote our guild to bring a little more activity into our guild.
If you would like to create a banner please submit it here in this very thread, we welcome all banners and you will be credited.
If you'd like to put a banner in your signature or profile you can go to the banner thread.


By giving your suggestion on something— anything in the guild or commenting on how something is being done can help us correct mistakes, fix glitches, and change to better suit you.
After all, this guild couldn't exist without you!
To tell us what you think, please make a thread in this forum, and a crew member will help you as soon as they can.