I didn't buy a game in a while and so over the weekend I went out and purchased this. Amazingly best buy has it for like 60.00 while gamestop has it (yes new) for 40.00. o_O" So I bought the new and cheaper one of course.

Sometimes bestbuy really does over price things and you can find better deals/products online with the same brand. And still packaged and new too. I never knew that until I had a converstation with my uncle. He bought his waccom around 300.00 on amazon and I got mines at best buy. Guess who has the better and bigger one with even hotkeys? Him! o_O

Anyways, ^_^ This topic is really about....the game mainly.

Anyone here played it? Or plans too?
Topic 2: Does anyone here notice that some game stops even sell 'new' games like used games? The one over at the mall did that to me once and I was sooo mad! The regular gamestop I go to always give me plastic sealed games.
But the one at the mall....I bought a brand new 60.00 game...and they gave it to me like I was purchasing a used game! The took a cd out of a packaged ENVELOPE and then placed it in the disk case with the game cover on it...then the placed a plastic sticky thing over the opening part.....and said it was NEW! Seriously...I didn't even realize until I went home...THEN it was too late...and worst...I noticed that the CD inside that was supposively not used had a scratch or two on it! And that was a gamestop in the mall selling a 'New' game. The local gamestop store I go to all the time always gives me a sealed package. ^_^" I never went back to the other one for new games again.