wahmbulance wahmbulance wahmbulance wahmbulance
hey wazzup? mrgreen
im bored of my avatar so i want to mix up my image! pirate
if u can be amazingly awsome and give me some gold, the items i need to make this awsome avatar, or unwanted but still valuable items i can sell to use towards this avatar i will lwuverz u forever...... heart blaugh
will u help me? wink u will? 3nodding YAH! 4laugh
just send me the stuff on a trade free of give me it as a gift!
lwuvlez and hwugglez,
mrgreen ninja dramallama GREEN NINJA LLAMA!
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

GaiaOnline Pricing
Estimated Value:
569,396 Gold
Based on recent marketplace dataPrice List Code (with avatar):
User Image
Total Value: 569,396 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Gift of the Gods
Death Whisper (9th gen)
Alruna's Rose 2nd Gen
Black Drome Egg
Alruna's Rose 6th Gen
Achromatic Apocaripped Coat
Achromatic Apocaripped Pants

Included in Price:
45,482 Gold Gift of the Gods
25,843 Gold Death Whisper (9th gen)
78,627 Gold Alruna's Rose 2nd Gen
192,111 Gold Black Drome Egg
24,643 Gold Alruna's Rose 6th Gen
199,450 Gold Achromatic Apocaripped Coat
1,860 Gold Achromatic Apocaripped Pants
1,380 GoldNot Included in Price: