Name: Joker

Rank: N/A

Physical Description: Around 6 feet tall with face paint ALL THE TIME.
Black all around the eyes and a red line looking like a smile a couple inches from each ear. Hai down to neck and is mostly green. Stronger than he looks but actually likes to screw iwth peoples minds more.

Age: N/A Mid 20s

Zanpaktou's Name: Rokeji

Skill: After weapons release, right when you look into my eyes your mind is going to be totally lost and all your fears come to haunt you until the weapon is putt back to normal.

Personality: Loves to joke around but once into battle he will be serious, and loves to play tricks on people.

Biography/History: Joker watched his father kill his mother and we believe this is why he acts the way he does. After witnessing the murder, his father sliced open his cheeks so that he would always be smiling. He had pulled out a glass bottle from the fridge and broke it open, he turned to his father and at that point he had totally gone mad with rage...he couldnt remember what had happened almost like someone else had taken over but he looked around and saw his father and mother both laying in a pool of blood and at that time he had taken off running with nothing but the his fathers sword and the clothes on his back but he had learned how to use this weapon as his own and had grown to call it Rokeji.