A whole sub-forum dedicated to people talking about themselves, this is awesome xD ;P

Well, I'm Kirstie... I don't have many nicknames, and the ones I do have are rather... boring... ;P
Kirst, Kursty, Kirst-San xD

I'm 18 and finishing off my second year in college, hopefully getting the grades I need to study psychology at degree level in September.

I live in England, but I'm half Scottish on my dads side, and I was born there. Scotland is not part of England as many people have told me ._. no, just no.

I guess I'm a pretty typical British 18 year old.
I like to party.
I have a strange obsession, shall we call it, with cheese. I eat it everyday, with almost anything, and I can tell when my mum buys the wrong stuff... is this strange? xD
I also love my tea, I got a tea set for my 18th and I was ecstatic, along with some tea leaves and other tea orientated things ;P And of course, normal things too.

I've found new love for the band underoath.
My music tastes confuse people, apparently I look like the kind of girl that should listen to Rhianna and J-lo etc. When in reality it's more underoath, escape the fate and the used...

Whee, I managed to write a lot about myself xD

Oh, I'm also a crew member in the guild, so if you have any problems feel free to PM me :]