Name: Lloyd Fury

Aliases/ Nicknames: N/A

Physical Description: Eye patch over right eye, a bit slender and has white hair with red eyes.

Zanpacto:Kurayami: First form is a Wakizashi ((short blade Katana)) .(( Obtained ))

Shikai Ability:In this form the blade turns Black with Black flames all over it.Kurayami's shikai allows the user to summon up black flames that resemble the shadow of a flame, the flame is able to burn away most of what it touches and once it hits a target it is hard to get rid of and will slowly burn it away .(( Not Archived yet )).

Bankai Ability:In this form Kurayami fuses with the left hand of the user and turns into a shadow like claw. Kurayami allows the user to control all shadows and can manifest them into and shape in order to attack. the claw that is now Fused with the users hand can be used to fight with like a normal zanpakuto if some one should get to close.It still retains it's fire Attribute.(( Not archived yet )).

Special Accessories: Only the gloves that he wears that allows him to use Kido with using to much Spirit energy.

Skills: along with being a good Strategist,Lloyd is skilled at Casting Kido Masterfully.

Abilities:Lloyd is mostly fast and his attacks are strung, but Because they are strung they can sometimes be slow. His speed doesn't complement his strength but it gives him an edge when dodging and Evading an enemy attack.

Personality:He is calm and doesn't really get angry at all, in fact he is a very cheerful guy, But in the rae event that he does get angry watch out.

Biography/History: Fury was a part of the Army when he was living and didn't really have any family besides his fellow soldiers.He fought bravely trying to Protect his friends form an enemy Ambush and succeed in doing so, but he lost his life in doing so. Like all souls he began to forget the life he had when he was alive and decided to Join the academy. Maybe this was because he was still a soilder at heart.