Name: Ayato Shikimori (Eye-ya-toe She-key-more-ee)
Aliases/ Nicknames: none

Physical Description: Tall, skinny, Brown hair, Japanesse hairitage. His only interesting feature is that he is missing his right arm.

Age: Died at 18, he wont age further then 23

Zanpaktou's Spirit & Name: Kanaria, a large blue Canary

Zanpaktou: achieved A katana with a bright and glorious silver blade. The hand guard is a great shade of gold and the handle is black with blue fabric wrapped around it.

Shikai Release: Fly, Kanaria

Shikai: Not Achieved He take his katana and places it on his right shoulder, it then mutates into a bird claw that acts as a replacment for his missing arm. Its ability is to shoot out its nails at his opponets.

Bankai release: Ascend to the Heavens, Buru-Kanaria

Bankai: not achieved He grows large blue wings and his left arm mutates into a half human half bird mixture. This evolution gives him great speed and strength. He can also wrap his wings around him to conceal his rieatsu temp.

Special Accessories: none yet

Skills: he has good aim.

Abilities: He is smart and naturally fast.

Personality: strong will, and always ready to sacrifice himself for friends. He trys to be funny, but isn't always successful.

Biography/History: Born in America in the 20's. He moved back to his families home of japan in secret, in order to escape the internment camps during the 2nd world war. He joined the Japaneese air force but was shot down in the battle of Guadel Canal. He survived and managed to get back to friendly teritory but he lost his arm in the crash. Near the end of the war he voluntered to go on one last kamikaze mission. Since his death he has regretted his previous life.

Signature/Patented Technique: none yet

Guild Status: unassigned

Online Schedule: 9:00-10:00 Central during weekdays. whenever i feel like it on week ends.