AIM Log -- Peke and Audilifu

Peke sat there watching as his bonded fluttered his wings and lifted himself into the air. It was something that he actually envied about the bird, the ability to fly. He often wondered, in the times Nguvu was sleeping, what it would be like to fly. To have wings that were strong enough to pull you from the grips of gravity and into the air. It must be nice to feel the wind on your face in a different way. His blue eyes followed the bird as he continued on his way to scout the area from the sky. It was a nice way to cover more ground.

Finally the boy lowered his head and stood stretching out, a yawn rolling from his lips. His lack of sleeping was definitely taking a toll on him but he wouldn't give in. If he did it would mean that he'd dream, dream of things to come and he wasn't quite sure it was something he was ready to handle. Someday yes, but as for now. He just wanted a little bit of peace.

"Maybe I'll try for a few hours..." He mumbled to himself as he yawned yet again.


The pride they only just discovered was.... interesting in that is seemed to function in a different way from what she was used to. She was more acquaintance with how the Mistweavers lived (since she was s often a welcomed visitor to the pride, what with her brother residing there), however, this pride in question was curious indeed. The lions here were not particularly moved by her presence; in fact, despite having gained access to the pride itself, and despite the leader had allowed her to stay within the proximities (along with her mate and her new children), they seemed skittish of the gods' presence.

Audilifu was not used to that, though she felt horribly intrigued by the place and it's customs. She'd assured the leader she meant no harm and that she would be leaving once her children grew strong and old enough to fend for themselves. As it was, they were currently taking a nap, curled up with Karma, their adoptive father, within the cave den they'd turned into their home, and she... well, Dili was taking a flight through the pridal grounds. Her wings spread, she glided a few meters off ground, watching the territory till her eyes lay on a solitary cub in the near distance.

Blinking, she landed only a few meters away from him, "You know, they say sleep is more... endearing when you sleep pressed up against someone."


He saw her before he heard her and to say he was startled, well that was an understatement. A yelp escape from his maw and he jumped more than a few feet back falling on to his butt. His mouth hung open as his blue eyes fell across the goddess's form. She was something he had never seen before; she had the form of a lioness but with wings and how colorful she was! Then she spoke and he blinked unsure of what to make of this interesting creature who fell from the sky. "You! You have wings!" He exclaimed as he scrambled to get back up on his feet. Of course that wasn't what he had intended to say, no he wanted to say something much more interesting but the words just spilled from his lips.

"And if it is?" He asked arching a brow, once he got over his shock, before continuing. "It won't stop the dreams." It was true, there were times when he had slept, or tried to sleep, next to his brother or even his bonded and nothing helped. Ever. "Do you, strange lady, know of a way to stop the nightmares?" He asked almost challenging her but he really just wanted to know if she did know of a way. He was willing to try anything.


The goddess in question blinked, and then turned to look at her wings. She slowly stretched one of the colorful appendages and moved it, all the while looking at it, "Why, yes," she mouth slowly with a smile as she turned back to Peke, "I do indeed," she was used to THIS type of reaction.

Most of the lions of this pride were skittish and had ignored her, but she guessed a child would be taken back, "That would be, young man, because I'm a goddess. Gods usually have wings," stepping closer, she waited for the child to pick himself off the floor, "That depends what type of dreams they are, don't you think?" Deciding this young male was interesting enough to warrant her presence and interest, the goddess lay herself down on the floor, curling her fore paws under her chest, "My name is Audilifu, child. You may call me Dili," her eyes softened, "Nightmares are usually fueled by subconscious fear of something; solitude, death, whatever it may be. sometimes company helps. Other times it doesn't, but at least, when you wake up, you have someone that can offer comfort. It's better than waking up alone, is it not?"


Goddess? That's what they looked like? He was confused, he never once thought that a god or goddess would look like a normal lion, with a few exceptions, but with wings. It was an interesting concept to him. "You aren't what I thought a Goddess would look like." He stated plainly, almost rudely. He didn't care, it was simply how he was, or had been. But now he was wondering if he actually would say it. Lately he had been saying a lot of things he didn't mean to. "I guess." He mumbled in response to her answer about the dreams. He never let himself sleep for long because he didn't want to dream. Not once had he ever thought about the good dreams that could happen.

"Dili? That's a weird name." He said with a wrinkle of his nose. It wasn't to say that it wasn't a good name, just a different one. "Ah!" He hadn't meant to say that! "'s not bad." He looked away not liking how things just slipped from him, how the truth just came out. It was unsettling. "You have a point." Then he thought about his brother and how many times he had left him on his own. Had he been suffering through a similar thing? Had he been having nightmares? He shook his head not wanting to think about it. Besides, Dumu's bonded was by his side. He'd be okay. Right?

"But what if they don't understand you? The way you work and how you think? What if they can't offer comfort?"