Name: Shimobashira Kiba (Shee-moe-bah-sheer-ah Key-bah)
Aliases/ Nicknames: None...

Physical Description: Kiba stands at about 5'8" with a lean body type. His hair is jet black and he always wears it in a messy style of dew. Though always covered by his blue and white beanie hat he wears it can be seen hanging over his eye and jutting out past the hats brim. Styling a pair of black jeans and a set of Etnies shoes kiba always dresses to suit his style of life, comfortable and lazy while still looking presentable. His shirt is a button-up pitch black collared shirt always accented with a loosened red tie. He has a problem with being too hot all of the time so he enjoys the breeze through the holes in his jeans along with the fact that he roles up the long sleeves of his shirt just up to his elbows. Wearing a set of fingerless gloves constantly he prevents his delicate hands from being worn on two much (even though the gloves look so battered and worn that they might soon wear through). He has constantly a look of deliberate lazy or tiredness on his face.

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Eye Color: Blood Red (he’s an albino...with a slight tan)

Age: Died at the age of 19…would have been 22 if he were alive today…
DOD: Oct 18…

Zanpaktou's Spirit & Name: Tsuki-Mastu
Tsuki is a woman with drive, a complete opposite of what Kiba is. Her personality is pushy and authoritative and is not shy about expressing herself to Kiba ALL OF THE TIME (she is very talkative).

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Zanpaktou: Kiba’s Zanpaku-to is just like any normal Katana (standard size and shape). The handle has finger-grooves in it for better grip and handle, and has no hand guard. Also the hilt has a charm of the grim reaper (chibi-like) on it, a memento from when he was alive. Other than that It’s as normal as a regular well-made katana.

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Shikai Release: "Sharpen your Reach!"

Shikai: The Ghost’s Chain…[NOT ACHIEVED] Kiba’s Shikai is abnormal in a sense that its general change happens in its functionality rather than overall power. Kiba in his own right is a fairly strong person, but it’s the special ability of his Shikai that makes this form a most dangerous encounter for anyone who comes up against it. The physical change is that it elongates and breaks into sections, morphing inside a cloak of black-light until it appears again as a chain-whip. ((As a side note for those who don’t know a chain-whip is a Asian inspired weapon that consist of several sections of pieces of metal (usually 3-4 inches long each) that are connected by a chain link. At one end is a handle and at the other is a dart type instrument that’s used for striking an opponent. Here is a picture of one))

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But it’s main and most deadly ability is for the chain and dart to become intangible for a period of time, formally by-passing grabs and blocks of almost any kind. Other than that there are a few more ablilities that go along with the base one (the ghost walk) but I haven’t thought of them yet. I will soon though…
1) Ghost Walk: The ability for the chain and dart portion of the chain-whip to become completely intangible (even by Kiba) for a specific period of time (determined through training (by Kiba)).

Bankai: Ghost Vector…[NOT ACHIEVED] Kiba’s Bankai is an extension of his Shikai’s main ability (intangibility) to a whole new level. He has no physical weapon in hand, but his bankai is always willing to lend a hand at all times. If anyone has seen Halo’s active camo or Metal Gear Solid’s stealth camo then this bankai imitates that look (in a sense). Kiba in his bankai has access to a number of appendages that are not tangible in any means by normal hands. These appendages are hands that stem from Kiba and can reach out to pretty far distances. Now these hands aren’t only good for grabbin’…they vibrate at such high speeds that they cute through almost any hard material. The unfortunate thing about this bankai is that these hands are different from Kiba in that he has to direct them with verbal commands on what direction, speed, and number to attack with, making this fighting style a very precise one. This makes his attacks somewhat predictable if you’ve fought him before… ((Learn my verbal commands to fight this bankai…))

Special Accessories: One stud earring in the shape of a skull that he keeps in his left ear. Also the grim-reaper chibi charm on his Zanpaku-to I mentioned earlier. Other than that nothing else as far as special accessories…

Skills: Kiba is really good at reading a person’s facial expressions. So good in fact that he learns most about a person by watching how they move, talk and react to comments, attacks, ext. Kiba is (obviously as you could tell) a fast learner. While he was alive he was atop of his clase in school for grades because of his observational skills. Other than that he is a well-tuned martial artist (because of his parents) but really doesn’t like to train that much.

Abilities: (I honestly think this and the above section should be merged…so nothing for here…)

Personality: Kiba’s personality is kinda awkward in a sense. He doesn’t talk all that much, but not because he doesn’t want to talk to you, but because he is inspecting you (read the skills section to understand this weird behavior). He tends to be chronically lazy and most times sees any type of work as a pain in his a**, but will comply because he wants to help deep down (but only after a lot of bitching…lols). He also is a generally calm person in that its hard to piss him off, but if someone does manage to he kinda comes at them with a vengeance…iunno, he’s weird. By his general look one might expect him to be a Goth of some type but it’s just a look, not a lifestyle…

Biography/History: Kiba grew up right in the heart of Tokyo. Going to Musashi Junior and Senior High (武蔵高等学校 中学校) he was at the top of his class. He was a goody two-shoes to the grown-up and a very successful business man with writing papers and doing homework for cash. This was his plan for getting into college considering that his family was not the wealthiest. Even though he held a lazy attitude in life, his grades reflected that he was an incredibly fast learner, allowing him to slack in his work ethic, while still keep phenomenal GPA. His mother and father were very supporting in his schooling (though they did not know about the side jobs that their son was taking on) and even encouraged him to take kung-fu classes to make him a well-rounded student. He went far in his studies in the martial arts and was permitted by his instructor and his parents to take the night classes. This he did, and this is how the story begins. On the way home one night from one of these night classes is where Kiba died. Kiba unknowingly walked in the path of a shinigami/hollow confrontation and in the scuffle was crushed under a piece of fallen building.
From here we jump to Rokungai district where Kiba lived as an infinitely 19 year old teenager and was eventually invited into the Shinigami Academy. This was only managed by the one member of the team who was there when he died. He had mention to a member of the academy faculty how bright the young boy was and how much potential he possessed. But this did not happen for more than three years of living in the Rokungai district, there he met and talked to the people of the dictrict, learning the ways of the afterlife…After excelling at the academy he was in his room one day when he received a letter from the Captain of squad 12, this is where our story begins…

Signature/Patented Technique: None Yet…hehehe!

Guild Status: VC of Squad 12

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Online Schedule: On anytime after 12 in the afternoon (Mon-Friday) because of my classes at Albright. If I can sneak on in the morning I will. On the weekends It’s even more speratic because of my job and such…