Sitting alone,
Thoughts race.
A never ending battle,
Between who I am and who I want to be.
I am lost.
Never-ending quest,
Filled with heartache and pain.
Look into the mirror,
Shun my reflection.
I am not what I seem.
More than meets the eye,
I am like a puzzle.
Full of tiny pieces.
As soon as you think you know me,
Something doesn’t quite fit.
I am me,
Nothing more,
Nothing less.
I work with what was given to me,
No matter how difficult it is,
Or may seem.
There are moments,
When I hate myself,
And my circumstances.
I try to not stay down,
And rise above the flames.
I am much more than I appear to be.
Words are my weapon,
My shield,
My life.
The one thing I can succeed at.
My head high,
I move on.
Trying to leave my past in the past,
But I shall not forget.
I will grow and prosper,
From all of the pain.
I often feel as if I am not good enough,
That I don’t deserve what I have.
But I have people to help me,
They allow me to rise from the ashes,
Like a beautiful phoenix,
Who will not quit.
I know who I am,
I am the only one,
Who knows what lies within,
Until I let others into my heart.
If you break it,
Break it gently,
For it is fragile.
I am different.
Not your typical high school girl.
I am individualized.
If you do not like the truth,
Then you do not deserve to be of any importance to me.
I am me,
Nothing more,
Nothing less.
I am Anne-Marie