Thoko was bored. He was done with tricking others for the day, so all he wanted to do was sit back and relax. A sigh left the lion's throat as he fell on a patch of grass, paws moving lazily in the grass as he yawned. Nothing came to his mind at the time, or the wonders if someone stalked him throughout the savanna. He didn't care, or give it any mind, only curious about the lands he now stood on as he ran his paw on the grass again, claws taking grass as he moved his paw.

He was normally quick to wonder things like this. The lands he stepped on were normally a Pride's land, and with the smell, he already suspected that this was someone's lands. He grumbled, looking up at the sky. He might as well wait for someone to come running and chase him out. Not before he hurt them, he thought, a sickening smile appearing on his face.

If Thoko was looking for someone, or waiting, he wasn't going to get much from Sekuda. She was padding along, minding her own business. Honestly she was hunting, but she had gotten side-tracked and now chased the bugs that covered the lands. The pride she resided in treated her fairly enough, and she did like it here despite the teasing she received from other cubs. She didn't mind.

A smile was on her face as she continued to track a butterfly, beautiful wings afloat in the air as it cooed her forward. She took the bait and darted forward. Sadly for her, she was met face first into a tree, the butterfly flying above her. She thought she heard tiny, tiny laughter from one of her ears.

A hiss, only air as she was mute, left her throat as she turned and pawed at the insect, hoping to catch and marvel it's beautiful colors.

Thoko did detect the slightest noise coming from the jungles. His head slowly perked up, eyes scanning the growth as he watched carefully. He knew he heard something, and something like a hiss, only someone being strangled while hissing. He narrowed his eyes, frowning as he waited for the culprit. His victim. The only one that might end up dieing today, if he was in the mood for it, that is.

Then, he saw her. The white and pink leopardess as she leaped for something- but, as she did, she burst from the undergrowth, almost right next to him. A growl left his throat and he darted from his spot, glaring at her as he looked her over. She was young. She was strange. What was an adolescent doing chasing whatever she was?

"What are you doing?" He spat, glaring at her.

Sekuda was defiantly caught off guard by this lion as he spat at her. She shrank under his cold gaze. He was scary as he stared at her, the intent to kill clear in that dark blue gaze. She gulped, making no sound apparent as she backed away slowly. All she could do to his question was shake her head, frowning in fear. What would he do to her? He was surely hurt her if she didn't run, but this was their territory, in a sense.

Yet every other time someone trespassed on the territory, she blew it off and 'talked' with them. The wild dog one of them, she still wondered where he was today. Then, her belly struck her, and she remembered that she needed to worry about her pregnancy rather than the wild dog.

She opened her mouth and closed it, trying to close it as if saying she was mute. He needed to understand. She couldn't speak. She would need to protect the babies inside her. She couldn't die now, or be fatally injured.

Unfortunately for Sekuda, Thoko could not understand her, and her growled at her fear. He did take notice of her stomach- bloated, big, and how she walked too. She was pregnant. He knew that much, and if he wasn't so cold and vicious, he might have backed away and left her. But he couldn't. "What's wrong with you?" He snarled. She was acting weird.

He sniffed at her as he attempted to understand what she meant. Surely he was acting, because he wouldn't be acting this 'kind' towards someone like her. His face became grim and angry even further, glare deepening as he revealed teeth.

"Your part of the pride," he said flatly. This wasn't good. She could easily get reinforcements. "are you going to get reinforcements? Our are they already here?" He demanded and advanced towards her.

Right now, Sekuda wished she could scream. She wished she could scream and cry and flee for help before he attacked her, because she figured it was already going to happen. The way he approached her frightened her, and she started hyperventilating in front of him in fear, curling up in a small ball as she stared up at him with scared eyes.

The way he spoke was monstrous. He was a monster, just like the lions who killed her parents and her adopted-mother. She thought that this was punishment for taking lions more easily now, and letting them prove themselves to her. Now, she was going to be killed by one.

But there could be help.

She shook her head quickly and dug her claws in to the ground, staring up at him fearfully as he stood over her now. His teeth frightened her. They were huge, and could easily snap at her and kill her if he wanted to.

Thoko wondered why he was doing this. This leopardess was nothing. He glared at her one more time, digging his claws into the ground like she did. She didn't get help. Whatever she was doing, it never involved him or any other patrols. Whatever she was doing, it was stupid for her age. She was idiotic to be wandering this far without anyone to guide her, being pregnant like she was.

He didn't feel any regret for her. She was idiotic. Still, he should have done little damage to her. Instead, he breathed in and released, calming himself as he stared at her more calmly now.

"You should run back," he said icily. "before I change my mind and kill you."

His tone was dark and evil. He wanted her to leave. Now.

And leave she did.

Sekuda darted from where she crouched, half-numb as she ran, breaths coming shortly as she tried regaining her self-control. He let her go. There should be excitement there, but all she felt was fear. Every now and then, she looked behind her shoulder to make sure he hadn't followed her. The last thing she wanted was for him to stalk her through out the territory and slowly kill her, leaving the babies in her stomach to die slowly like she oculd.

She shook the thought away and continued on, breathing heavier now and racing back towards the camp where she could lay, protected and safe away from the evil lion she met today. She hoped she never saw him again. She hoped he would be gone by the time she returned over there, if she ever did.

She hoped.

Thoko muttered to himself lowly as he watched her go.

"Pathetic," he spat in her direction, glancing over at the sun as it was almost gone from the sky. He wondered if the leopardess would tell. He suspected. He cursed himself, wondering why he let her go in the first place. But it was for the right thing, anyways. He needed to get out of here before she returned with more, where they would end up attacking him like he almost did to her.

He shook his head slowly and turned, glancing back in the leopardess's direction as he frowned darkly, gaze resuming towards the way he had come. He supposed that this was what he would be going from for awhile.

Because for him, no where was safe.

No where, as long as those like the leopardess roamed. The next he found would be either slaughtered or left badly injured. He surely wasn't in a decent mood right now.