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Romantic Exhibitionist

PostPosted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 12:09 am
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Page One:

---------------------------------------------------------- Elphaba (lioness)

----------------------------------------------------------Soro'bohloko (Lion)
---------------------------------------------------------- An'tonio (Lion)
---------------------------------------------------------- Bebenya (Lion)
---------------------------------------------------------- Khuluma (God)
----------------------------------------------------------Lesukuhledi (Hyena)
----------------------------------------------------------Penka (Klipspringer)
----------------------------------------------------------Eldrid (Lioness)
----------------------------------------------------------Kione (Lion)

Secret Space!  
PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 5:31 pm
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Name: Elphaba
(Gifted by Dust)

Pride: None yet - Antianeira

Pride Cert: [X]
Full Cert: [X]
Uncert: [X]

Personality: Elphaba is sarcastic and though she will talk to others about how they feel and think, as she is naturally curious and finds that sometimes some people might hold a better answer or new perspective, she often times comes off as sounding as if she is entertaining others and patronizing them. She’s naturally sarcastic, usually has a negative outlook to everything, but that is only because she finds most people have far too much hope and do not have the common sense to realize that there are potential dangers and downfalls that are not being realized. Since she had to take care of her crippled sister when she was younger, she has a poor outlook regarding family and since both her parents had an affair to the same person, she felt that marriage was a very loose term. Mates for life was not something she grew to believe in. When Elphaba was younger, she was believed to be mystical because of her markings, which her parents did not have, and it was blamed on a supernatural phenomenon that happened during her birth. This lead her to be a very mean child, and not one to be touched, which made her loose any sort of social intimacy that other people had ingrained in them to grow up normally.

She’s very well learned, as she went to scholar circles when she was younger, but grew to hate the teachers and the head scholar, who were manipulating her and her friends into jobs the headmistress felt appropriate for them. Not liking this manipulation, she left to live on her own.

Elphaba also feels that other species have rights, and though she is unable to swear off meat, she eats what she can and thanks the carcass after meals.

Dislikes: Others who put too much faith in Gods/Goddesses and religions, large crowds that speak too loudly without thinking first, having to bite her tongue for one reason or another, talking to someone who thinks their word is fact without allowing others to argue their point, blind trust and mob mentalities, being pegged as a mystic just because she lives outside of society, and a belief that love will make everything better.

Likes: Living out in nature, speaking her own opinion, debating with others, a hearty meal that doesn't run too fast, talking to bees and other bits of wildlife, and intelligence irregardless of what species it comes from.

History, also known as "The Bare Bones":
-Lived with a religious father and a loose mother.
- Was seen as peculiar for her wing markings when no one else in her family had them and was thus seen as an illegitimate lovechild from her mother parading about with a family friend or something supernatural due to strange happenings during her birth.
- Crippled sister was born, and Elphaba took care of her.
- Was tutored by a respected scholar, but also went to the main scholar circles with the other lions in the surrounding prides.
- Left society both by disliking it and feeling manipulated. There had been talk that she might have had a assassin assigned to kill her.
- Lives alone, though wants revenge against a certain lion for feeling that she had been manipulated, for political change, and also for the injustices he took while in his position. She's made attempts, but all have failed.
- Fell in love with Fiyero, but after his death, dropped her ideas of assasination.
- Moved into the Antianeira Lands and was accepted before the Takeover happened.
- Is now adjusting to the life in a pride that has been taken over.

Looking for: Friends, Enemies, and Potential Flings

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Present Roleplay:


Finished Roleplay:

1.) Introductions and Inspections (Elphaba & Kiuma) Pride Approval Rp
--- Elphaba is questioned before being acepted into the Antianeira Lands. She meets Kiuma for the first, and sadly, last time. ---
2.) Creatures of Pride (Lorelei & Elphie)
--- Elphie meets Lorelei, a herbalist, atop the waterfall, and they talk about the recent takeover where Lorelei shares a plan to overthrow the males. Nothing is certain yet, but the idea hangs in the air. If it happens, Elphie will have to win over the other huntresses. ---

Unfinished Roleplay


Romantic Exhibitionist


Romantic Exhibitionist

PostPosted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 1:27 pm
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Name: Soro’bohloko
(May Customs - May 20th, 2009 - Colorist: Mila)

Pride: Rogue - even if he's staying in the Antianeira pride to reap the rewards of the takeover.

Edited Full Cert: [X]
Edited Uncert: [X]
Old Full Cert: [X]
Uncert: [X]
Uncert (items): [X]

---- Lorelei (Sergeant Sargent)
---- Lulu (Split Personality)

Lorelei Litter:
---- (Sister) Mihr'senka (Uta)
---- (Brother) Grendel (Sergeant Sargent)
---- (Brother) Buru (Kaimi Kalani)
---- (Sister) Eldrid (MoonKitsune)

Lulu Litter:
---- (Sister) Chernlaya (Muffinsbaby)
---- (Sister) Karimah (Frezir)
---- (Sister) Lala (Retro Coffee)
---- (Twin Sister) Lelu (Split Personality)
---- (Twin Brother) Kione (MoonKitsune)


Dislikes: Women, the marshlands, and herbal medicine.

Likes: Scorpions, bones, his bone mask, fighting, water, taking a swim, and getting his way even if there is a struggle involved.

History, also known as "Leave it alone!":
- Soro' appeared seemly out of nowhere and joined Xibalba and his group of followers. Together for a short while, he helped out in taking down Kiuma in the hostel takeover of the Antianeira pride. He also mated with a female named Lorelei, which he claimed as his prize and stole a cub named Lulu from her mothers. Forcing Lorelei to mate with him, he had a litter with her that was essentially ignored by their mother. Only wanting the males, especially those with his scorpion mark, he barely bats an eye at his daughters. Liking the idea of having more of his linage to control, he set his sights on the stolen cub, Lulu, who grew up into a lovely lioness. Lesa, as he renamed Lulu, was taken away and with some dazzling display, also mated with her to have another litter. If he isn't teaching his sons or taking a dip in the rivers in the Amazon's pridelands, he's usually torturing someone for fun.

The only thing revealed from his past is that he lived in the desert as a child and that his mother had left her children in a scorpion pit to save her own life. Soro now wears the skull of his mother almost all of the time, a prize of his revenge.

Looking for: Fighting, Followers, and Testing out his claws.

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Present Roleplay:

Finished Roleplay:

1.) Let me clear a few things up for you (Soro and Moray)
--- Soro puts the lionesses in line, hurts Moray, and steals her cub, Lulu, to his den for his own. He finds out Moray has a female mate, and other children, but does not know where. ---
2.) His first demand (Soro'bohloko & Lorelei)
--- Soro picks Lorelei the herbalist as his own and demands he stays in his den. As he sets up the rules, Lorelei shows her disagreement and Soro shows the consequences of going against them. ---
3.) Herbalist. Herbalist. Give me the news! (Soro and Lorelei)
--- Lorelei cleans and bandages Soro's festering wounds, and they both share their ideas on what kindness is. ---
4.) Pink is a manly color (Hero & Soro)
--- *Past: Soro meets a fellow rouge while eating a calf. He shares the story behind the lion mask he wears and has a good laugh. ---
5.) Jangle Bones (Koka & Soro)
--- *Past: Soro, starving in the desert, picks on a kill temporary left behind by a lioness. Returning, they two have a fight, and does not come out on top.

----------------------------------------------------Used in Breeding----------------------------------------------------

6.) Welcome to your new home (Soro and Lulu)
-- Soro introduces Lulu to her new home. --
7.) The seed of things to come - Appearance!
8.) The other side of hate (Soro & Lorelei)
9.) Desire and Disaster (Soro & Lulu)
10.) The Scorpion's Den (Family Rp)

Unfinished Roleplay
PostPosted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 1:28 pm
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Name: An'tonio
(May Customs - May 24th, 2009 - Colorist: Dark Fire Angel)

Pride: Suka'Fumo - Merchant

Full Cert: [X]
Uncert: [X]
Uncert (items): [X]

Personality: A passionate traveler, An'tonio prides himself at being one of the wealthiest and best merchants in the pride. His family, while not royal, have long since made a name for themselves and stuck to the pride even when it was near disbanding. His loyalty to his pride is extended to his friends, and he's deeply faithful to his best friend, Bassanio - and a little more than that. While usually fun-loving and easy going, his well-versed, well-traveled, and experienced. He is, however, a little too hotheaded at times and can act quickly, rashly, and without any real thought for the consequences. He's often put his entire life on the line for others and, while appearing confident, feels he is worth very little.

Dislikes: Those who don't believe in the pride and their beliefs, those who speak ill of his family, being alone, Portia, heartache, cold nights, poor business decisions, and getting lost.

Likes: Bassanio, romance, traveling, special offers and opportunities, outstanding business deals, connections, company, compliments, and the ocean.

History, also known as "A Pound of Flesh":

Looking for: Fighting, Friends, Slaves, A shoulder to cry on.

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Present Roleplay:

Finished Roleplay:

Unfinished Roleplay


Romantic Exhibitionist


Romantic Exhibitionist

PostPosted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 1:31 pm
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Name: Bebenya
(Gifted by Qwan Yin Club Rat - Colorist: Kireiryuu)

Birthday: Feb 8, 2009

Full Cert: [X]
Uncert: [X]

Pride: Matembezi-wasakaji

Mother: Na'ima
Father: Verge-lian


Personality: Being brighter and not looking like his parents with his prevailing yellow color, he finds himself being noticed in the group of blues and greens. On the spot, he takes it as a role to wrangle in his siblings, adopting a sense of duty to help his mother out while she works. Yet, seeing as he's the same age as everyone else, his authority usually fails and he winds up just rushing to his mother's side. He can be a bit of a crybaby if things don't work his way, people don't listen to him, or if he feels left out. One thing is that he'll never be alone, preferring to either be with his siblings and whatever trouble they're getting into or with his mother. Bebenya would feel too unsure of himself if left to venture on his own. He has yet to know what direction he wants to go in life.



History, also known as "Bright Beginings":

Looking for: Family play, Pride play

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Present Roleplay:

Finished Roleplay:

Unfinished Roleplay
PostPosted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 7:38 pm
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Name: Khuluma
(May 2009 Customs)

Birthday: July 19, 2009

Domain: Rhetoric

Full Cert: [X]
Uncert: [X]
-- Cub Items Certs --
Items Cert:[X]
Items Uncert:[X]

Personality: Being the god of Rhetoric, he puts a lot of merit into speaking correctly, clearly, and in some organized manner. For this reason, he can’t stand someone who babbles on about this and that without any real direction, drops their sentences midway, or doesn’t speak at all. It drives him up the wall.

Still new to his domain and the world in general, he only lacks confidence when it comes to conflict. A pacifist, he only likes conflict in the form of debating, and he would rather talk things out than bring out his claws. He’s a pathetic fighter at the moment which isn’t helped by the fact that he doesn’t hunt. He’s also what you would call a cub on the dainty side, much prefer to keep his hair and fur clean than roll around in the mud. Vain, he puts a lot of time in maintaining his hair, but that in no way means he’s lazy or a hard worker. If there is something he wants to excel at, he practices over and over until he has it right.

Overall, he’s very talkative and is very educated in his speech when talking, making him stand out from most other cubs his age. He also finds little reason not to talk to adults and approaches them with a friendly smile, a air of confidence, and a cheerful greeting. As for mortals, he finds they can teach him very little and is hesitant to approach them. He’d much rather learn from other Gods, who he finds could teach him more. Thus far, he has learned all the life lessons from other Gods and Goddesses.

Khuluma's fear comes from being unsure about the point he is making and becoming speechless at any point. Loosing an argument is hard for him, which is why he's determined to push his point and learn all he can. Words can hit him harder than any physical attack can. Even if he does not know something, he had to take a side, and if he finds himself unable to defend it, he is still unable to change sides until the argument is over, which can result in him being lead to his own destruction.

As of right now: His current hobby is traveling, and he is trying to find others like him. For unexplained reasons, he has a sense of being cautious around mortals, but he's learning to drop his ideas of superiority as a god to be with them. This is helped by the fact that he has joined Palahala’s (the God of Prey) herd, and is learning from the klipspringers about the world and mortals. He isn’t restrained to the herd and usually comes and goes at his own leisure, going off to learn more about different places and individuals. However, at the end of a long week, he returns to the Prey God who has taken him under his wing, glad for a place he can call home.

As for family, Khuluma still secretly hopes he has a God family out there, but has opted to adopt his own family from the friends he gains. His wish is to create the biggest family he can create!

Dislikes: Being alone, "agreeing to disagree", wet hair, smelly things, and getting dirty

Likes: And audience, having people agree to his way of thinking, knowing what he's talking about, learning new things, questions, his hair, his jewelry, pretty things, flattery, and being clean.

History, also known as "You can quote me on it":
- Khuluma met The god of thunder, the Goddess of the Past, and The god of Pleasure all in the god realm. Being alone and hearing about the mortal realm, he decides to go. Limbuko, God of Pleasure, gives him his first real flight down.
- Below, Khuluma is traveling and meeting many gods and mortals. He's learning, making friends, and a few unplanned enemies. All the while, he wonders about his family, if he has them, or if they forgot him.
- Khuluma decides to take the advice of others and simply adopt anyone who wants to be part of his family. With a deep want for companionship, he makes it a goal to have the largest family he can have.
- Khuluma meets the God of Prey, Palahala, and decides to be part of his herd. While traveling to see other gods, he comes and stays with Palahala to learn from him. To Khuluma, he's a place to come back to and is the closest to family the god has.

Looking for: Rivals, Friends, and an Audience.

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Present Roleplay:

Finished Roleplay:

1.) Could you show me the way to...? (Khuluma & Raiden) - God of Thunder
--- In which Khuluma becomes frightened by loud noises, learns that the gods are in the mortal world, and also throws a tantrum. ---
2.) Learning from the Past (Khuluma & Koya) - Goddess of the Past
--- Khuluma has a breif conversation with a shy goddess, and starts to wonder what having a mother would be like. *First nuzzle ---
3.) It takes two to make a herd (Khuluma & Palahala) - God of Prey
--- Khuluma is told that mortals can teach you many things gods cannot, tries and fails at jumping like a klipspringer, and is accepted into Pala's herd to learn. ---
4.) Meeting a few unfamiliar faces (Khuluma, Faine, & Lua) - God of Guilt
--- Khuluma meets a god and a mortal, and finds out that even a god can be dependent. The warning that even gods can commit great sins and to not think highly of oneself because of being a god is given. *First Failed Arguement ---
5.) Come share in me, the Night Sparkles! (Khuluma & Bunika) - Goddess of Imagination
--- Khuluma watches the stars with Buni. *First sleeping cuddle that he remembers ---
6.) Just Relax a Little (Khuluma and Limbuko) - God of Pleasure
--- With Limbuko's help, Khuluma takes his real flight and arrivals into the mortal realm! He also finds out that not all gods have parents. *First Flight ---
7.) Wing Dance Sighting (Khuluma & Abayomi) - Goddess of Festivals
--- Khuluma meets a goddess who shares his same passion for crowds and traveling while escaping the rain. He gets his first dance lesson, and they both agree that their paths shall cross again. *First Dancing Lesson ---
8.) In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the ...leopon? (Narcissus & Khuluma)
--- Khuluma meets his first leopon who is related to none other than Limbuko himself! While talking about family, Khuluma finds out the tragic news that the family he has been looking for could have been reborn and in turn, have forgotten he ever existed. Saddened, he decides to simple adopt his own family, starting with Nac! *Learns to make a flower necklace *Receives his first nickname ---
9.) Your Ego is showing! (Khuluma & Kazi'malaiki) - God of the Arts
--- After waking up the God of Arts, Khuluma drops down Rokopelli's name and angers the god. Spured by a sense of duty and friendship, Khuluma tries to get the god to talk to the goddess to no longer be angry with her, but only causes the God to leave in a huff. ---
10.) There's a Time for Confusion (Khuluma & Rokopelli) - Goddess of Confustion
--- Khuluma meets the goddess Roko and Pelli? Confusion happens, and Khuluma gets a warning about a dangerous god by the name of Katarak? (Actually Katana'k) Khuluma also learns that you can adopt family members, and creates a mental link to Roko. *First Hug
11.) Lead the Way (Khuluma & Palahala)
---Palahala takes Khuluma to show him how to lead a herd, moving a group of wildebeest across a river. It's here that Khuluma learns about being a good leader, and the benefits of making mistakes. The godling also decides to help Prey as much as he can. ---
12.) Prettiness knows no gender (Khuluma & Satomi) - Goddess of Femininity
--- Khuluma confuses Feminity, and she returns the favor. Femininity tries to convince him on the greater thrills of hunting and being a man, while Khuluma talks of the thrills of debating. Neither one convinces the other. Why is everyone using the term "agree to disagree"? ---
13.) I'm a predator? (Khuluma & Uhai) - God of Predators
-- Khuluma runs into Palahala's brother, Predators, and finds out he's a hunter. Discorving his claws, he's encouraged to play and to hunt, though Khuluma is still a bit unsure. After asking, Uhai becomes another one of cub's adoptive family members. --
14.) Was this really a good idea? (Khuluma and Dath) - God of Chaos
-- Due to rain, Khuluma hides in some trees and disturbs a drying Chaos. They enjoy a short talk until Khuluma finds out that when Chaos is bored, he often kills. Not liking this, the little god takes his leave, but hopes he can see the older god again. --
15.) Twisting the way you think (Khuluma and Din) - Goddess of Gravity
-- While taking the news of Pala's leaving the herd to heart, the Goddess of Gravity drops nearby to give her advice on love. In short: Protect your heart and keep it away from others. Not wanting any more heartache, Khuluma takes her advice and decides to distance himself from the herd for good. --
16.)Hair Hair Hair (Khuluma and Nywele) - God of Manes
-- The God of Manes and Mr. Bird teach Khul how to braid his hair. --
17.) Under Different Circumstances (Khul and Roko)
-- Khuluma has left Pala's herd and finds his old fiend Rokopelli. His excitement to see her leaves when he sees she is pregnant, and he finds himself reminded again of why Pala left. Rokopelli comforts the distressed godling and tells him that he should go find someone just for him. Khuluma decides that that this is exactly what he should do. --
18.) Well, Hello (Keena x Khuluma)
-- Khuluma meets a another mortal. A young lioness, he asks all about mortals, families, and her pride. While having her ear talked off, the rouge lioness tells Khuluma about a pride in the swamps nearby and that she would be happy to take him. Together, they set off. --
19.) Strangers in the Night (Khuluma & Mychasi) - God of Nocturnal Animals
-- Khuluma is afraid of the dark and is startled when he meets a God. Mychasi tries to explain his fears are unneeded by explaining his domain but it doesn't seem to work. While the older god is annoyed by him, Khuluma still convinces him to take him to a cave for shelter and to stay with him until he falls asleep. --
20.) Coming and Going (A Whole Mess of Characters)
-- Not able to get Pala out of his mind, Khuluma goes back to the herd. While he is trying not to be noticed, Pala, Zebadie, her children, and Pala's son Pacifism take notice of him. Pala pleas for him to come back, but Khuluma instead breaks down and asks him why he left him. It comes to the point that Khuluma confesses his feelings for him, but Pala doesn't understand what he is saying, taking it for a brotherly, family love instead of anything else. Khuluma tells him he can't be his family, Pala's children's uncle, or stick around. Heartbroken, Khuluma leaves, regretting even coming by. --
21.) You don't know how to play? (Laini x Khuluma)- Goddess of Sight
-- It seems Khuluma wasn't the only one to be adopted by Pala at one point. While meeting a blind goddess, he finds out that she was also taken in by Pala. Her great love of the Herd God and her search for her mother reflects Khuluma's old hopes and his pain turns to aggression. Trying to get Laini to see that Pala is horrible and that she doesn't have a mother, the goddess tackles him and tells him to stop. Feeling guilty, Khuluma apologizes and leaves. --
22.) Godlings and Wanderlust (Lucretia and Khuluma) - Goddess of Harems
-- Khuluma meets Harems, a Goddess who hates the fact she is stuck with her family and forced to train with her father, Conflict. Seeing Khuluma be on his own makes her wish for the same, and she asks to join him on his travels. After a little stress over convincing Femininity, someone Khuluma had already met and did not impress, they are given permission to go - but with a treat from Conflict. If anything should happen to his daughter, it will a slow, painful death for Khuluma! --

Pride Plot:
1.) [PRP] Bringing Home the Taken (Khuluma/Crue/Sabia)
2.) [PRP] Midnight Meetings (Khuluma & Noira)
3.) [PRP] Torn Trophies (Khuluma/Crue/Diablo)

Unfinished Roleplay


Romantic Exhibitionist


Romantic Exhibitionist

PostPosted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 7:57 am
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Name: Lesukuhledi
(SOA Trivia Game by Teh Angel Yuna - Aug 27, 2009)

Pride: None

Full Cert: [X]
Uncert: [X]


Dislikes: The desert, sand, a cold shoulder

Likes: The river, other bodies of water, mud, pebbles, stories, make-believe, and meeting new people regardless of species.

History, also known as "Steps in the sand":

Looking for:

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Present Roleplay:

Finished Roleplay:
1.) Nobody wants to be lonely (Lesu & Esperanza)
--- Lesu meets a female hyena traveling alone. After hearing she is lost, he offers her to travel with him and she accepts. Now they set off together to find what Esper is hoping to find, whatever that is. ---
2.) Walking in the Footprints (Lesu and Esperanza)
-- Lesu retells a tale of his childhood to Esper. The romance leads them to admit their feelings for each other. Lesu, knowing that he can't force Esper to follow a dying river if he plans to be her mate, decides to finally leave it. --

Unfinished Roleplay
PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 2:01 pm
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Name: Penka
(Custom into a litter - Done by Ary Keeyara - October 7, 2009)

Pride: None

Full Cert: [X]
Uncert: [X]

Personality: She gets a bit of her stubbornness from her mother, but she is a tender-heated creature. Since growing up in the God of Prey's herd, she has a confidence from misplaced ideas of protection wherever she goes.



History, also known as "The Herd is where the Heart Is":

Looking for:

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Present Roleplay:

Finished Roleplay:

Unfinished Roleplay


Romantic Exhibitionist


Romantic Exhibitionist

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 8:51 am
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Name: Eldrid
(Breeding - Done by Ary Keeyara - October 18, 2009)

Pride: Antianeira Lands

Full Cert: [X]
Uncert: [X]

Father: Soro'bohloko
---- (Sister) Mihr'senka (Uta)
---- (Adoptive Sister) Lulu (Split Personality)
---- (Brother) Grendel (Sergeant Sargent)
---- (Brother) Buru (Kaimi Kalani)




History, also known as "Growing Up Unwanted":

Looking for:

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Present Roleplay:

Finished Roleplay:

Unfinished Roleplay
PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 8:05 pm
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(Breeding - Done by Bluefire Dragonz - July 1, 2010)

Pride: Antianeira Lands

Full Cert: [X]
Uncert: [X]

Father: Soro'bohloko
Mother: Lulu - Or called "Lesa" by Soro (Split Personality)
---- (Sister) Chernlaya (Muffinsbaby)
---- (Sister) Karimah (Frezir)
---- (Sister) Lala (Retro Coffee)
---- (Twin Sister) Lelu (Split Personality)

((Different Mother: Lorelei))
---- (Sister) Mihr'senka (Uta)
---- (Brother) Grendel (Sergeant Sargent)
---- (Brother) Buru (Kaimi Kalani)




History, also known as "Scorpions and Splotches":

Looking for:

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Present Roleplay:

Finished Roleplay:

Unfinished Roleplay


Romantic Exhibitionist

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